Impeachment of Donald J Trump **Official Thread**


Well-Known Member
So I'm not the only one wondering what the hell all these catty cunts are screaming about?
That's mildly relieving, although it lends credence to the hypothesis that Americans are largely navel-gazing morons with right hemisphere deficits (probably in the orbitofrontal cortex).
well, turns out that donny jr. set up a clandestine meeting in june, during the campaign, between manafort, kushner, and natalia veselnitskya, a top KGB lawyer and personal confidante of putin himself.

this is either coincidence number 493 or something evil definitely happened last year.


Well-Known Member
nevermind, guys. i had it all wrong. this is all about adopting orphans.

that's why well known adoption activist donny jr. invited manafort, who is in no way a russian stooge getting paid millions by the russian FSB to spread a disinformation campaign in ukraine, to talk about adopting orphans.

well known adoption activist donny jr also invited jared kushner, who is widely known as the jewish angelina jolie for his tireless orphan adoption activism, to discuss adopting orphans and shit.

trump's political campaign manager manafort did not discuss anything political with the lawyer for russian FSB agents who were actively stealing their opponent's personal and DNC emails at the time. they only talked about adopting orphans.

so why would they report such an innocent meeting about adopting orphans? they wouldn't. makes no sense to report something so innocent.

after all, why would they want more publicity for their orphan adoption activism? we were all sick of hearing about it.

on a completely unrelated note, RIP sergei magnitsky. no one should follow the trail of dead russians here, as clint watts suggested.



Well-Known Member
so let's see here:

*there were no meetings!
*ok, there were some meetings that we didn't report on our security forms, which is a felony
*ok, and there were some more meetings beyond those that we lied about under oath
*ok, and there were some more meetings beyond those as well
*but we didn't discuss politics or the campaign!
*and the russians set us up!
*obama should have stopped all of this. he didn't do enough!
*also, obama and the dems secretly set up these meetings to frame us

nyone still buying this evolving justification?

@Bugeye ? @heckler73 ? you guys buy this shit?


Well-Known Member
so let's see here:

*there were no meetings!
*ok, there were some meetings that we didn't report on our security forms, which is a felony
*ok, and there were some more meetings beyond those that we lied about under oath
*ok, and there were some more meetings beyond those as well
*but we didn't discuss politics or the campaign!
*and the russians set us up!
*obama should have stopped all of this. he didn't do enough!
*also, obama and the dems secretly set up these meetings to frame us

nyone still buying this evolving justification?

@Bugeye ? @heckler73 ? you guys buy this shit?
Impeach away. I'll watch that show. Maybe not until season 2 of Trump show at this rate.


Well-Known Member
Impeach away. I'll watch that show. Maybe not until season 2 of Trump show at this rate.
why did donny jr set up a clandestine meeting between the campaign manager manafort, son in law kushner, and lawyer for russian spies nataia veselnitskaya right after trump got the republican nomination but right before the release of stolen emails by russian spies?

what could they have possibly been discussing with natalia veselnitskaya, a lawyer for russian spies and someone who wanted sanctions lifted, while she was sitting on a trove of stolen DNC emails and personal emails from the hillary campaign?

i bet they certainly did not discuss releasing the stolen emails to hurt hillary in exchange for lifting of sanctions on russia after the election, right?

nope, i bet they just talked about adoptions and shit. because they are all such well known orphan adoption activists.

what do you think they talked about at this secret meeting?


Well-Known Member
why did donny jr set up a clandestine meeting between the campaign manager manafort, son in law kushner, and lawyer for russian spies nataia veselnitskaya right after trump got the republican nomination but right before the release of stolen emails by russian spies?

what could they have possibly been discussing with natalia veselnitskaya, a lawyer for russian spies and someone who wanted sanctions lifted, while she was sitting on a trove of stolen DNC emails and personal emails from the hillary campaign?

i bet they certainly did not discuss releasing the stolen emails to hurt hillary in exchange for lifting of sanctions on russia after the election, right?

nope, i bet they just talked about adoptions and shit. because they are all such well known orphan adoption activists.

what do you think they talked about at this secret meeting?
Beats me, maybe a tape will surface. Evidence will help the case for impeachment tremendously.


Well-Known Member
c'mon, you're a smart person, right?

why would trump's son set up a secret meeting with his campaign manager and son in law to discuss [X] with the lawyer to russian spies sitting on troves of stolen democratic emails right after trump won the republican nomination?

what is that [X] that they were talking about?

for the record, this is irrefutable evidence of direct collusion between trump and russia now.


Well-Known Member
hold on guys, we've got it wrong again!

donny jr, who just admitted to setting up the meeting, was now the unwitting dupe of democratic operatives and russian spies!

just in case the explanation makes zero sense to anyone, let me simplify:

trump is saying that the dems set up russia to collude with trump to defeat the dems in a diabolical long game designed to sabotage trump.

that is literally what they are telling us.

@Flaming Pie , this makes perfect sense, right?


Well-Known Member
well, turns out that donny jr. set up a clandestine meeting in june, during the campaign, between manafort, kushner, and natalia veselnitskya, a top KGB lawyer and personal confidante of putin himself.

this is either coincidence number 493 or something evil definitely happened last year.


Well-Known Member
just in case the explanation makes zero sense to anyone, let me simplify:

trump is saying that the dems set up russia to collude with trump to defeat the dems in a diabolical long game designed to sabotage trump.

that is literally what they are telling us.

@Flaming Pie , this makes perfect sense, right?
The non-denial, denial, non denied.


Well-Known Member
lol triggered lefttards much
hello new member!

would you care to shine some of your brilliant and illuminating intellectual light on this case for us?

why would trump's son set up a meeting between campaign manager paul manafort, campaign operative jared kushner, and a prominent lawyer for russian FSB spies right after trump got the nomination, and right before those russian spies started dumping stolen democratic emails?

what did they talk about? adoption and shit?

please advise. thanks.


Well-Known Member
how's that 32% approval rating going?

how much has mexico put aside for the wall?

did donald get that special prosecutor to lock hillary up?

how about that "total and complete shutdown" of muslim immigration?

anyhoo, thanks for dropping by, ya racist fucktard!
Thanks, Obama!