Any way to "clean up" green dragon tincture?


Well-Known Member
So I've been experimenting with making tinctures from leaf & trim. Although I'm very satisfied with the potency, the taste is just horrible as opposed to tincture from kief or hash. I make hard candies that'll put you into space, but have a strong "planty" taste. Tincture from leaf tends to be very thick and dark once it's reduced down to use in a candy recipe. It seems no matter how I flavor the candy, the plant taste always overpowers it.
I'd love to know if there was a way to further refine or clean out that horrible green taste. Thanks!
The only thing I have found is to filter the liquid, coffee filter, and put it in a glass jar in the sunlight 30-60 minutes. This will convert much of the chlorophyll to carotene, the end product will be reddish.
Alternately, if you have access to hexane, that can be added to the liquid, and it will form a separate layer with the good stuff and no chlorophyll. This can be siphoned off and reduced with heat.
Make a QWET, be sure to winterize, and use it.

Funny, I had made some green dragon for a friend months ago and saved a couple of vials. Just the other day I made some vape juice out of it and I'll just say I mean what you mean!
Thanks for all the info!
I also do a cold extract in the freezer.

My method:
3-4oz ground trim/leaf decarbed for 1 hour at 250F
Put in jar, add 500ml 190 proof everclear
Shake 2x daily for 5-7 days
Strain through steel mesh, then coffee filter
Reduce in double boiler down to 2oz (for use in hard candy recipe; makes 35-40 candies)
Final product is thick & almost black

Never heard of qwet til now... Definitely gonna give that a shot next round.
Also, gonna see if the sunlight method helps on some tincture I already have made.
Thanks again!
I think it is the 5-7 days of soak time that is causing so much chlorophyll to be extracted
IME while using Etho for a tincture you do not need that long of a a soak as opposed to VG
I would only soak for about 5 mins for a everclear tincture
So I've been experimenting with making tinctures from leaf & trim. Although I'm very satisfied with the potency, the taste is just horrible as opposed to tincture from kief or hash. I make hard candies that'll put you into space, but have a strong "planty" taste. Tincture from leaf tends to be very thick and dark once it's reduced down to use in a candy recipe. It seems no matter how I flavor the candy, the plant taste always overpowers it.
I'd love to know if there was a way to further refine or clean out that horrible green taste. Thanks!

I suggest Brown Dragon instead.

Extract using a QWET procedure, and reduce it down to the desired consistency.


  • 3 minute frozen extract.jpg
    3 minute frozen extract.jpg
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I have a question. What the best proof of alcohol to buy to use for green dragon? I'm wanting to make some today and was wondering what I should pick up
Thanks again for all the great info!
So a quick wash & winterizing was the way to go. I didn't winterized my first batch & it still had a hint of that green planty taste, but not nearly a strong as past batches.
On my next attempt, I winterized by reducing the tincture down to about 2oz, then put it in the freezer. After a couple of days, there were solid waxy deposits at the bottom of the tincture. I filtered through a regular coffee filter & my candies never tasted better.
Thanks for all the info!
I also do a cold extract in the freezer.

My method:
3-4oz ground trim/leaf decarbed for 1 hour at 250F
Put in jar, add 500ml 190 proof everclear
Shake 2x daily for 5-7 days
Strain through steel mesh, then coffee filter
Reduce in double boiler down to 2oz (for use in hard candy recipe; makes 35-40 candies)
Final product is thick & almost black

Never heard of qwet til now... Definitely gonna give that a shot next round.
Also, gonna see if the sunlight method helps on some tincture I already have made.
Thanks again!
That appears way to long to have it sit in ever clear. It will extract chlorophyll. Your best bet is to make some BHO, this will minimize the chlorophyll concentration in the final product. Evaporate off the butane, THEN redissolve it all in everclear. If you dissolve the stuff in everclear first, you will greatly increase the probability of extracting chlorphyll.

As a poster above said, putting it in the sun would help. Never done that, but UV light does decompose chlorophyll.
We make out edibles by winterizing some BHO then purging it in the vac oven and decarbing it. That is the best way to concentrate it so you don't have to put as much in the edibles. Less product means less taste. Thats how a lot of edible companies make their stuff.
Go to GrassCity and follow the Green Dragon Tutorial there. Your decarb is too long unless you want a stoned/couch lock high. 7 grams -and you will get back 4 oz of tincture-the dosing formula is in the Grasscity site, I believe it is 2.25 g per fluid oz. If you study this thread, then you will see that they use green dragon as the base, and then make it into other products, such as honey, VG, etc for all your needs.
Notes on process:
Decarb-freeze 24 hours with Everclear, add Everclear to bud, shake 5 minutes, put in freezer for 2-3 hours, shake for 5 minutes, strain, heat and then you are done in about 3-4 hours. I smoke all day everyday so I am always looking for ways to cut down my consumption of herb. I take 4-6 ml of tincture with my coffee, then smoke a bowl, and I will be high till midday, and do it again. The recipe in the link will provide you with 20+ doses with only 7 grams of herb, and you can make it into honey or whatever. PM me if you have questions!

P.S, if you look at the most recent pages, I know it's long, you will see my experiments with it. It is grade A+ stuff. I have even used it straight, and while it burns like hellfire!!! It is a pain reliever in less than 10 minutes
Hello all,beginner here made green dragon without decarbing, It has been sitting in the dark for 8 weeks with 2 more to go. I shake the mason jar everyday, and now reading here about all you guys decarbing before soaking in everclear, I'm thinkin i screwed up and its gonna be crap. Is there any way i can salvage this to continue on to make a tincture,vape juice/oil,candy/edibles,or topical for arthritis,any advice or recipes are welcomed thanks CW
bad taste does not mean screwed made it for effect. your effect will be good, your taste ...well, im reading this to learn so I know nothing. lol.
Yeah I'm wondering if I should double boil it down to evaporate the everclear like Mr kookano says he does, I decided to make this into an arthritis creme, so should I mix the green dragon with organic coconut oil,cook in my crockpot on low for 4-5 hrs?? Burning off the alcohol?? Anyone please advise me if this is okay to do thanks CW
Hello all,beginner here made green dragon without decarbing, It has been sitting in the dark for 8 weeks with 2 more to go. I shake the mason jar everyday, and now reading here about all you guys decarbing before soaking in everclear, I'm thinkin i screwed up and its gonna be crap. Is there any way i can salvage this to continue on to make a tincture,vape juice/oil,candy/edibles,or topical for arthritis,any advice or recipes are welcomed thanks CW

We decarboxylate so that the THC can pass the blood brain barrier. THCa is actually a good anti inflammatory, and should do that function without decarb.

You can also evaporate off the alcohol, decarb the oil, and mix alcohol back in to make a tincture.