Ketama crosses


Well-Known Member

Some Katama pollen from a supposed land race indica from Morocco I got from sensible seeds.
Crossing it with:
Strawberry Kush
Blackberry OG
White Russian
A cross I made of Chocolope and Master Kush.

My initial plan was to cross it with a land race sativa called Kilimanjaro but I got unlucky and all I got was males. I'll have to pop the rest of the seeds and hope for a female. I have a Kilimanjaro male ready to harvest pollen from. I've had pollen be viable for a couple months so I should be able to make the initial cross I wanted as long as I get a female.
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The Chocolope + Master Kush crossed with Katama:


The White Russian crossed with Katama:


Both are developing seeds. The Strawberry Kush has been pollinated and is showing signs of seed development. I'll be pollinating the Blackberry OG in a couple days. So far everything is going as I had hoped. I had some issues with heat and had to put a portable air conditioner in the tent. I also switched to growing with blumats and 100% coco. I was growing in coco/perlite and hand watering but it was too much work. So far the blumats and 100% coco is exceeding my expectations. I don't know why I wasn't growing this way years ago. All I do now is top off the reservoir every couple of days. Everything is automated and on timers. I could leave for a week with no worries.
Oops. I posted the same plant. Here is the White Russian crossed with Katama. As you can see it's developing seeds as well.

looks good nice work.. I am about to load up my love shake, iv got a Oregon lemon male and a load of stuff to cross with it.
hopefully get a few winners.
looks good nice work.. I am about to load up my love shake, iv got a Oregon lemon male and a load of stuff to cross with it.
hopefully get a few winners.
It's just a hobby. I'm busy crossing tomatoes, squash, and a few flowers as well.
I got the Blackberry OG crossed with the Ketama last night. If it ends up like this I'll be happy:


I won't be buying any seed stock anytime soon if ever again.
That is my plan too seed for ever and for the pheno hunt, it makes it alot easier to crack a few hundred seed to find the one instead of 10 and not even realy having very good odds of finding the one.
Side by side shot of pollinated and not pollinated on same plant. It's a cross I made with Master Kush + Chocolope and now I've crossed that with Ketama.
I have no grandiose dreams of becoming a breeder and making a bunch of money selling seeds. This is strictly a hobby and I hardly know what I'm doing. I'm an IT guy and this is one of my getaways to forget all the work stuff I have to deal with. I just decided I was done dealing with cloning and I wasn't going to pay the excessive prices to grow from seed every crop so I decided to just make my own seeds. I do the same with vegetables and flowers.

I just thought this was a cool picture. I wish the resolution was better. It wasn't outside. I used a tactical LED light to illuminate it shortly before the grow light came on.

nice looking plants, im in the same boat with not wanting to spend 10$ per seed,
I have done one seed run that went well, and im about 2 weeks in on flowering a male oregon lemon
So everything went well and I was able to harvest seeds from all the crosses I made as well as getting some seeds from using a Silver Nitrate & Sodium Thiosulfate solution on a clone to make pollen to pollinate the mother of the Master Kush/Chocolope cross that I made years ago. I gave a friend of mine a clone years ago and he's been growing it ever since. He had to stop growing for awhile and didn't want to lose the strain so I got a clone from him, grew it out, made a couple clones, and then used one to make pollen with the silver nitrate method and pollinated the mother. We have yet to see how close plants from the seed are to the mother.

There are a few things I noticed. I'm convinced that despite only pollinating a branch or two that it reduces the yield across the entire plant when you produce seeds. Not significantly but enough to notice. I grew two Strawberry Kush plants. Both were different pheno's with one being much more larger and robust. I pollinated a branch on the big one which was about 25 - 30% larger than the other one when I started them in the flower cycle. The smaller one ended up producing more than the larger one. It's not scientific but I am convinced that seed production effects the entire plant and not just a single branch that was pollinated. It makes sense though because the plant's goal is to reproduce so it is going to be sending as much resources into seed production as possible.

Anyway I'm happy overall with this project. I learned quite a bit along the way.

Just had a nice surprise. I had a Blueberry auto that was a free seed from one of Sensible Seeds promotions that I got with an order I made. I planted it and let it grow outside. Well I just harvested it and while I was trimming it I noticed some seeds. Then I remembered I dusted a branch with some of the Katama pollen. It will be interesting to see what comes out of the cross and if any of the seeds will produce plants that maintain the auto characteristic. So that makes five crosses with the Katama strain. I wish I could fast forward a few months and see what these crosses turn out to be like. Waiting is going to be difficult.
Here is a Strawberry Kush + Ketama cross two weeks from switching to 12/12. I'm calling it Strawberry Ketama or Strawberry Moroccan. I got lucky and the first seed I planted was a female. Topped twice and then supercropped to keep it the same height as a couple other plants in the tent. Hybrid vigor is real. Thing wouldn't slow down. It's really healthy and I'm not trimming a single leaf. I want all those beautiful leaves to do their job and act like solar panels pulling energy into the plant that will be used to produce flowers.
Anyway, I'm happy with this cross so far. Waiting for it to finish is going to be a test of patience.

The Strawberry Kush + Ketama cross


I took a couple clones



I transplanted to larger pots. The one on the right I'll treat with silver nitrate & sodium thiosulfate mixture and use that pollen to pollinate the other clone to make feminized seeds.
