You're abusing the commonly accepted usage of the's not an increase in welfare. it's basic income, universal because it's a universal right to live ok. you don't pay for air and you shouldn't pay to drink water.
people aren't dumb enough to not notice when you take more than you give. if you take the same as you give it's pointless. i believe you are thinking more like a politician than i am.You're abusing the commonly accepted usage of the term.
It's called Universal Basic Income because it is received universally.
How many times have I said it's tokenism because we take it straight back off the rich with a tax hike?
In order for something to work you need everyone to accept it. People begrudgingly accepted Obamacare because it affected everyone and then they started to like it.
The Australian tax system is very progressive in that it taxes those making the least amount of money at the lowest rates. .
It's not about them being dumb, it's about the principle of the act.people aren't dumb enough to not notice when you take more than you give. if you take the same as you give it's pointless. i believe you are thinking more like a politician than i am.
Coming from a Conservative near you in the not to distant future. Fresh a's not an increase in welfare. it's basic income, universal because it's a universal right to live ok. you don't pay for air and you shouldn't pay to drink water.
it is old but im pretty sure they still sell air thereoxygen a fad again?
that's old
If you want good principles, try honesty, being upfront, being fair, not wastingIt's not about them being dumb, it's about the principle of the act.
Universal means universal means universal, you're playing word salad.
If you're not talking about UBI in the commonly accepted meaning then use a different term.
Take it from the military high grade seeds , to anyone who can figure out how to give everyone $12,000 or more a year, without taking away existing forms of aid. everyone or everyone who drops below 75,000 a year.
I've been completely honest and "fairness" is subjective.If you want good principles, try honesty, being upfront, being fair, not wasting
In rough numbers, that's about $2k per American.Take it from the military budget.
I think we're saying the same thing. No tax for the lowest group, taxes increase as income rises. That's an example of progressive taxation.Not correct ttystikk, The lowest group is $18200 and under. This group does not pay anything at all. I think thats a good thing for two reasons. 1. these people are working and not earning much at all. They dont deserve to be taxed.- yet. 2. Any disposable money those people have is spent. Spent money pays tax's.
But you are correct with your meaning, i thought id just clarify as it could be taken as all low income earners pay income tax.
I think we're saying the same thing. No tax for the lowest group, taxes increase as income rises. That's an example of progressive taxation.
I think that those making over half a million or do should be paying 65% on their top national rate. They can certainly afford it.
In addition, the should be caps on deductions like the mortgage deduction, so it doesn't go to finance multi-million dollar homes.
There should be no cap on social security, this to ensure it's properly funded.
Republicans in America have spent the last half century or more chipping away at the idea that everyone owes taxes to their country for all it provides them and that paying taxes is how we all have a better country.
Instead, they talk about fraud and waste- and then create lots of fraud and waste! (Dems do too, not saying they don't) Instead of being held accountable for these crimes against our people, they use them as excuses not to pay taxes. This is despicable, immoral and tears at the fabric of our nation's stability.
I saw the same thing and liked the approach a lot.I liked the Australian tax rates somebody posted the other day. If I understood it correctly, nobody would ever be stuck in the low end of a higher tax rate. I think that would satisfy most people needs in our country.