Best organic ways to remove spider mites (Advice)

I like ghost pepper tea spray and neem oil spray used back to back. Don't bother killing off soil mites btw they are beneficial. Good luck and wear a mask or you'll be fucked in the lungs.
Since you've already established what you will be using, a great preventative for next grow is to companion plant Cilantro in the same container. Its a natural pest repellent for aphids and mites and will not compete for nutrients from your plant (stays fairly small also). And of course you can pick it and eat it as it grows if you like it...
Since you've already established what you will be using, a great preventative for next grow is to companion plant Cilantro in the same container. Its a natural pest repellent for aphids and mites and will not compete for nutrients from your plant (stays fairly small also). And of course you can pick it and eat it as it grows if you like it...
That's awesome I've never thought about doing that with cilantro. Could you use marigolds in your pots too? I feel a little cilantro/marigold tag team could provide quite some power.
That's awesome I've never thought about doing that with cilantro. Could you use marigolds in your pots too? I feel a little cilantro/marigold tag team could provide quite some power.
I plant Marigolds around vegetables in raised beds. I wouldn't plant them in the same pot but in the same room in their own pot. They get pretty big, especially with good soil and have deep roots. Those would prob take away from your plants nutrient wise. They repel most all bugs that are attracted to cannabis so just put them in their own pots around it and you're good to go
Since you've already established what you will be using, a great preventative for next grow is to companion plant Cilantro in the same container. Its a natural pest repellent for aphids and mites and will not compete for nutrients from your plant (stays fairly small also). And of course you can pick it and eat it as it grows if you like it...

Nice one bro for the input. I'll keep it in mind.
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I plant Marigolds around vegetables in raised beds. I wouldn't plant them in the same pot but in the same room in their own pot. They get pretty big, especially with good soil and have deep roots. Those would prob take away from your plants nutrient wise. They repel most all bugs that are attracted to cannabis so just put them in their own pots around it and you're good to go
I tried this a couple of years ago. I bought some marigolds from Lowe's. Luckily I noticed that the marigolds were infested with mites themselves before I put them in my grow room. Just sayin

Turns out...marigolds actually attract spider mites!
I tried this a couple of years ago. I bought some marigolds from Lowe's. Luckily I noticed that the marigolds were infested with mites themselves before I put them in my grow room. Just sayin

Turns out...marigolds actually attract spider mites!
Very interesting. I've planted them for years and never knew this. I dust my vegetables too so I guess all this time the Marigolds haven't done anything for the mites. Of course mites are the least of concerns when it comes to vegetables. At least they are pretty I guess
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Had several pounds of dry ice left over after running some trim for kief.... Wrapped it in a couple layers of towel and put it in the bottom of a garbage can..... Put all the small plants that would fit, then the lid..... The dry ice sublimated and filled the can with co2.... After 24 hours the plants experienced no ill effects, but everything that needed air to live was dead...
A couple of quarts of habanero pepper spray can easily be made for under $5.

Use it every other day for about a week and make sure you spray the UNDERSIDE of leaves. Won't hurt if you spray the stem and branches too.

jbooleyWell-Known Member
This is what worked for me. mint leaf, habanero peppers, garlic, steep on the stove for about 1/2 hour. Let it cool and then add some olive oil and a few drops of dawn dish soap.

PS the plants loved it
I've just done some research and found out cilantro is common to root rot, this might introduce alphids.
Really..I didn't know that either. I've never had any issues with it but then again one thing I can grow is herbs and vegetables..I think maybe if left neglected this would be the case and most cannabis growers seem to be pretty in tune and observant for something like that....Thanks for the info though as I will def be keeping more of an eye out b/c I grow it religiously