

Well-Known Member
What's up y'all !

So I'm midway through week 4 and my plants are starting to really pick up in growth. I'm wondering what everyone's opinion of when to top your plant. Most of what I've read has been after the 3rd set of leaves grow out. I dunno, can someone look at the photos I included and let me know their opinion. Much appreciated as always !

Thanks everyone !



Well-Known Member
If you're growing for other then yourself. Weight alone is the goal. Top it. If you want the very best private reserve grown by your own hands. LST. Keep tying them down.


Well-Known Member
Tying down the leaves you mean ?
Trying down the uncut plant. Push the top of the plant to the side with your finger. You'll notice it's really flexible. You can flex the plant to 45° angle without hurting it. The next day you bend it to a final 90°. (Tied on both sides of the bend. It needs an anchor one side.) They don't care to be bent much more. When the new growth is 3-5" longer. Tie it down again. You can keep the plant short as you want. The side buds also get more light.


Well-Known Member
Trying down the uncut plant. Push the top of the plant to the side with your finger. You'll notice it's really flexible. You can flex the plant to 45° angle without hurting it. The next day you bend it to a final 90°. They don't care to be bent much more. When the new growth is 3-5" longer. Tie it down. You can keep the plant short as you want. The side buds also get more light.
Do you have a picture or a page reference I could get a visual idea of ?


Well-Known Member
What's up y'all !

So I'm midway through week 4 and my plants are starting to really pick up in growth. I'm wondering what everyone's opinion of when to top your plant. Most of what I've read has been after the 3rd set of leaves grow out. I dunno, can someone look at the photos I included and let me know their opinion. Much appreciated as always !

Thanks everyone !
Third always seem to early for me. I'm a fifth node kinda guy. Top, let new shoots grow out some and begin tying down and training. With an indoor grow and ceiling restrictions it's what works for me. Getting a pound per plant this way in DWC.

mr buddy

Well-Known Member
I topped mine at 3..4 weeks left a week and started lst training. Once I stated lst I noticed all lower branches started to grow upwards to the light.I also twisted the branches around the pot this again opened up the middle of the plant getting little light and befor I knew it I had 15 main bud sites and each had there lower buds . On harvest I had 2oz dry weight off 1 plant and I kept these at no bigger than 12 inch this was my 1st grow and was happy with the outcome next lot in flower now and I topped 2 left 3 to do there thing