Trouble shipping to U.S.


Active Member
Having trouble ordering seeds to the U.S. Something about Trump isn't allowing cross border credit card payments. This is info I'm gettin from a friend who is doing the ordering. Doesn't seem right. Any info will help. Thanks
Many prepaid CC dont work internationally, and the ones that do are expensive.

With standard issiue CC you often have to call the issuing bank to authorize a international transaction, theirs also extra fee's

nothing to do with the current president, Ben like that for years

Many vendors will accept international money orders or cash
Many prepaid CC dont work internationally, and the ones that do are expensive.

With standard issiue CC you often have to call the issuing bank to authorize a international transaction, theirs also extra fee's

nothing to do with the current president, Ben like that for years

Many vendors will accept international money orders or cash

there's been a lot of fraud with cc's in england is the info i have read, and as a result, cc companies have put the smack down on international charges.. calling your cc's issuing bank and telling them that you're planning on making an international order is usually enough to get the ban lifted ime..
secondly, you can simply order from right here in the us of a instead of having to deal with things like customs and cc companies not wanting to deal with international purchases.. check out the seed bank review section for the latest list of reliable us based seed banks.. the one down fall for a lot of the us based banks imo is they tend to have a limited stock vs the euro based banks, sticking with mostly all us based breeders, which can be a good thing as it will allow you to try someone's gear you might not have tried had you ordered through the standard euro based banks..
Thank you for all the replies.I will relay this info to my friend and see why he decides to do. He is using a personal cc said that he turned on the "cbp " I'm guessing cross border protection and tried ordering again. The Trump thing was kindve a joke I know there has always been kindve a process getting beans to the U.S. Just curious if anyone else has had recent issues. Guess I need to do my research on U.S. based banks. Thanks again everyone!
Also I live in the Midwest goin on vacation to the west coast and wanted to try and stop in Colorado and get some beans. In recreational states will they allow non-citizens to purchase. Non as in not from the state I am a u.S. Citizen
Cash is king. I would never order seeds with a Credit Card never have. Of course I wouldn't trust every seed bank with my cash.
I agree cash is king and doesn't leave a trail. That's why I'm personally wanting to just grab some in Colorado in a couple weeks. My friend is an older guy. He's ordered online a couple times before but now having issues. He's a crazy old stubborn man. I suggested using a prepaid cc but he said he's done it before and will do it this way again. Local bean might be more exspensive but if I can goto a shop be able to test some of what I'm gettin and pay cash I wanna do that. Then I can just take my yearly trip to CO!
In my experience Colorado rec clinics will now sell seeds to out of staters... Not sure bout clones.

Thank you for your input. I found a site that explains CO state laws and it stats that non-residents can still purchase seeds but I don't know how credible the site is
Last time I was down there, a few months back. A shop in boulder was offering me seed packs. So I'm pretty certain out of staters can buy seeds.
If it's your first time to the state, explore all the cool products they make with canna now. Tons of edibles and whatnot. Really handy for roadtrips. No stank in the car
Having trouble ordering seeds to the U.S. Something about Trump isn't allowing cross border credit card payments. This is info I'm gettin from a friend who is doing the ordering. Doesn't seem right. Any info will help. Thanks
order your seeds from inside the usa, and you wont have that problem,, i get mine from southern oregon seeds
Last time I was down there, a few months back. A shop in boulder was offering me seed packs. So I'm pretty certain out of staters can buy seeds.
If it's your first time to the state, explore all the cool products they make with canna now. Tons of edibles and whatnot. Really handy for roadtrips. No stank in the car

Exactly what I planned to do! I've made some of my own edibles but never had any from a shop so I'm excited to see all the different varieties they have to offer. Thank you for your comment
I dunno, that's why I'm telling you, you don't have to.

If I were talkin about myself I would say so. He is a 60yo man that doesn't really do computers and such so he asked me to do some research for him. I never have or will I ever order seeds from outside the country. To risky for me. If you have nothing relevant to contribute then just keep to yourself.