Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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The Military Industrial Complex authors a study on American forces around the world, which- shockingly- concludes that America needs to invest much more in its Military Industrial Complex;

The perspective of the piece is particularly telling in terms of American imperialism and its willingness to manipulate its own population into agreeing with such a conclusion.

Ka-ching! Let's build more hardware- and use it! What could possibly go wrong?
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The Military Industrial Complex authors a study on American forces world, which- shockingly- concludes that America needs to invest much more in its Military Industrial Complex;

The perspective of the piece is particularly telling in terms of American imperialism and its willingness to manipulate its own population into agreeing with such a conclusion.

Ka-ching! Let's build more hardware- and use it! What could possibly go wrong?
It's ok though...

Because military commanders have a 700 step flowchart now to help them make decisions, amirite?

How can you expect us to take your links seriously if you dessiminate fake news?
i told my wife that you jack off to women with their assholes duct taped open and she said you were a freak.

Umm, it's unprofessional to diagnose without having that person as a patient. You can get your license pulled.

Not that she's using her Ph.D at Nordstroms.

If he's such a non-issue, why do you keep posting about?
Totally not links of dubious quality or anything.

The fact is, people are well aware of the dangers and have been told repeatedly...

The problem is people don't care because it doesn't affect them "right now", that's the attitude you have to change.
Totally not links of dubious quality or anything.

The fact is, people are well aware of the dangers and have been told repeatedly...

The problem is people don't care because it doesn't affect them "right now", that's the attitude you have to change.

Like the Trump presidency?

First WH shakeup with Obama, I remember it well:

Totally not links of dubious quality or anything.

The fact is, people are well aware of the dangers and have been told repeatedly...

The problem is people don't care because it doesn't affect them "right now", that's the attitude you have to change.
Totally not shit posting because you have nothing to add to the conversation.

Go start your own thread if you don't like what's posted here, instead of constantly derailing this one.
Like the Trump presidency?

First WH shakeup with Obama, I remember it well:

I listened to this whole clip while in the bathroom and had a real live 'high on pot' epiphany!

Our entire country has gone irretrievably down the shitter.

I may as well sit back and fling poo like everyone else, because no amount of reasoned argument is going to get any attention in the light of the ongoing shit storm oozing out of every orifice of the White House.

Every media outlet is screaming its own agenda, blissfully independent of the facts on the ground. The only differences between them are which facts they choose to ignore.

It's been every American for himself for a long time now, but most people haven't got the memo. Hint; it's on the roll right next to your throne...
I listened to this whole clip while in the bathroom and had a real live 'high on pot' epiphany!

Our entire country has gone irretrievably down the shitter.

I may as well sit back and fling poo like everyone else, because no amount of reasoned argument is going to get any attention in the light of the ongoing shit storm oozing out of every orifice of the White House.

Every media outlet is screaming its own agenda, blissfully independent of the facts on the ground. The only differences between them are which facts they choose to ignore.

It's been every American for himself for a long time now, but most people haven't got the memo. Hint; it's on the roll right next to your throne...
Keep in mind the fanatics that buy into it make up a minority, and they're getting smaller every year
Keep in mind the fanatics that buy into it make up a minority, and they're getting smaller every year
I'm not sure I agree. The only fanatics who matter in America anymore are the ones with the money, and they sure as hell aren't getting any less fanatical or less influential.

Frankly, I think it's going to take another Great Crash and Depression to shake people out of their tunnel vision complacency and take action. As things stand now, it's too easy to remain apathetic.

Only when our survival is at stake due to an immediate threat (climate change doesn't rise to the standard of 'immediate', sadly) will our country summon the wherewithal to get off our fat lazy self absorbed asses and do something.

It might not be too late for healthcare, but it will be too late for climate change. Americans can afford to deal with the consequences of global warming and sea level rise but the rest of the world will suffer. I think a billion climate refugees in this century is a reasonable guesstimate. The resulting wars will make our 'Defense' industry very happy and profitable.

They'll be laughing all the way to Hell itself.
I listened to this whole clip while in the bathroom and had a real live 'high on pot' epiphany!

Our entire country has gone irretrievably down the shitter.

I may as well sit back and fling poo like everyone else, because no amount of reasoned argument is going to get any attention in the light of the ongoing shit storm oozing out of every orifice of the White House.

Every media outlet is screaming its own agenda, blissfully independent of the facts on the ground. The only differences between them are which facts they choose to ignore.

It's been every American for himself for a long time now, but most people haven't got the memo. Hint; it's on the roll right next to your throne...

I'm not sure I agree. The only fanatics who matter in America anymore are the ones with the money, and they sure as hell aren't getting any less fanatical or less influential.

Frankly, I think it's going to take another Great Crash and Depression to shake people out of their tunnel vision complacency and take action. As things stand now, it's too easy to remain apathetic.

Only when our survival is at stake due to an immediate threat (climate change doesn't rise to the standard of 'immediate', sadly) will our country summon the wherewithal to get off our fat lazy self absorbed asses and do something.

It might not be too late for healthcare, but it will be too late for climate change. Americans can afford to deal with the consequences of global warming and sea level rise but the rest of the world will suffer. I think a billion climate refugees in this century is a reasonable guesstimate. The resulting wars will make our 'Defense' industry very happy and profitable.

They'll be laughing all the way to Hell itself.
What makes you think another one will if the last one didn't? The next one is coming, most economists agree, and Trump and the Republicans are doing everything they can to ensure it while Democrats pass watered down regulations that don't prevent it.
What makes you think another one will if the last one didn't? The next one is coming, most economists agree, and Trump and the Republicans are doing everything they can to ensure it while Democrats pass watered down regulations that don't prevent it.
The last one DID, at least until all those who lived through the Great Depression died.

Then it was up to us to remember their lesson and you know as well as I do that Americans don't like anyone telling them what to do, especially if it fucks with their short term profit picture.
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