Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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Thank you, Bro, for the kind words!!!

No, I did not design an installation of small dimensions. But still ahead)))

Air circulation at the bottom of the unit

эскиз 2.JPG
The work day is over at last. Now you can relax a little))) Today I drink Americanly))). I smoke in my own way))


As they say to us: Have fun, Russian soul !!!)))

We will make history in the song!
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Russian music there

Why, can you explain to me?))))))))))))))))))))

What is common between African-American and Russian?




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Coca Cola is another one of those companies that sided with the Nazis. They branded Fanta to sell in Nazi occupied countries. Just a heads up, along with Ford, GM, GE, Texaco, etc.

America is one fuked up country, the land was stolen from the natives and ever since the racial bigotry continued.

One thing I could never understand is how white Europeans could call any foreign people barbarians. They slaughtered men, women, children and the elderly.

History makes me feel ill sometimes.
Coca Cola is another one of those companies that sided with the Nazis. They branded Fanta to sell in Nazi occupied countries. Just a heads up, along with Ford, GM, GE, Texaco, etc.

America is one fuked up country, the land was stolen from the natives and ever since the racial bigotry continued.

One thing I could never understand is how white Europeans could call any foreign people barbarians. They slaughtered men, women, children and the elderly.

History makes me feel ill sometimes.

So so we continue the madness or change it. Unless you're in a dictatorship then your vote counts, just have to get rid of the idiots!
MUCH easier said than done, my friend.

Sorry my good friend, but that ain't so.
It has happened all over, your state,CO. I love that, CO=Cannabis Oil, look what the people did there, with a vote. And the, I don't want to use the word pressure, but the calls, the emails, the comments on social media all made a big difference.
We need a Three Party System, ones that give us the options to chose our lifestyles.
You know I am typing I don't even know what thread I am in, just looked sorry Sedan for the rant. I am just so fucking tired of the political crap that is going on.
So here in the good ol USA, the protector/agitator of the world, what need is:
Third party system
Term Limits
Psychological examination of all person with political aspirations
The freedom to live our lives in peace and do as we wish as long as no harm comes to others!
70 yr old wisdom!
Sorry my good friend, but that ain't so.
It has happened all over, your state,CO. I love that, CO=Cannabis Oil, look what the people did there, with a vote. And the, I don't want to use the word pressure, but the calls, the emails, the comments on social media all made a big difference.
We need a Three Party System, ones that give us the options to chose our lifestyles.
You know I am typing I don't even know what thread I am in, just looked sorry Sedan for the rant. I am just so fucking tired of the political crap that is going on.
So here in the good ol USA, the protector/agitator of the world, what need is:
Third party system
Term Limits
Psychological examination of all person with political aspirations
The freedom to live our lives in peace and do as we wish as long as no harm comes to others!
70 yr old wisdom!
Like I said, that's much easier said than accomplished.
Thank you very much, Friends! I have a very large diphtheria of communication on profound vital topics. People generally do not want to talk about the truth, because they personally feel like it. And they feel uncomfortable that they think badly about themselves, and they try in every possible way to pass the blame on the other: the wife, the bad friend, the bad president, the bad and aggressive state ... And to boldly face the truth, and say to yourself: You were wrong, you Not what you thought of yourself before ... This is a very brave step:

1. You are disappointed in life.

2. All around, seeing that you admit your guilt, will all fall on you !!

I can say exactly about this, because I have one friend ...... who was disappointed for a long time in his life, and walks forever in spittle and slaps.

All people have become higher than him, because he is bad, but they are still just as good.

His wife was the first person who said it ... think funny? Sad, very sad, Bros.

Coca Cola is another one of those companies that sided with the Nazis. They branded Fanta to sell in Nazi occupied countries. Just a heads up, along with Ford, GM, GE, Texaco, etc.

America is one fuked up country, the land was stolen from the natives and ever since the racial bigotry continued.

One thing I could never understand is how white Europeans could call any foreign people barbarians. They slaughtered men, women, children and the elderly.

History makes me feel ill sometimes.

The most basic of this is that those people went for gold, and not the culture to carry to the ancient peoples. And where there is gold and money, there are rivers of blood, as a rule.

MUCH easier said than done, my friend.

Yes, Bro-it is unreal difficult! After all, if you become better spiritually, then you deliberately inflict suffering on yourself by forcing yourself to experience deprivation, need, and abstinence. So I look at my cat, and I see how she suffers in the spring. This I deprive her. And if you deliberately deprive yourself of yourself .... People will call you nonsense - not otherwise! Utopia of some kind))

So so we continue the madness or change it. Unless you're in a dictatorship then your vote counts, just have to get rid of the idiots!

I believe that the truth is not the right choice, but the correct education of the younger generation. In the USSR very large forces rushed to it. Although it was mostly incomprehensible than, but most of the basic educational aspects in fact, were taken again from the bible !! Help your neighbor, mutual help, love in the Motherland, to your parents. I when acted in pioneers with a red tie (10 years age), I at all school gave an oath it INLY IN THIS !! Otherwise, I would not be accepted. Now it sounds silly, but for me it was then so important, I still have this oath in my ears ringing.

Unfortunately, life is arranged so that a person is not born with knowledge, he acquires them. It all begins with the parents. Then the school and so on. This is the most important moment when a young individual absorbs, like a sponge, what is happening around. And most importantly, it's REPEATED !!! If a person were given a choice of three paths in 50 or 60 years, then it would be reasonable. And at the age when a child sees his MAM every day, all in tattoos, and with a disfigured plastic face. When my mother has one goal, her beauty, and nothing else interests her, except for money and Gucci Versace, what will the child learn and what will it repeat? The question is rhetorical))) This is the young man's first step into life, on the path of choice. Further more! My opinion: the problem of the state is not the right to choose or lack "democracy," the problem in the literate wisdom and spiritual education of the younger generation ...
So it was, it's true !!

The Bible, only God was Lenin-bullshit)))

The Bible, only God instead of money, doubly crazy !!))
Religion is a tool to control people's thoughts.

There is a pledge of allegiance said in public schools, it includes the nation and a single god.
Religion is a tool to control people's thoughts.

There is a pledge of allegiance said in public schools, it includes the nation and a single god.

Man is so created that he simply needs help from outside. That in a difficult moment, when there is no one to help, ask for help. We all know that any, even the most difficult, problem disappears by itself over time. As the Russians say, "Time is the best doctor." And then someone thought up so cleverly. Listen: he says, come here, ask for help, when it's bad, God will help you. And the truth, the problem came, prayed, the problem passed! If you did not pass, then prayed badly !!! Well, if the problem has passed, and God has helped you, then be kind to share, otherwise the next time it will not help !! Very primitively, I explained, but I think so, it will be clearer that there is a religion in fact.

Do you know how Lenin spoke about religion at one time? Do not believe)) "Religion is the opium for the people." Therefore, we prayed to Lenin for 70 years)))


Leaving on the S class "holy father" sued the golden words, those guys that asked him to park the car in the right place, he blocked the passage:

You loafers, guys, get busy!)))))))))))))
People of the church should live meager lives.

You do not even need to understand words, just look at the video, and it becomes clear immediately that this priest violated three basic commandments of the Bible:

3 - he pronounces the name of the Lord wait for a day, reading prayers, hiding behind His Name, and putting his money in his pocket.

8 - he is stealing.

9 - He is false.

Imagine, this person is every Sunday, he serves in the church, people worship him, elderly people kiss their hands because they believe in God! Who is this person by the way? He's a real devil !! I gave myself an oath-NEVER GO TO THE CHURCH !!!!! How the Russian rappers sing: "God is inside me, and my God does not understand all this"

Some photos of my garden ....


When will you harvest and how many weeks total flower time when you do harvest? Oh and how long did you veg!
I am at 44 days into flower now and it is calling for 74 +/- days.
20170717_215915 (2).jpg 20170717_215923 (2).jpg 20170717_215958 (2).jpg

Just really enjoy your grow, and look forward to the final pics at harvest, and then dried and cured. Bet them buds are going to look fantastic.

When will you harvest and how many weeks total flower time when you do harvest? Oh and how long did you veg!
I am at 44 days into flower now and it is calling for 74 +/- days.
View attachment 3980731 View attachment 3980732 View attachment 3980733

Just really enjoy your grow, and look forward to the final pics at harvest, and then dried and cured. Bet them buds are going to look fantastic.


Excellent work, Bro !!!! You do not need to cut the leaves anymore, now the main thing is to distribute the branches correctly and cut the unnecessary ones, if there are many, just improve the ventilation and look behind the mold. If this is not an auto and not a coconut, then a small drought is useful. Then when you pour water after a drought, the plants will bloom with a double force, only after a drought, if you pour fertilizer, first pour water, then fertilize. I'm telling you how I'm doing. Maybe you'll take something for yourself! Can you share the photo?
All plants at once...
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