The Republicans will blow it off like it was nothing, Seems they can get away with anything, I hear them saying Donald Trump is new at this, And I say So Fucking What, to bad. I was fishing in a river one day and a DNR comes up and says this river isn't opened for fishing, I say to him, It isn't listed as a non trout stream or fishing stream, he writes me a ticket and says, Ignorance to the law in no exception.
Now these peckerwoods are going to get away with this shit, I would bet my last dollar that SR. knew all about this meeting, nothing goes on without king trumps knowing.
Donald Jr says gee, put me in the electric chair then, and laughs, he won't be laughing when they strap that SOB in that chair now will he. If this doesn't prove they will go to any extreme to get dirt on HRC, then I dunno what to say.
How about start chanting lock him up lock em all up they are all Traders to the U.S.
The righties will still be okay with this treason. What is it going to take? is this not enough yet, along with all the other shit.......