Who's Afraid of Sarah Palin (And Why)
When Afraid, Attack is the Mantra. So who is afraid of Sarah Palin, and why are they afraid?
by EJ Moosa
If you listen carefully, you can just hear between the well prepared lines, and determine why Sarah Palin is such a threat to the political infrastructure of these United States.
In Denver last week, we heard of the American Dream as lived by one Barack Obama. How a black man in Chicago without a dad, went to law school, turned down the high paying lawyer job, and went on (via the Chicago political machine) to become the nominee of the Democratic Party. Those who control that dream- the Chicago political machine, the Democratic Party itself, and the media are afraid. They cannot have some PTA mom from a small town in Alaska define another path to the top. If Sarah Palin succeeds, they lose.
Two weeks ago we saw Barack Obama select Joe Biden, a senator with decades of experience as his vice presidential running mate. Senator Biden's experience has been advertised as the reason he is such a good running mate. In today's papers, details about how he fought for Israel. How did he fight? By casting votes in the Senate. By talking to his colleagues about how to vote.
Using this logic, I have been fighting for this nation for decades myself, talking to friends and families about how to vote for not just President, but local and state elections as well. If Sarah Palin wins, Joe Biden, and the rest of the career politicians who hold hope that if they just hang in there, play the game, then one day they may be called upon for a position such as Biden has been called will become big losers. If Sarah Palin wins, the career politicians lose.
The old school political establishment is at risk if Palin wins with John McCain. It means that you do not need to make a lifelong career of being a politician, wining and dining with lobbyists, to effectively run government. It then means that people such as you and I, who can read and follow a constitution, could be an effective leader. It means that if Sarah Palin wins, we all become potential winners. The potential is then based upon what we do with it.
The position of governor of a state should hold much more respect than being a Senator. There are 100 Senators. There are only 50 governors. Senators run for reelection once every 6 years-governors every four years. With Senators they can vote both ways on the same issue in their position-with Governors the buck stops with them. They do not get that luxury. If Sarah Palin wins, we can say State government trumps a lifetime of Federal Service.
The belief that government is highly complicated and that it is too difficult to do by a common citizen is at risk. Who has propagated that myth? Career politicians and lobbyists who have invested millions, that is who. If Sarah Palin wins, she proves that it is not so complicated that a determined individual cannot do an excellent job by FOLLOWING the Constitution. What a concept!
If Sarah Palin wins, lawyers lose. Can't we get away from lawyers as political leaders? Biden trained as a lawyer, Obama was a lawyer, the Clintons were lawyers. McCain is not a lawyer. Palin was a business student. Don't we want someone with business sense rather than ltigation sense leading our nation? Haven't lawyers done enough to our nation already?
And despite what some Libertarians worry about, if Sarah Palin wins, our movement will win. Candidates of the future will bring more of what the winners possessed to the table in 2012. If Sarah Palin wins, we will have more smaller government candidates in the future. (And if Obama/Biden win, we will have more big government American Promise candidates-because that is what it took to win)
If Sarah Palin wins, and is just a breath away from being President of the United States, then We, the People will win. In 2012, she just might be the candidate to beat for the position of President of the United States. And if that were to occur, that would be much sooner than we would have gotten a Constitution following, smaller government candidate in position to win the White House.
We wanted a shift in power in Washington. This is your chance. What are you going to do? Fantasize about what could have been? Hope things get worse before they get better and think the American people will shift big time in 2012? Can we afford the hit to our economy by Obama/Biden?
Am I afraid that Sarah Palin could be one breath away from being President? Hell no-I would be relieved.
So tell me how I can lose if Palin wins? When she wins, we will all win.
OK, not all of us. Those that have controlled our political processes will lose.
But I am OK with that. What about you?