Trump admits collusion


Well-Known Member
Today in Paris, asshole in chief admitted that his son, Donald (the Dick Head) Jr, his son-in-law, Jared (the Weasel) Kushner and Paul (the Con Man) Manafort did meet with a Russian agent in June, 2016, just after winning the Republican nomination for POTUS, to seek out incriminating evidence against Clinton.

“My son is a wonderful young man,” Trump said of Donald Trump Jr., 39. “He took a meeting with a Russian lawyer, not a government lawyer, but a Russian lawyer. It was a short meeting. It was a meeting that went very, very quickly — very fast — two of the people in the room, one of them left almost immediately and the other was not really focused on the meeting. I do think this from a practical standpoint, most people would have taken that meeting, it’s called opposition research or even research into your opponent.”

According to emails Trump Jr. released earlier in the week, he took the meeting in June 2016 after being promised information that would be helpful in incriminating Clinton’s dealings with the Russian government. In an email, music publicist Bob Goldstone added that “this is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

Trump Jr. replied, “If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer.”

Trump, who was appearing today in a joint press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron, said that he had been offered plenty of opposition research on his opponents and that it was standard operating procedure in politics. He also blamed the Obama administration for allowing Veselnitskaya into the country in the first place.

I got it, if Obama had stopped that Russian whore from entering the country, there would not have been a meeting with the Russian agent.

Give me a fucking break. No matter what this guy does of his own volition, it is still either Obama or Clinton's fault.

Well, day by day we are seeing the total meltdown of this corrupt administration, and it's only seven months into this disaster of a so called Presidency.

I personally am having a really good time now, I feel better than I have felt in months, watching the rats scramble to escape the hammer that WILL come down on this pile of shit called the Trump (short lived hopefully) Presidency.

This basically was the final straw in my opinion, the one that shows they are all lying treasonous pieces of shit, that hopefully will ALL be indited for collusion with a foreign entity to harm America, and sent to jail for treason, and fucking hanged.(do we still do that shit?)

Peace out
“My son is a wonderful young man,”
Is this the son (cunt) that kills endangered animals?

According to emails Trump Jr. released earlier in the week. <-- from article.

Only because NYT told them they had the emails and were going to make them public (which they did minutes later).

There is no question Trump knew about the meeting. He was in Trump Tower when it went down and you know Uday would have made sure daddy knew what he did for him.

These fuckers are sick.

Thanks, Trumptards. You people have FUCKED your country over. We'll clean it all up for you. Don't worry. We're used to it, but it's getting old.
Only because NYT told them they had the emails and were going to make them public (which they did minutes later).

There is no question Trump knew about the meeting. He was in Trump Tower when it went down and you know Uday would have made sure daddy knew what he did for him.

These fuckers are sick.

Thanks, Trumptards. You people have FUCKED your country over. We'll clean it all up for you. Don't worry. We're used to it, but it's getting old.
But they are Patriots! Ask @Flaming Pie .. she'll tell ya
Is this the son (cunt) that kills endangered animals?

In countries where corruption is not an issue letting rich people hunt a few animals pays for officers to stop the poaching of the rest.

I wouldn't do it myself but it works when the money is used right.

The places in Africa it works have much higher endangered animal populations.

We have the resources here to protect animals. In third world shit holes they have no way of paying wildlife officers.

There will always be poachers.
Today in Paris, asshole in chief admitted that his son, Donald (the Dick Head) Jr, his son-in-law, Jared (the Weasel) Kushner and Paul (the Con Man) Manafort did meet with a Russian agent in June, 2016, just after winning the Republican nomination for POTUS, to seek out incriminating evidence against Clinton.

“My son is a wonderful young man,” Trump said of Donald Trump Jr., 39. “He took a meeting with a Russian lawyer, not a government lawyer, but a Russian lawyer. It was a short meeting. It was a meeting that went very, very quickly — very fast — two of the people in the room, one of them left almost immediately and the other was not really focused on the meeting. I do think this from a practical standpoint, most people would have taken that meeting, it’s called opposition research or even research into your opponent.”

According to emails Trump Jr. released earlier in the week, he took the meeting in June 2016 after being promised information that would be helpful in incriminating Clinton’s dealings with the Russian government. In an email, music publicist Bob Goldstone added that “this is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

Trump Jr. replied, “If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer.”

Trump, who was appearing today in a joint press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron, said that he had been offered plenty of opposition research on his opponents and that it was standard operating procedure in politics. He also blamed the Obama administration for allowing Veselnitskaya into the country in the first place.

I got it, if Obama had stopped that Russian whore from entering the country, there would not have been a meeting with the Russian agent.

Give me a fucking break. No matter what this guy does of his own volition, it is still either Obama or Clinton's fault.

Well, day by day we are seeing the total meltdown of this corrupt administration, and it's only seven months into this disaster of a so called Presidency.

I personally am having a really good time now, I feel better than I have felt in months, watching the rats scramble to escape the hammer that WILL come down on this pile of shit called the Trump (short lived hopefully) Presidency.

This basically was the final straw in my opinion, the one that shows they are all lying treasonous pieces of shit, that hopefully will ALL be indited for collusion with a foreign entity to harm America, and sent to jail for treason, and fucking hanged.(do we still do that shit?)

Peace out

Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!
In countries where corruption is not an issue letting rich people hunt a few animals pays for officers to stop the poaching of the rest.

I wouldn't do it myself but it works when the money is used right.

The places in Africa it works have much higher endangered animal populations.

We have the resources here to protect animals. In third world shit holes they have no way of paying wildlife officers.

There will always be poachers.

That's a cop out for the rich to look like good people while killing things! If they really cared about the animals they would just donate money to the cause without killing an animal.
Today in Paris, asshole in chief admitted that his son, Donald (the Dick Head) Jr, his son-in-law, Jared (the Weasel) Kushner and Paul (the Con Man) Manafort did meet with a Russian agent in June, 2016, just after winning the Republican nomination for POTUS, to seek out incriminating evidence against Clinton.

“My son is a wonderful young man,” Trump said of Donald Trump Jr., 39. “He took a meeting with a Russian lawyer, not a government lawyer, but a Russian lawyer. It was a short meeting. It was a meeting that went very, very quickly — very fast — two of the people in the room, one of them left almost immediately and the other was not really focused on the meeting. I do think this from a practical standpoint, most people would have taken that meeting, it’s called opposition research or even research into your opponent.”

According to emails Trump Jr. released earlier in the week, he took the meeting in June 2016 after being promised information that would be helpful in incriminating Clinton’s dealings with the Russian government. In an email, music publicist Bob Goldstone added that “this is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.”

Trump Jr. replied, “If it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer.”

Trump, who was appearing today in a joint press conference with French President Emmanuel Macron, said that he had been offered plenty of opposition research on his opponents and that it was standard operating procedure in politics. He also blamed the Obama administration for allowing Veselnitskaya into the country in the first place.

I got it, if Obama had stopped that Russian whore from entering the country, there would not have been a meeting with the Russian agent.

Give me a fucking break. No matter what this guy does of his own volition, it is still either Obama or Clinton's fault.

Well, day by day we are seeing the total meltdown of this corrupt administration, and it's only seven months into this disaster of a so called Presidency.

I personally am having a really good time now, I feel better than I have felt in months, watching the rats scramble to escape the hammer that WILL come down on this pile of shit called the Trump (short lived hopefully) Presidency.

This basically was the final straw in my opinion, the one that shows they are all lying treasonous pieces of shit, that hopefully will ALL be indited for collusion with a foreign entity to harm America, and sent to jail for treason, and fucking hanged.(do we still do that shit?)

Peace out

The Rosenbergs got old sparky in '53.

Florida still does it..think Ted Bundy, Eileen Warnos..shit yeah, send 'EM here.
That's a cop out for the rich to look like good people while killing things! If they really cared about the animals they would just donate money to the cause without killing an animal.
No it is actually true, however it only works when it is EXTREMELY controlled.

The game wardens would pick older or sick animals and the money paid by the hunter helps pay to conserve the rest of the population.

I thought "that's fucking stupid" the first time I heard it too, but it does seem to work.
That's a cop out for the rich to look like good people while killing things! If they really cared about the animals they would just donate money to the cause without killing an animal.
No need to get all tore up. Its the truth man. They don't care. There are even worse people than that. People that do it for illegal trade.

I'm an avid hunter. I don't trophy hunt. Lets look at this from a logical stand point. On our farm and a couple others I help on use a management style hunting.

The animal has to be a certain age and size before I will kill it. For a few reasons. There is more meat on a mature animal. Another is to allow time for breeding. Let them have many years to pass on good genes. You can't have every hunter killing off animals too young to breed.

My hunting and fishing license pays for my states fish and game officers and restocking programs. Everything from fish to elk have been restored here. Hunters and fisherman did that.

You can thank your national parks to a hunter. Private hunting organizations have bought and protected millions of more acres.

I don't care how you slice it. Its logical to do so. I'm sorry the world is not perfect and there are people that will take what they want regardless of laws or moral fortitude.

Those rich assholes aren't going to donate the money. It is what it is. Compared to the alternative. It works.

I hunt strictly to feed myself and family. I don't agree with sport hunting. To kill something just to kill it is wrong to me.

Do you or have you ever donated to animal saving programs or to stop poaching?

I do every month.

I can appreciate the sentiment but I'm being honest about how it really is.

Quota hunting and fishing is what it is. Its accepted practice for a lot of species that are legal to hunt or catch. It works.
No need to get all tore up. Its the truth man. They don't care. There are even worse people than that. People that do it for illegal trade.

I'm an avid hunter. I don't trophy hunt. Lets look at this from a logical stand point. On our farm and a couple others I help on use a management style hunting.

The animal has to be a certain age and size before I will kill it. For a few reasons. There is more meat on a mature animal. Another is to allow time for breeding. Let them have many years to pass on good genes. You can't have every hunter killing off animals too young to breed.

My hunting and fishing license pays for my states fish and game officers and restocking programs. Everything from fish to elk have been restored here. Hunters and fisherman did that.

You can thank your national parks to a hunter. Private hunting organizations have bought and protected millions of more acres.

I don't care how you slice it. Its logical to do so. I'm sorry the world is not perfect and there are people that will take what they want regardless of laws or moral fortitude.

Those rich assholes aren't going to donate the money. It is what it is. Compared to the alternative. It works.

I hunt strictly to feed myself and family. I don't agree with sport hunting. To kill something just to kill it is wrong to me.

Do you or have you ever donated to animal saving programs or to stop poaching?

I do every month.

I can appreciate the sentiment but I'm being honest about how it really is.

Quota hunting and fishing is what it is. Its accepted practice for a lot of species that are legal to hunt or catch. It works.

I'm not all tore up as I hunt too. It's the most humane meat you can eat, as long as you actually eat it.
However trophy hunters can go suck a dick as far as I'm concerned! Killing an endangered animal to save others makes no sense at all!

It's like walking into a cancer hospital and saying I'll pay to have those ten kids treated but set one free in the parking lot so I can run him down with my car.

If they truly care about the animals then let them live! They're fucking endangered!
No need to get all tore up. Its the truth man. They don't care. There are even worse people than that. People that do it for illegal trade.

I'm an avid hunter. I don't trophy hunt. Lets look at this from a logical stand point. On our farm and a couple others I help on use a management style hunting.

The animal has to be a certain age and size before I will kill it. For a few reasons. There is more meat on a mature animal. Another is to allow time for breeding. Let them have many years to pass on good genes. You can't have every hunter killing off animals too young to breed.

My hunting and fishing license pays for my states fish and game officers and restocking programs. Everything from fish to elk have been restored here. Hunters and fisherman did that.

You can thank your national parks to a hunter. Private hunting organizations have bought and protected millions of more acres.

I don't care how you slice it. Its logical to do so. I'm sorry the world is not perfect and there are people that will take what they want regardless of laws or moral fortitude.

Those rich assholes aren't going to donate the money. It is what it is. Compared to the alternative. It works.

I hunt strictly to feed myself and family. I don't agree with sport hunting. To kill something just to kill it is wrong to me.

Do you or have you ever donated to animal saving programs or to stop poaching?

I do every month.

I can appreciate the sentiment but I'm being honest about how it really is.

Quota hunting and fishing is what it is. Its accepted practice for a lot of species that are legal to hunt or catch. It works.

Everybody that hunts around here is hunting for food.

Shooting an exotic animal to stuff it or pose for a picture by it is sick.

If those idiots want to hunt exotic animals, it should be with their bare hands. Good luck with those claws and teeth.