The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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Well-Known Member
Did you find Trump and Clinton equally abhorrent?
I voted for who I believed in at the primary. When Bernie was thrown under the bus I then voted for the least bad choice. That was Clinton. It wasn't as obvious as the Democrats would have you believe.

I think the Democratic Party has a lot of explaining and atoning to do for what was done last election and it has yet to acknowledge this fact or get started on the task. It will continue to suffer until it does.

Meanwhile, the Progressive Movement continues to grow. The usual Democratic strategy of spearing to step to the left to subsume- and therefore blunt- the Left is in serious danger of failure due to their own lack of credibility.


Well-Known Member
I voted for who I believed in at the primary. When Bernie was thrown under the bus I then voted for the least bad choice.
Painful, but logical choice, for you. I didn't buy the RWNJ conspiracy theories about the Clintons that have been bandied about for thirty years or succumb to the Russian psychological warfare designed to damage her, so it wasn't as difficult a choice for me as it may have been for others.


Well-Known Member
What do you consider them if not centrist?

Edit: not sure why I couldn't quote you there @ANC ?
Ok, so I'm a bit older. When I was young, things like socialism (communism), LGBT rights, minority rights, women's rights etc. was considered pretty far left.
These are pretty much centre to what I understand the Democratic party stands for today.
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