Kicking MS to the curb

I do intend to make RSO, using Everclear. For now I have a magic butter machine that I need to test out.
Understood. My BIL can't do dairy, so that is why we use the coconut oil. Plus as a hiker, I'm already adding coconut oil to my tuna and noodles after a day on the trail. A few drops from the other bottle, and I will get a good night's sleep.
I have MS too :( you should really check out the link about Dr. Terry Wahls. It's a diet/lifestyle called the Wahls protocol. I recommend getting the book. Basically Dr Wahls healed herself and reversed symptoms of secondary progressive MS with diet. I've found it helpful, although since i had 4 hip surgeries (including a total bi-lateral hip replacement) before we figured out it was MS, so I have considerable other obstacles to deal with. I haven't been able to play 9 holes of golf, or even a few for years now. I really miss it, but if I could even walk more than 1/3-1/2 mile i'd be happy at this point. Point is... a LOT of people are having success with this program, There's even a FB page 'the wahls protocol' that i get a lot of great info from, and support too. Best of luck! MS is a bitch
Big congrats good stuff. I have grown tired of most crunchy stuff, it seems to be I do not eat corn. I do miss my Fritos though, salt and all. .

you do know Frito's are pure Corn Chips with that salt right, like made from corn, GMO corn at that. I am convinced MSG and GMO corn is the tastiest funnest snacks to eat right? lol
you do know Frito's are pure Corn Chips with that salt right, like made from corn, GMO corn at that. I am convinced MSG and GMO corn is the tastiest funnest snacks to eat right? lol
The wife made some salsa from my peppers and tomatoes. She had tortillas on her shopping list, and she came home with Frito scoops. They were so good, I almost forgot about the salsa. But she is making more salsa today and we still have half a bag of scoops.
I have MS too :( you should really check out the link about Dr. Terry Wahls. It's a diet/lifestyle called the Wahls protocol. I recommend getting the book. Basically Dr Wahls healed herself and reversed symptoms of secondary progressive MS with diet. I've found it helpful, although since i had 4 hip surgeries (including a total bi-lateral hip replacement) before we figured out it was MS, so I have considerable other obstacles to deal with. I haven't been able to play 9 holes of golf, or even a few for years now. I really miss it, but if I could even walk more than 1/3-1/2 mile i'd be happy at this point. Point is... a LOT of people are having success with this program, There's even a FB page 'the wahls protocol' that i get a lot of great info from, and support too. Best of luck! MS is a bitch

this is intriguing to me. Like a person that has obesity can take control of the disease and cure it even. Now we hear of diet alone being responsible for ending MS too. I wonder if one day we'll find out that all of our diseases were always right in our own hands, caused by our own habits.
disease? maybe big pharma removed the " - " from between Dis and Ease =dis-ease
The wife made some salsa from my peppers and tomatoes. She had tortillas on her shopping list, and she came home with Frito scoops. They were so good, I almost forgot about the salsa. But she is making more salsa today and we still have half a bag of scoops.

with a near perfect health food like Frito's I'd think they'd tighten up the source of their corn and consider not using gmo corn for their products.
you do know Frito's are pure Corn Chips with that salt right, like made from corn, GMO corn at that. I am convinced MSG and GMO corn is the tastiest funnest snacks to eat right? lol

Yes, that is why I miss them, I do not eat corn. Have not had them in over 5 years at least
this is intriguing to me. Like a person that has obesity can take control of the disease and cure it even. Now we hear of diet alone being responsible for ending MS too. I wonder if one day we'll find out that all of our diseases were always right in our own hands, caused by our own habits.
disease? maybe big pharma removed the " - " from between Dis and Ease =dis-ease

I am becoming convinced that most auto immune diseases can be reversed through diet and nutritional supplements. So much of the food we can buy now is stripped of its nutrients, empty calories. My intake of processed food is probably less than 10% now. Hey, get away from my pie, LOL.
The wife made some salsa from my peppers and tomatoes. She had tortillas on her shopping list, and she came home with Frito scoops. They were so good, I almost forgot about the salsa. But she is making more salsa today and we still have half a bag of scoops.

My wife uses romaine lettuce and makes a little boat sandwich or a scoop for dip. You can do all sorts of wraps with them.
I imagine so. They feed it to cattle as well. The best beef I ever had was pasture fed. The hamburger tasted like steak.
I grew up on a cattle farm. We killed our own beef {and pork}. We did put them in a pen for the last month or so to feed them corn, but they had grass for most of their lives.

I had so much beef as a kid, I hardly ever eat it now.
generations of humans lived almost exclusively on corn/corn products, with no diabetes, crohns, IBS, auto immune diseases, etc
....until the years nearest our first genetically modified corn which at first was intended for animal feed-stock, but soon found its way into ours too, even in our fields of non gmo corn the gmo corn lurks everywhere pollen does.

agrobacteria is used as a vector with e coli to bring a gene into the the corn genome, an infection well placed. They hoped like hellltheir little program would kill this agrobacterium......but found it did not die. it real effects on humans today is yet to come and just beginning. Visit a feed lot, watch movies about food and see a feed lot of cows and what has happened to most of them. they have ports now in their bellies to manually move the food from one place to another. the cows stomachs do not function much anymore, and their bodies are covered with sores, strange sores, sores with little colored google that shit found on humans......

those farms blast these cows with massive antibiotics to control the massive outbreaks of these sores, they believe are caused from crowding, not internal the same time those supposed dying agrobacteria have not only learned to thrive in pools of many different concoctions of antibiotics, and how to express it self while damaging our very genome. This is the source of our digestive issues, our immune failures, or gut Rx needs, maybe even sores with little colored fibers too.

Agrobacteria is found in the big round trunk knot of infected trees, right at the point of infection, the tree dna is changed forever with whatever hitch hiked on the agrobacterium on the way in. It entered a wound.
we're fucked you see.....
I am becoming convinced that most auto immune diseases can be reversed through diet and nutritional supplements. So much of the food we can buy now is stripped of its nutrients, empty calories. My intake of processed food is probably less than 10% now. Hey, get away from my pie, LOL.
A good diet...with carbs counted Worked for me for the first 10 years of being diabetic ...was able to keep sugars between 4 and 7 with zero meds..
but as things creep the medications.
Same here at about 10 -15 percent....mostly cause my wife is so healthy.... ..we grow a lot of our own stuff here as well.

Agrobacteria is found in the big round trunk knot of infected trees, right at the point of infection, the tree dna is changed forever with whatever hitch hiked on the agrobacterium on the way in. It entered a wound.
we're fucked you see.....
That's def not good.
I have been seeing, some video's on environmental engineering... with them trying to make/change/steer. the planets weather
also very scary
Diabetic. Yes my Mom was diabetic and my Dad was hypoglycemic. I have been warned year after year and still ate ridiculous amounts of fudge and other sweets. My wife would make cream cheese icing and I would eat it without the cake often. Throughout all of it my blood tests continually showed normal sugar levels. I think I will wait until fall then get another blood test to compare to before I made all these changes.

I was a bit surprised when my last 2 blood tests showed everything in normal range. It strikes me as odd that my health can be so out of sorts and yet nothing in my blood test gives any indication why. I wanted to have a blood test for known toxins (glysophate for one) but my doc does not seem to be able to figure that out.
My favourite quick edible is to use any flavoured full cream milk, something like chocolate or vanilla flavour,
Add about a cup to a cup and a half full in a small pot, half a teaspoon of butter or margarine (you won't taste it after). Add about half a joint's worth of dried flower in.
Then bring it to a low boil on the stove, you may have to turn the heat down to keep it just bubbling on for about 20 minutes.
Strain and enjoy. Make sure you don't have anything to do for the next 11 to 12 hours.
Diabetic. Yes my Mom was diabetic and my Dad was hypoglycemic. I have been warned year after year and still ate ridiculous amounts of fudge and other sweets. My wife would make cream cheese icing and I would eat it without the cake often. Throughout all of it my blood tests continually showed normal sugar levels. I think I will wait until fall then get another blood test to compare to before I made all these changes.

I was a bit surprised when my last 2 blood tests showed everything in normal range. It strikes me as odd that my health can be so out of sorts and yet nothing in my blood test gives any indication why. I wanted to have a blood test for known toxins (glysophate for one) but my doc does not seem to be able to figure that out.
Please forgive my ignorance, what is glysophate?
Big congrats. It is very hard to give up everything so I cheat a little then pile on the good stuff. I have grown tired of most crunchy stuff, it seems to be mostly corn based and I do not eat corn. I do miss my Fritos though, salt and all. It is not going to be a life sentence for me, but I am going to get my body healthy again.

An example is my meal for dinner yesterday. Can you spot where I cheated. FWIW I had that many grapes again after dinner, plus about half off a one liter basket of fresh Canadian strawberries.

Short answer, it is a crop desiccant, like agent orange. The have it in Round up and have bred the corn to be resistant to Round Up by creating a new strain with it genetically bred into it. You could Google it for more info but put on your tin foil had as there are some wild stories about the whole Monsanto shit show.