Jeff Secessions's hard-on for weed continues; DARE Revival


Well-Known Member

This gives me an opportunity to explain how a government subsidy program for cops, in the 1980s it was called DARE, came to my school and totally missed the mark in convincing us that "drugs are bad, mkay!"

One visit was with the junior class in like 1985 or something. The DARE cop showed us 500 or so upper middle class students at a metro DC fancy pants school a video on the dangers of PCP use. The movie was probably 40 minutes long, produced in the early 1970s given the hairdos and fashion choices of the people in the film, and concentrated on biker trafficking of PCP. The video was complete with some people doing crazy shit under the influence of PCP. My peers and I thought it was hilarious for a couple of reasons. First, we weren't into PCP, but instead preferred good ol weed and other hallucinogens like LSD and shrooms. Second, the video underscored that the cops just lump all drug users into the same group. Midway through the video, that DARE cop got pissed, shut the movie off, and yelled at us. He totally lost his cool and started pointing out individual students and said things like "if you think this video is funny, don't call me when you overdose on PCP.."

On a return trip to our school during my senior year, this time the DARE cop brought in a youth speaker and it was a general student assembly. The speaker was a 22-year old former cocaine addict. He had gone to the U. of Maryland where he quickly described the changes in his life after he became "the man." So he had some super duper hookup and was supplying the frat kids with all kinds of powder for several years. He reported how he got laid every night, his apartment was posh and there was a party in it every night, and how he went to a car dealership and bought a Honda Prelude (killer car back then) for cash. Shit we thought the guy was cool! He wasn't particularly good looking, but he reported that he slept with upwards of 100 Maryland coeds. His testimonial did nothing to sway us, even when he got to the end of his story and had wrecked his Honda, and got caught with several pounds of coke--and the DARE service and speaking was part of his plea deal.

And so Jeff Secessions wants to bring this shit back.

This gives me an opportunity to explain how a government subsidy program for cops, in the 1980s it was called DARE, came to my school and totally missed the mark in convincing us that "drugs are bad, mkay!"

One visit was with the junior class in like 1985 or something. The DARE cop showed us 500 or so upper middle class students at a metro DC fancy pants school a video on the dangers of PCP use. The movie was probably 40 minutes long, produced in the early 1970s given the hairdos and fashion choices of the people in the film, and concentrated on biker trafficking of PCP. The video was complete with some people doing crazy shit under the influence of PCP. My peers and I thought it was hilarious for a couple of reasons. First, we weren't into PCP, but instead preferred good ol weed and other hallucinogens like LSD and shrooms. Second, the video underscored that the cops just lump all drug users into the same group. Midway through the video, that DARE cop got pissed, shut the movie off, and yelled at us. He totally lost his cool and started pointing out individual students and said things like "if you think this video is funny, don't call me when you overdose on PCP.."

On a return trip to our school during my senior year, this time the DARE cop brought in a youth speaker and it was a general student assembly. The speaker was a 22-year old former cocaine addict. He had gone to the U. of Maryland where he quickly described the changes in his life after he became "the man." So he had some super duper hookup and was supplying the frat kids with all kinds of powder for several years. He reported how he got laid every night, his apartment was posh and there was a party in it every night, and how he went to a car dealership and bought a Honda Prelude (killer car back then) for cash. Shit we thought the guy was cool! He wasn't particularly good looking, but he reported that he slept with upwards of 100 Maryland coeds. His testimonial did nothing to sway us, even when he got to the end of his story and had wrecked his Honda, and got caught with several pounds of coke--and the DARE service and speaking was part of his plea deal.

And so Jeff Secessions wants to bring this shit back.
I knew a guy like that, got busted and had to go around to the local high schools talking to the kids. He still did drugs though. I remember a guy that came to our school when I was a kid. He was a real idiot, if I remember correctly he claimed to "smoke a joint every hour on the hour" snort cocaine, shoot heroin, take Lsd, drink a fifth of vodka every day, etc! lol. He was a big, really healthy looking guy, so someone asked him if he had any bad after effects, He seemed surprised by the question, started stuttering and saying something about suffering acid flashbacks. He was such an obvious liar we all laughed at him.
I knew a guy like that, got busted and had to go around to the local high schools talking to the kids. He still did drugs though. I remember a guy that came to our school when I was a kid. He was a real idiot, if I remember correctly he claimed to "smoke a joint every hour on the hour" snort cocaine, shoot heroin, take Lsd, drink a fifth of vodka every day, etc! lol. He was a big, really healthy looking guy, so someone asked him if he had any bad after effects, He seemed surprised by the question, started stuttering and saying something about suffering acid flashbacks. He was such an obvious liar we all laughed at him.

Holy shit, that was the same guy we had at our school in 1986! I remember the "smoke a joint every hour on the hour" line like it was yesterday!
We didn't have dare when I was a kid. We had an Indian that came around and shot paper out of his assistants mouth. He also had a bullwhip he would slice paper from kids mouths. Cherokee Bill. Google it. We have the christian dipshits now taking us back to the good old days. Undercover baby. 22 shorts btw
We had a dare person come talk to us in middle school. The lady burnt something that was supposed to smell like weed. I'll never forget thinking.. "my dad's room always smells like that!"

Back in the 90s, I heard DARE cops showed up at kindergartens and first grade classes, brought bongs with them, and asked students "Whose parents use these items at home?" Several kids raised their hands, and names and numbers were then taken.

This gives me an opportunity to explain how a government subsidy program for cops, in the 1980s it was called DARE, came to my school and totally missed the mark in convincing us that "drugs are bad, mkay!"

One visit was with the junior class in like 1985 or something. The DARE cop showed us 500 or so upper middle class students at a metro DC fancy pants school a video on the dangers of PCP use. The movie was probably 40 minutes long, produced in the early 1970s given the hairdos and fashion choices of the people in the film, and concentrated on biker trafficking of PCP. The video was complete with some people doing crazy shit under the influence of PCP. My peers and I thought it was hilarious for a couple of reasons. First, we weren't into PCP, but instead preferred good ol weed and other hallucinogens like LSD and shrooms. Second, the video underscored that the cops just lump all drug users into the same group. Midway through the video, that DARE cop got pissed, shut the movie off, and yelled at us. He totally lost his cool and started pointing out individual students and said things like "if you think this video is funny, don't call me when you overdose on PCP.."

On a return trip to our school during my senior year, this time the DARE cop brought in a youth speaker and it was a general student assembly. The speaker was a 22-year old former cocaine addict. He had gone to the U. of Maryland where he quickly described the changes in his life after he became "the man." So he had some super duper hookup and was supplying the frat kids with all kinds of powder for several years. He reported how he got laid every night, his apartment was posh and there was a party in it every night, and how he went to a car dealership and bought a Honda Prelude (killer car back then) for cash. Shit we thought the guy was cool! He wasn't particularly good looking, but he reported that he slept with upwards of 100 Maryland coeds. His testimonial did nothing to sway us, even when he got to the end of his story and had wrecked his Honda, and got caught with several pounds of coke--and the DARE service and speaking was part of his plea deal.

And so Jeff Secessions wants to bring this shit back.
Do you think that guy still has his connect? Do you remember his name or have his number? I could get into banging multiple U of MD girls.
Do you think that guy still has his connect? Do you remember his name or have his number? I could get into banging multiple U of MD girls.
I would guess that old DARE speaker is around 52 now, or dead. After all, he said if he'd never wrecked his Honda, he wouldn't have gotten into recovery, and he would probably die if he weren't twelve stepping it. So he's either in his 50s and way too old for MD coeds, or he's dead.
That dare shirt should say, I turned in my Parents and got a foster home,learned how to do drugs with all the other foster kids and od twice since then. It was so worth it, now I live in a cardboard box in the streets my parents are still in prison and I am having the time of my life.

We need Young People to run this Country and get rid of these old fucks that don't know shit and don't want to change anything. Old People which I may be one of, are stuck in their ways and don't want to make things better they want to lock Pot Users up for as many years as Possible.

I would love to try and Make Coffee an illegal drug, or put it into a conversation and just see how those people try to spin it. Coffee does more to me then a joint or bong hit ever did.
I don't have anything against it, I use coffee twice a day, it works great for me.
Just wait for 7/27... A day that will go down in infamy.....

I really have to laugh at those that say we have come too far, that the govt will just be ignored. Nope, and nope. The govt has never had such an efficient police capability, and it has never been used to fight pot. If they decide to target, they will capture, and in huge numbers and the money seized from ordinary people will be staggering.