Trump admits collusion

Legal hunting in the US isn't causing destruction of our planet. Many other causes and resultant global warming is causing extinctions at rates not seen since mankind has been man.

Poaching is a problem in Oregon, I've heard. Not from fact free ditzes but from wildlife experts.

How you conflate neo-nics and other pesticide issues affecting bees with legal deer hunting is quite possibly the most ridiculous thing I've seen in an anti-hunting rant.

Your heart is in the right place though your mind doesn't seem to be fully engaged.
it was made in reference to the larger picture was that balancing our eco system is the objective and point

if we have over populations in one species its often the result of killing off another whom is its natural predator

the bee comment wasn't directly related to hunting as it was related to perspective of our eco system and its certainly not any further off track than comparing animal cruelty as a justification to hunting endangered or even potentially endangered wild animals

to not acknowledge that hunting plays a roll in our eco system seems narrow minded... its all related and linked

and its certainly not as absurd as killing deer to control ticks
I like your picture that's great

but your argument is that because fracking is bad its ok to continue killing whats left of our wild life
Yeah I know, I'm hoping to segue. The hunting subject is an important one because of the regime's plans to let people hunt bears and wolves to extinction.
its only a matter of time

the current administration has cut funding to all of our state parks

that's not going to help
I like your diagram that's great

but your argument is that because fracking is bad its ok to continue killing whats left of our wild life
I'm just pointing out that you could completely eliminate any form of environmental damage caused by legal hunting and not have a measurable effect on the shit going down right now in terms of extinctions and man caused damage to the environment. Practically all hunters care for the environment too and will make necessary changes if they are in fact causing harm. They will grumble but comply.

I'm happy to say that I reported a poacher when I saw him come out of the water with an over-limit of undersized Ling Cod at a dive site I frequent. I hate poachers with a passion. I saw him pulled over by game officer when leaving. The fish were dead and harm couldn't be mitigated but that asshole at least knows that he can't be open about his poaching. Confiscation of his car will stop him for a while.

You are correct that top tier predators have been wiped out in most populated areas of the US and the world for that matter. I don't know that a mama Grizzly Bear would be a good idea in a suburb or if that bear and her cubs would help re-establish balance between deer and their grazing area. I doubt it, actually. We aren't going to return to oak savanna ecology maintained by fires set by small hunter-gatherer clans any time soon in the Willamette Valley, Oregon. An objective to return nature back to before contact with Europe isn't any more of an answer than shooting deer to reduce tick populations. Both ridiculous ideas are having their day right now.

We are out of balance with the environment and will eventually reach balance. We'll either learn how to guide the natural world into a place that is good for humans and wildlife or the natural world will die off in major numbers and cut short our food and oxygen supply. Either way, we will eventually be in balance. We can do it the dumb way or the smart way. Dumb way is winning right now.

I think we both want the same things.
Its more than that. Its also about passing on the knowledge to my kids.

My son and my first turkey together.
View attachment 3977853

That's a big bird!

I'm a vegetarian, so I have some differing opinions on this whole subject, BUT, if you're going to eat meat I agree with the way you're doing it. It's healthier for you, and certainly healthier for the planet. Factory farm raised meat is wrong on so many levels.

I don't believe human consumption of meat is something that is sustainable though. The population of the planet is exploding, and there simply isn't enough land to sustain the population on a meat-based diet. It's staggering the amount of grain/corn that needs to be grown to fatten up an animal enough to slaughter.

We probably won't see it in our lifetime, but our kids will likely live in a world where meat of any variety will be a luxury item that only the 1% can afford.
I'm just pointing out that you could completely eliminate any form of environmental damage caused by legal hunting and not have a measurable effect on the shit going down right now in terms of extinctions and man caused damage to the environment. Practically all hunters care for the environment too and will make necessary changes if they are in fact causing harm. They will grumble but comply.

I'm happy to say that I reported a poacher when I saw him come out of the water with an over-limit of undersized Ling Cod at a dive site I frequent. I hate poachers with a passion. I saw him pulled over by game officer when leaving. The fish were dead and harm couldn't be mitigated but that asshole at least knows that he can't be open about his poaching. Confiscation of his car will stop him for a while.

You are correct that top tier predators have been wiped out in most populated areas of the US and the world for that matter. I don't know that a mama Grizzly Bear would be a good idea in a suburb or if that bear and her cubs would help re-establish balance between deer and their grazing area. I doubt it, actually. We aren't going to return to oak savanna ecology maintained by fires set by small hunter-gatherer clans any time soon in the Willamette Valley, Oregon. An objective to return nature back to before contact with Europe isn't any more of an answer than shooting deer to reduce tick populations. Both ridiculous ideas are having their day right now.

We are out of balance with the environment and will eventually reach balance. We'll either learn how to guide the natural world into a place that is good for humans and wildlife or the natural world will die off in major numbers and cut short our food and oxygen supply. Either way, we will eventually be in balance. We can do it the dumb way or the smart way. Dumb way is winning right now.

I think we both want the same things.

I would say I dont disagree with any part of this

my personal experience in my local area may have altered my over all perception as a whole and im sure impacts my views and perhaps is slightly misguided passion based on emotion

im just not used to seeing the rules obeyed even in part and nothing much is ever done about it, but maybe that's an issue more specific or prone to this area
I live outside a state park
every year its all over the local papers about aal the evidence of pouching but it never makes it past the local

bald eagles, elk, dear, bear, bobcats, turkey

nothings hardly actually done about it

we even had a scandal involving park rangers taking money for protected animals

if you got to many turkey its because you've wiped out its predators like bobcats and coyote and raccoon so the answer is to re-populate the other animals to help the enviroment not kill more of them

all this justification for your "sport" is nonsense

it makes about as much sense as killing all the dear to prevent the spread of lyme disease which is transmitted by a tick

how does that make any fucking sense... kill the entire dear population because you got a bunch of ticks....
you silly bastard,, if you didn't kill all the animals that eat the ticks you wouldn't have so many

I eat a small amount of organic cage free meats, yes! and I care about the humane treatment of animals, yes! but that's another subject all together

farm animals being treated humanely has nothing to do with WILD animal population decreasing at an alarming rate

if something doesn't change your future generations might not even have the opportunity to view one of these animals
You can kiss my ass. On your god damned high horse.

I hunt to eat. Period. You have no idea how it works.
Do you eat meat? If so the meat you eat is treated worse than the meat I eat.

You have no moral high ground. We have plenty of bobcat. They are legal to kill here also.

You don't know what you are talking about.

Go eat you chicken and turkey that never get to roam free and pumped full of shit to make them grow fast.

If there is a poaching problem there where you live what have you done to stop it? Probably nothing you hypocrite.

Kiss my ass. Me hunting is why we have fish and game. You have no idea how it works. You don't donate or volunteer to help. I do.
That's a big bird!

I'm a vegetarian, so I have some differing opinions on this whole subject, BUT, if you're going to eat meat I agree with the way you're doing it. It's healthier for you, and certainly healthier for the planet. Factory farm raised meat is wrong on so many levels.

I don't believe human consumption of meat is something that is sustainable though. The population of the planet is exploding, and there simply isn't enough land to sustain the population on a meat-based diet. It's staggering the amount of grain/corn that needs to be grown to fatten up an animal enough to slaughter.

We probably won't see it in our lifetime, but our kids will likely live in a world where meat of any variety will be a luxury item that only the 1% can afford.
I don't think satori u dersrands the hours and hours and hours I put into food plots and the management style hunting. If he did he wouldn't say that.

You are a vegetarian. You have the right to say something if you want but ill be damned if someone that eats meat from horrible farming practices is going to call me stupid for hunting.

It is a big bird. That's my point. We have healthy populations of animals on our farm.

I paid out of my own pocket to release rabbits. It was needed. So if I decide I want to eat some how can someone judge that?

I only kill mature animals. I've never mounted an animal.

I'm about to post more pics just to make someone mad.
You can kiss my ass. On your god damned high horse.

I hunt to eat. Period. You have no idea how it works.
Do you eat meat? If so the meat you eat is treated worse than the meat I eat.

You have no moral high ground. We have plenty of bobcat. They are legal to kill here also.

You don't know what you are talking about.

Go eat you chicken and turkey that never get to roam free and pumped full of shit to make them grow fast.

If there is a poaching problem there where you live what have you done to stop it? Probably nothing you hypocrite.

Kiss my ass. Me hunting is why we have fish and game. You have no idea how it works. You don't donate or volunteer to help. I do.

I don't think satori u dersrands the hours and hours and hours I put into food plots and the management style hunting. If he did he wouldn't say that.

You are a vegetarian. You have the right to say something if you want but ill be damned if someone that eats meat from horrible farming practices is going to call me stupid for hunting.

It is a big bird. That's my point. We have healthy populations of animals on our farm.

I paid out of my own pocket to release rabbits. It was needed. So if I decide I want to eat some how can someone judge that?

I only kill mature animals. I've never mounted an animal.

I'm about to post more pics just to make someone mad.
So, how about that Trump administration's ruling that makes it legal to kill hibernating bears? It's legal. OK to do it if it's legal?

I'm just messing with you.
You can kiss my ass. On your god damned high horse.

I hunt to eat. Period. You have no idea how it works.
Do you eat meat? If so the meat you eat is treated worse than the meat I eat.

You have no moral high ground. We have plenty of bobcat. They are legal to kill here also.

You don't know what you are talking about.

Go eat you chicken and turkey that never get to roam free and pumped full of shit to make them grow fast.

If there is a poaching problem there where you live what have you done to stop it? Probably nothing you hypocrite.

Kiss my ass. Me hunting is why we have fish and game. You have no idea how it works. You don't donate or volunteer to help. I do.

I don't think satori u dersrands the hours and hours and hours I put into food plots and the management style hunting. If he did he wouldn't say that.

You are a vegetarian. You have the right to say something if you want but ill be damned if someone that eats meat from horrible farming practices is going to call me stupid for hunting.

It is a big bird. That's my point. We have healthy populations of animals on our farm.

I paid out of my own pocket to release rabbits. It was needed. So if I decide I want to eat some how can someone judge that?

I only kill mature animals. I've never mounted an animal.

I'm about to post more pics just to make someone mad.
maybe if everyone did what you do I might have a different perspective

but in my experience most do not
Most do not? Where did you get your experience?
deep in the mountains of old moonshine country within the bible belt

small farm community where everyone knows everyone

reporting someone in these parts would be the equivalent to snitching on your cell mate for doing drugs in jail

theyd fuck me up and burn down my house

if I want to see animal cruelty I can just drive around, its everywhere

dogs covered in ticks and fleas tied to ropes they've never been off left out thru the cold and snow with toe nails as long as my fingers likely never been to a vet in there life and still intact

cows stuffed it tiny pens to make veal.. chickens stuffed in tiny spaces and horses covered in shit

I don't need a video to see it

go ahead and call the humane society, I did it once when I first moved her

guy had 20 beagles tied up in the yard covered in shit and ticks and was breeding and selling them, the humane society said as long as the dogs aren't under weight theres nothing to do

and then all they neighbors fucking hated me

on the other hand its nice that everyone minds there own business as is part of the culture

most of the locals, there family has been on these lands for over 100 years passed on to the next generation and some still own huge parcels

you come around there land telling them what to do and some hillbillys gonna shoot ya
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