how does my weed seedling look


New Member
I have recently tried growing my plant died I don't have super fancy suff just some seeds ground dirt and water and a normal house light how has it turned out so far
Age:4 Days old


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You will need proper soil, nutrients and a light at the bare minimum if you plan on keeping your seedling alive indoors. It looks "ok" right now but it will need essential things to keep it that way.
I have recently tried growing my plant died I don't have super fancy suff just some seeds ground dirt and water and a normal house light how has it turned out so far
Age:4 Days old
It looks good for now. I would get you some good potting soil and a smart pot before you transplant though. Throw some perlite in your new soil for airation. Don't look like I have any.
I have recently tried growing my plant died I don't have super fancy suff just some seeds ground dirt and water and a normal house light how has it turned out so far
Age:4 Days old
I agree with all of the above.
If your just experimenting with keeping it alive, then your most likely problem if it is not the soil is that your soil is constantly to wet or it is left to dry for to long. A plant needs to experience a balance of wet and dry periods. Not constantly wet or moist which is the most common problem people have especially if they enjoy keeping a close eye on their plant. Some new growers are afraid to let a plant dry out and kill it with love..
It looks good for now. I would get you some good potting soil and a smart pot before you transplant though. Throw some perlite in your new soil for airation. Don't look like I have any.
ok but its going to be grown out side just wanted to get it on its way because I live in the woods
If it's going to be grown outside then find a spot with some nice rich black earth that gets good sun for most of the day and plant it in the dirt out there. For now, don't overwater it and put her under any light if you just want to keep her alive, if you want to grow the plant indoors in overdrive grow mode you need strong lights, nutrients, proper soil, equipment that runs these lights, space etc.