Grasshopper problem

I like to use a homemade solution made of coriander and garlic boiled with water for a couple hours, strain and cool for a couple hours, pour into a spray bottle and your good to go, coriander is for aphids, garlic is for grasshoppers, works very well here garlic also helps with mold. Its worth making a decent amount because you can bottle it and place it in the fridge and it will last for mouths
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I like to use a homemade solution made of coriander and garlic boiled with water for a couple hours stain and cool and your good to go, coriander is for aphids, garlic is for grasshoppers, works very well here garlic also helps with mold.
As a foliar feed?
They are out there today again just taunting me. Sevin looks like some highly toxic shit. It is in veg I might try putting the sevin on the near by plants. And do the garlic mix on the leaves. This might be too little too late tho.20170715_145457.jpg 20170715_145350.jpg 20170715_145346.jpg
hottest pepers you can find,garlic clove,citronella leaves,,boil it up then strain,foiler the stuff on and will run off even deer,,be warned you making gas and you will leave the woods crying like a baby and snot runn ing down to your shoe laces,lmao
Wow sounds wild strong, I'm gunna give it a go,
Wow sounds wild strong, I'm gunna give it a go,
you ever been in a prison riot and they pop gas,,same shit,,a weak stomach will make you puke friend,,im amune to the shit,,what i do is go down a buy 4 difrent types of pepers add a clove of garlic,go out to the ole mosqiuto plant citronella,take a handful leaves off it,,add about cup of water in a pot and boil that shit down,,takes about 15 or 20 min on med heat,,take and strain it,put in a squirt bottle and spray all around my gorrila grow,,no spider,bugs of any sort,deer hogs rabbits,even birds wont come around it,,when it cools i even put pepermint oil and neem in it,,mama wont let me use it in the house,,shit is stout,garuntee to knock a bear back,,so using it,,in the woods bring extra clothes,cause you gonna be orange when you come out and every were you walk you leave it on the brush,,even keep bandits away unless they got a mask,,aint joking,,shit will have them eyes crying and snot running out your nose,lmao,,trick i learned in prison ,is keep your eyes closed to a slit and at least you can see a enemy to protect yourself,,if you dig what im saying,,i even used it once on my tent,,got the shit almost beat out of me by mama,damn weed loving cat,,dont even try to think about that tent anymore,hahahah
I experienced the worst grasshopper invasion I've ever heard of in norcal during the drought.. the only two things that worked for me. ( and believe me I tried everything). NOTHING ELSE WORKS I PROMISE

1. "NOLO BAIT" it's the best product out there hands down. Grasshoppers are very resilient creatures you can not poison them it doesn't work. "NOLO BAIT" baits them in, they eat the bait, within two weeks no more grasshoppers.

2. Take a bunch of milk jugs or any jugs for that matter and cut them so that you can put bird seed in them tie them to fences or just set them in your yard, just be prepared for th e bird invasion...

Hope this helps
They are out there today again just taunting me. Sevin looks like some highly toxic shit. It is in veg I might try putting the sevin on the near by plants. And do the garlic mix on the leaves. This might be too little too late tho.View attachment 3978660 View attachment 3978662 View attachment 3978664

That's not even bad man, you're going to be fine it's not too late. There are going to be a few marks on the plant at the very least since it's outdoors. I would definitely get ahead of it though.