Only 2 seeds i need real help


Well-Known Member
bad news..i got laid off today...and in the midst of the madness i found my last two femd white widdow seeds i thought i lost....i have only 2 seeds left caN someone please give me the best way to insure that the seed germs...i herd the paper towl and glass of water technique,....but i need these to crack so PLEASe help


Well-Known Member
bad news..i got laid off today...and in the midst of the madness i found my last two femd white widdow seeds i thought i lost....i have only 2 seeds left caN someone please give me the best way to insure that the seed germs...i herd the paper towl and glass of water technique,....but i need these to crack so PLEASe help

Bro have some faith!!! LOL, im new too growing..however...everysingle seed i germed was in a moist paper towel.... left inthe dark for 1 or 2 days, and tada!!!!
Just do it....:bigjoint:

Ps...sorry to hear u were laid off..


Active Member
theres no guaranteed way to have your seeds germinate.. just a suggestion, but the best thing you can do is the good old paper towel routine. Wet some paper towels down, put them on a plate or on something thats not very porous. place your seeds on the paper towel/tissue, place another damp/wet paper towel/tissue over the seeds and then put another plate over them, or something to keep ALL LIGHT AWAY FROM THE SEEDS. Whatever you do, make sure they are in the dark, youll have them sprouted before you know it. When waiting for sprouts, make sure that the paper towels are always moist, if those paper towels dry out and the seed is no longer moist, your plant is doomed, even if you do manage to get it to produce, it wont be what it could have been.

happy blazing fellow botanists :-)


Active Member
also, make sure when you put them in your growing medium, please put them in a container that is big enough to handle the plant at full growth, or big enough so it will grow the the desired size without having to transplant again.. transplanting is bad news.. its always a pain in the ass and its easy to screw a plant right up. if your lookin for info on how to grow them from there, check out my other post


Well-Known Member
do you have to re wet it? or just one time and how wet?i have always grown with clones..and warm or cool room?

I personally (for 2 seeds) have take 3 paper towels... ripped em in half let water drip on the one sides so its moist but not dripping.... put the other one on top dripped more water so its all moist put it in a cup... added a few more drops (and i use faucet water...shhh) so its nice n moist, put another cup on top, and threw the cups in a rubbermaid for 2 days...
all sprouted


Well-Known Member
tdblue thats the only way to go. this year i've germinated over 25 seeds and everyone has sprouted! i fold over a couple paper towl put the seeds in a normal size zip and give a big blow of warm breath in the bag than close it. put it somewhere dark and room temperature and check a day or two maybe water but by the 2 day they are sprouted!


Well-Known Member
tdblue thats the only way to go. this year i've germinated over 25 seeds and everyone has sprouted! i fold over a couple paper towl put the seeds in a normal size zip and give a big blow of warm breath in the bag than close it. put it somewhere dark and room temperature and check a day or two maybe water but by the 2 day they are sprouted!
HAHAHAHA LOVE UR SIG!!!! And yeh...i personally think germing is the easiest part... bc ive never had a prob when ive done it. They all sprout w/in 2 days. I think i may have had one that took 3.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
okay so i thikn i got got it.....just sit it in there or make it tight fit in the paper towl....

so let me make sure i got this right...3 layers on top and bottom cut or folded moist not dripping warm breath closed bag dark area....will i need to re wet in thoes days or am i stirght?


Active Member
i don't mean to be a pessimist but if you got laid off today what are you gonna do for the next 3-4 months while the plants grow? I have 12 that are 23 days from seed and am between a rock and a hard place with my bills as well. anyhow i used the moist paper towel tech. with a plate and a bowl over and had 100% germination.


Well-Known Member
okay so i thikn i got got it.....just sit it in there or make it tight fit in the paper towl....

so let me make sure i got this right...3 layers on top and bottom cut or folded moist not dripping warm breath closed bag dark area....will i need to re wet in thoes days or am i stirght?

u seem like ur really stressing this!!! RELAX ;) yeh keep it moist i personally put it away the first day (moist) and check it the following day..usually add a tiz more water and theyre usually cracked the next day!! U'll be fine :):bigjoint:

Crippledguy whats good!!! bout to smoke another fattie myself!!!! :):eyesmoke: :bigjoint: cheers!!!!


Well-Known Member
well i got a good job...well had...ill be back in like 2 months at the most..and i got a 16week unemployment check coming too....but i just been bull shitting and i realized that if i had my garden right i wouldnt have been stressing so much...

yea i saved the seeds 6 months i grow from clones mostly.

thanks so much for the help ill re post when they crack