Attention, Republicunts:

Then there isn't any collusion in the DNC, right?

But that's not the same at all since the DNC did it. ;)
You are either a liar or stupid, probably both.

Read the damn article.

You or your thought guide are trying to equate coordinated actions directed by Putin to help Trumps campaign with contact between a political consultant for the Clinton campaign and a lower level Ukraine diplomat. Aside from the yuuuge difference between the two events, there is this in the article you linked to:

Russia’s effort was personally directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, involved the country’s military and foreign intelligence services, according to U.S. intelligence officials. They reportedly briefed Trump last week on the possibility that Russian operatives might have compromising information on the president-elect. And at a Senate hearing last week on the hacking, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said “I don't think we've ever encountered a more aggressive or direct campaign to interfere in our election process than we've seen in this case.”

There’s little evidence of such a top-down effort by Ukraine. Longtime observers suggest that the rampant corruption, factionalism and economic struggles plaguing the country — not to mention its ongoing strife with Russia — would render it unable to pull off an ambitious covert interference campaign in another country’s election. And President Petro Poroshenko’s administration, along with the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, insists that Ukraine stayed neutral in the race.

You have some sort of direct line to GOP fake news outlet. Maybe RT, I don't know, but nothing you said is true.

Idiot or liar, maybe both.
Isn't it the Republicans that support absolutely everything Israel say and do?

Whereas Democrats tend to condemn the bad shit but still want to maintain a positive relationship?

Hell no!!! only good democrat is beernie sanders but hes a fool in your US eyes.. Obama was bigger war criminal than bush.. both bush!!
Hope you're entertaining yourselves.

Good to know Buckold isn't the only one into projection.
I listed links (that you ginore) and NOW you list links to support your take one things (BTW....CNN hasn't had a good batting average for news this season) while saying I must be getting my news from Faux?
Try clicking the links in my posts and see how many are FOX. Even if you were using dick or your slit to count you'd still have too may placeholders. ;)

It was directed @ Buckold and I don't think he could find a clit unless it had "on" suffixed to it.
As WBB said, @ least you know you're a hypocrite. ;)

New one on me, but obviously something you're intimately into.
Is that what you and Buckold call it?

A typo is a typo. I notice how many replied denying what I said to Rolli's posting that in another thread.
Guess it must be true then. :D
Poor dear, you can't address me without talking about @UncleBuck. He has really done a number on you.
I'm sure hearing " the man in the boat " is new to you, but try asking a female to help you find it

I just know "birds of a feather stroke together" and Buckold seems (by both post count and misplaced slavish reverence) to be that of the snowfakes.

Spend some "poor dear" symapthy towards stupid site admins that wipe my post, yet leave all this evidence of it (of you and others quoting of it) multiple times.

Sounds like usual liberal revisionist history success.

At least they have your back. ;)
I just know "birds of a feather stroke together"
You know because of all the Pro-Trump inbred redneck orgies and circle jerks you attend.

Spend some "poor dear" symapthy towards stupid site admins that wipe my post, yet leave all this evidence of it (of you and others quoting of it) multiple times.

Sounds like usual liberal revisionist history success.

At least they have your back. ;)
Speaking of snowflake.

I just know "birds of a feather stroke together" and Buckold seems (by both post count and misplaced slavish reverence) to be that of the snowfakes.

Spend some "poor dear" symapthy towards stupid site admins that wipe my post, yet leave all this evidence of it (of you and others quoting of it) multiple times.

Sounds like usual liberal revisionist history success.

At least they have your back. ;)

why won't you condemn the neo-nazi daily stormer website?
I just know "birds of a feather stroke together" and Buckold seems (by both post count and misplaced slavish reverence) to be that of the snowfakes.

Spend some "poor dear" symapthy towards stupid site admins that wipe my post, yet leave all this evidence of it (of you and others quoting of it) multiple times.

Deleting that post was just one of the mods way of flicking a booger at you. Where did it hit you? The ear? Maybe it landed on the sandwich that you had just made for Buck? At least that would provide you with justice in a shitty passive aggressive way.

Cmon, man. I read the record of that post. It wasn't much about anything. Hardly a classic and not anything that contained read-worthy content. Cry me a river, babycakes.


ps: take a writing course. Anything. I'm sure the people here will pitch in if it means we no longer have to figure out what in hell you are trying to say. Just post your grades, course cost, an example of your course work and the link to a gofundme page.
Deleting that post was just one of the mods way of flicking a booger at you. Where did it hit you? The ear? Maybe it landed on the sandwich that you had just made for Buck? At least that would provide you with justice in a shitty passive aggressive way.
Cmon, man. I read the record of that post. It wasn't much about anything. Hardly a classic and not anything that contained read-worthy content. Cry me a river, babycakes.
ps: take a writing course. Anything. I'm sure the people here will pitch in if it means we no longer have to figure out what in hell you are trying to say. Just post your grades, course cost, an example of your course work and the link to a gofundme page.

LOL indeed.

I'm just pointing out the imbecility of deleting a post, yet not deleting the multiple references and quoting of it.
It's about on par w/ liberal interpretation of some "news" outlets reporting lately and is equal in sad hilarity.

Just a public service to point out that only one ideology is accepted here and if something is inconvenient to that end it gets whacked.

I post 'em and you read ;em.
If my posts are so hard to decipher, why do you keep reading and commenting on them?
Seems you're the only one thinking you're a post-doctoral communications expert outside of admins (or mods) that delete w/o explanation of what bunched up their colostomy bags.
How does something like "I read the record of that post." make your writing style so exemplary? Why not just say "I read your post"? The way you put it makes it seem you found my post content by combing through the M$SQL DB for it.


Some claim I'm the one looking to rescue the "man in the boat" and yet prove that to be projection w/ every post. :D