Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**

So what happened to the impeachment charges @schuylaar oh, never mind CNN was cought with fake news. :)

You mean they printed something then later retracted because they found an error in the reporting?

It's so sad that any little snippet..any modicum is celebrated. Yet the Blowhole does nothing but cause trouble with his paranoid delusions..

He's going down and he's going down, and that goes for the cunt he sometimes sleeps with..until Jared comes home.
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What is he supposed to be impeached for, anyway?

I'm content to let the Pee "Tapes" speak for themselves once released. No real hurry. The longer he stays, the more damage he does to the republicant party. Collusion. Obstruction. Violation of RICO/money laundering. Emolliments Emoluments (I'm a dumbass) clause violations. These are all active investigations and "fit for office" rumblings are now coming from the republicants. The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they appear to be turning nonetheless.

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He's going down and he's going down, and that goes for the cunt he sometimes sleeps with until Jared comes home.

JT heeeeeeeeeeeeelp us!!!.betchya he and 'Bama still talk.
Good Lawd, woman, you do not want his help. B'lieve me, it's true. I'm pretty sure he and the ineffectual #44 still chat, but I imagine the convo is rather mundane since certain things probably can't be discussed between them, now.

I'm content to let the Pee "Tapes" speak for themselves once released.
So you believe those exist? If so, what reason is there to hold them back? Blackmail?
What is he supposed to be impeached for, anyway?

Maybe the tape telling Putin he'll trade treason for the was heard in the background while dumb as fuck, Carter Page was on the phone blathering. This was why he went to Russia, to deliver the message.

I don't know how much you're keeping up with things down here, but there was a big deal over 'unmasking' what they were testifying to didn't make sense until now. They were talking another American inadvertently unmasked during the Carter Page visit. The unmasked person was Trump..all the phones were hot and those listening in could clearly hear Trumps voice in the background. It's on tape. He'll never get out of this.
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Good Lawd, woman, you do not want his help. B'lieve me, it's true. I'm pretty sure he and the ineffectual #44 still chat, but I imagine the convo is rather mundane since certain things probably can't be discussed between them, now.

So you believe those exist? If so, what reason is there to hold them back? Blackmail?

Yes and yes and we're going to see them eventually. The fact that they may exist is already part of the public record based on Comey's testimony (his written statement, in fact). There is a lot of activity and testimony that we're not privy to yet and the leaks (which so far, anyway, have been very reliable) indicate there are smoking guns all over the place.
Maybe the tape telling Putin he'll trade treason for the was heard in the background while dumb as fuck, Carter Page was on the phone blathering. This was why he went to Russia, to deliver the message.
Wait, what? :?
Either I am misunderstanding your sentence, or you are saying there is another audio recording?

Orange Shitpile has requested all voter information from states.
Is that illegal? What kind of information is he seeking?
Is that illegal? What kind of information is he seeking?

the way he plans to use it is definitely illegal.

name, address, social security numbers, voting history back to 2006, felony convictions, and more for every single voter in the entire united states. and they want to make it all public for good measure.

the mercers and cambridge analytics would have a field day weaponizing that information and they wouldn't even have to hire russian hackers to steal it from the states like they did last election.
I'm content to let the Pee "Tapes" speak for themselves once released. No real hurry. The longer he stays, the more damage he does to the republicant party. Collusion. Obstruction. Violation of RICO/money laundering. Emolliments clause violations. These are all active investigations and "fit for office" rumblings are now coming from the republicants. The wheels of justice turn slowly, but they appear to be turning nonetheless.


I'm worried he's going to give our voter info to Putin as a gift to show loyalty. He just renewed a whole bunch of things in Russia.

Perhaps that's where he'll get asylum?
the way he plans to use it is definitely illegal.

name, address, social security numbers, voting history back to 2006, felony convictions, and more for every single voter in the entire united states. and they want to make it all public for good measure.

the mercers and cambridge analytics would have a field day weaponizing that information and they wouldn't even have to hire russian hackers to steal it from the states like they did last election.

If you served in the military, too..Trump said it's info you can get from internet..then have at it..he wants our full SS numbers, is what he wants.

Good Lawd, woman, you do not want his help. B'lieve me, it's true. I'm pretty sure he and the ineffectual #44 still chat, but I imagine the convo is rather mundane since certain things probably can't be discussed between them, now.

So you believe those exist? If so, what reason is there to hold them back? Blackmail?

He's so much better looking, easy on the eyes..