BluMats? Other drip kits?


Active Member
I'm looking for a drip kit so I don't have to mix nutes every night(growing in coco)...

I was looking at dripkits but I'm not quite sure if it will work. They say:

The Tropf Blumat self-watering system functions automatically. As the soil dries, a vacuum and hydro-static pressure, coupled with a spring-loaded gating mechanism, pulls water from the main line. When the soil is sufficiently moist, pressures equalize, and the Tropf Blumat automatically stops taking in water.

I was wondering if this would work for my needs... I would also buy their 5 gallon bucket. The bucket would go on my floor. The tops of my smartpots would be about level with the top of the 5 gallon bucket, maybe higher.

Find it hard to believe their system can suck the water up, how high would this function?

Any recommendations for a better drip kit?

Some picture examples for you. Different dripper kits and setups can be found at homedepot. Just need a water pump.
I have used this 8 dripper 'octopus' head in the past from homedepot. feed water in and sends water out to 8 drippers, can have one of these mounted on a pvc pole sticking up in the middle of plants feeding them all.
I'm kind of scared of having an electric pump, my breaker used to flip every now and then but I figured out the a.c. in the other room wasn't using the outlet that was set up for it.

Still scared I could lose power and have an issue. I also imagine this blumats system is cheaper and it sounds like it waters to the perfect level.

I just couldn't find where they said how high the reservoir would have to be for gravity feed, but I eventually did. Now I gotta figure out how to keep it like a foot higher than my plants
Right on. If you have water pump phobia you have water pump ..self watering is the way to go. Try some 12x12 square milk crates from behind the supermarket to raise up a resevoir. Besides the BluMats they have self watering pots using the same principle, forgot what they're called but I know they exist. Good Growing man. :joint:
I hung containers, could be done singular tho, on wall outside my room, put a drain hose out bottom with a shut off valve. I manually water as in i turn the shut off open for perioud of my choosing , but easier for me as i grow wide flat girls all LSTed low, so handwatering is a pain, this is happy medium. I have em run to hoses to the girls and make a watering halo in each container...
I hung containers, could be done singular tho, on wall outside my room, put a drain hose out bottom with a shut off valve. I manually water as in i turn the shut off open for perioud of my choosing , but easier for me as i grow wide flat girls all LSTed low, so handwatering is a pain, this is happy medium. I have em run to hoses to the girls and make a watering halo in each container...

I was thinking of getting more nozzles to go around the stem, but I'm growing in coco and this stuff is like a sponge. I think a single nozzle will be fine
With the frequent waterings you can do with coco i either feed water water if i use full strenghth nutes or feed water feed water at half strenght nutes... that saves mixing nightly too...
I dont but i dont mix ahead, but one could use a sized up version of my system to mix ahead.. i do coco too. I just wrap a bit of hose around container that is punctured so it seeps out in a cirlcle halfway between stem and container side
Any water sitting around not aerated has a higher propensity to grow bad shit in it.
--even if you can't see it with the human eye.

I'll also need one for when I use nectar of the gods it looks like, although it sounds like it wouldn't be necessary for the nutes while using salt based ones.

Got any recommendations? How much air would I need to put into a 5 gal reservoir?
not much. smallest fish tank air pump you can find will be more than enough for 5 gal. get an airstone for more smaller bubbles

Thanks Cobby! I'm also getting a water pump to put in the res to keep the water moving around. Little 80 gph thing.

The water pump+aerater , tubing, air stone, and check valve come out to be $17.5 , my total will be like $100 to have to mix nutes weekly instead of nightly and feeding 2+ times a day