I've never tried it, just heard that it had THC-V and Subcool and his wife Jill said THC-V was an appetite suppressant. I'm not speaking from experience just something I saw on a youtube video.
The jury is still out on whether it is an appetite suppressant. It is structurally similar to some other appetite suppressants, which is probably where the inquiry into whether it is an appetite suppressant started. Remember that any cannabis extract with high THCV is going to have a significant amount of THC in it, which will also be interacting with the cannabinoid receptors. From my own personal experience with THCV (everyday consumption, all day, of ~40% THCV concentrate), I can definitely say it reduces anxiety for me. It is a shorter lasting high, and has very little drowsy effect. Someone else I know who uses THCV for PTSD mentioned to me that their doctor suggested that there is a strong correlation between anxiety and appetite in the brain, so he wasn't surprised that THCV potentially affected both.