Guerilla Grow 2017


Well-Known Member
Sadly, welcome to the world of guerrilla growing. Trial and error and years of experience and a man can still get taken for most of what he has and sometimes all of it. It was a tough one for me last year because of weather in the flowering stage that cost me upwards of 10 units and a tough one this year because of critters of some sort but I had enough starts to still have something worth while vegging out as we speak.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit haha, you got somerevenge. Need to break out the wire cloth, one w. 1x1in holes should do. Costs maybe 20$ for 25ft but 50ft will be needed for all the plants.

Yes definitely did and what does that do just protect the stocks???. Need some ideas to keep as many alive as i can i wont stop fighting.


Well-Known Member
It's enough to keep critters away yea.

Something like that (36" tall I'd recommend, except the taller version listed there has 2" holes so mice may get in):

Bury it 8"-12" deep and fence around each plant. The trek with the caging isn't so bad, you can use the cage to bat away branches and other forest matter on your way to the site. To cut the fencing you just need a hand pruner. The roll is kept together with a wire that wraps around it, you can keep that wire and use it to wire closed the fencing around each plant. The cage doesn't need to be wired together to intensely though, just enough so that it won't open up obviously, burying it 8"-12" should keep it in place more or less anyway

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Well-Known Member
Yeah but how do i burry that deep seems impossible seeing the holes are already dug an soil in ground. @indican3. Best i can do is put stake in hole and prolly zip tie each end to stake so itd be somewhat secure??


Well-Known Member
Bury as much of it as you can and then mound up some dirt on the outside. This will make a bit of a dirt wall which pools water towards the plant zone too. Find sticks and jam them like stakes through a hole in the bottom of the cage and into the dirt. In the photo I showed above you'd add up to 25 stakes (it goes quick just break strong twigs). These stakes should be about 8"-16" in length, you're just securing it to the ground so they don't need to be long rebar/bamboo sized.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
It's enough to keep critters away yea.

Something like that (36" tall I'd recommend, except the taller version listed there has 2" holes so mice may get in):

Bury it 8"-12" deep and fence around each plant. The trek with the caging isn't so bad, you can use the cage to bat away branches and other forest matter on your way to the site. To cut the fencing you just need a hand pruner. The roll is kept together with a wire that wraps around it, you can keep that wire and use it to wire closed the fencing around each plant. The cage doesn't need to be wired together to intensely though, just enough so that it won't open up obviously, burying it 8"-12" should keep it in place more or less anyway

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Yep gd idea...even when i start my plants in my own yard i use this wire as a cage just until the plant is strong and outgrown the cage for my situation its more to stop cats pissing on my good soil :)


Well-Known Member
Man i really learned a couple valuable lessons this year. I will only buy from well known nurserys or seed banks got screwed on bad genetics and sick plants. With the ones in my guerilla grow. The ones at the house already caught most of the ones at the patch. For some reason a couple just look stunted. I know its not nutrients or water because there getting SAME amount in mountains get more sunlight the only difference was place of purchase. I paid more for ones at house. Here is couple pics of those there doing AMAZING considering i put them out as 7 inch clones mid june and had such a late start. The one in middle i put week ago.


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