Is Cal/Mag safe to use during flowering?
I've tried to test the soil several times and always have trouble deciphering which colors line up. Everything appears to be in the right zone (ph hovers around 7 with my instant stick tester, but a little less on the rapid shake and wait ones). I read dolomite isn't good during flowering because of potentially too much nitrogen. I'll test again today and see where I'm at. In the meantime I'll grab some Cal/Mag to have on hand.
to my knowledge dolomite is calcium and magnesium / lime and a ph buffer
does it have N? I don't recall it having N
im not sure id add any if your ph is already 7
gypsum might be a better organic choice for calcium but itll take a bit to become available
you could add a little gypsum (maybe 4oz per 7.5 gallons) and supplement with calmag until it starts working
and then get your magnesium from Epsom salt if you need it
but im still new at the organic stuff so.............. maybe check with someone whos better at organics than me if going that route