Amy Vilela for Nevada's 4th

did blow-A-goat really suggest that blacks wouldn't vote for bernie because he's a jew?

holy shit these bernie babies are racist as fuck.

Oh yeah, just like that...

That's a good question. I don't know the answer, but if I were to guess I'd say it's a variety of things. A lot of older black voters supported her because of Bill. After all, he was the "first black president". She did particularity well in the south with black votes, so I would say that some of that boiled down to religion. They might have had an issue with Bernie being a Jew. The dnc was trying to push the narrative that Bernie was an atheist, so some may have heard/believed that. I also believe that Bernies support for gays, and gay marriage hurt him in the black community. While Clinton was busy signing the defense of marriage act, and don't ask don't tell, Bernie was voting against those initiatives and standing up for gays before it was popular. The black community (I'm guessing largely due to religious beliefs) is very opposed to gay marriage and gay equality. Yes, they are capable of being prejudiced too.

In this case, yes I am. Do you not feel that's possible? How do you explain rural, poor, white voters who consistently vote Republican? Do you not feel that they vote against their own self interests? If so, why not with southern black voters? I have not heard a single argument as to how the following Bernie policies would not be good for the black community...

- Medicare for all
- Free public university
- Raising the minimum wage to $15
- Ending the war on drugs/mass incarceration
- Legalizing marijuana

Those are all positions that Hillary did not support, and they are all positions that would disproportionately help minorities. So you tell me.... did the black community vote against their own self interests in 2016?

I'm open to hearing why I'm wrong, but please keep the "you're racist and priveleged and white" stuff to yourself. I won't respond to that.
That's a good question. I don't know the answer, but if I were to guess I'd say it's a variety of things. A lot of older black voters supported her because of Bill. After all, he was the "first black president". She did particularity well in the south with black votes, so I would say that some of that boiled down to religion. They might have had an issue with Bernie being a Jew. The dnc was trying to push the narrative that Bernie was an atheist, so some may have heard/believed that. I also believe that Bernies support for gays, and gay marriage hurt him in the black community. While Clinton was busy signing the defense of marriage act, and don't ask don't tell, Bernie was voting against those initiatives and standing up for gays before it was popular. The black community (I'm guessing largely due to religious beliefs) is very opposed to gay marriage and gay equality. Yes, they are capable of being prejudiced too.
As if saying black people can't decide for themselves what is in their best interests wasn't racist enough, this fucking shit stain goes on to list all the reasons he thinks black people are too prejudiced or bigoted to accept his lord and savior bernard.

WOW, just fucking wow.
In 1964 Hillary was 17 years old.

WTF? You could vote at 17 in 1964?
explain to me why you think black people want to earn 80% of what whites earn, but just at a slightly higher income bracket.
What was Hillary Clinton's solution to closing the earning gap?

I've asked 3 people that same question multiple times only to be met with unsatisfactory responses, like this;

to not ignore it completely
What does that mean in practice? What policy solutions can you offer that you support that you believe would help minorities more than what Senator Sanders offered during the primary?

You have no solutions - that's why you can't come up with anything when pressed on it. The solutions to fixing the problems you 3 say you care the most about fixing reside in raising the minimum wage to a living wage, giving disenfranchised people who can't afford it the opportunity to go to school and earn a degree since it's a fact that higher education is the best resource to climbing the economic ladder. Giving paid time off by law, access to affordable healthcare.
What was Hillary Clinton's solution to closing the earning gap?

I've asked 3 people that same question multiple times only to be met with unsatisfactory responses, like this;

What does that mean in practice? What policy solutions can you offer that you support that you believe would help minorities more than what Senator Sanders offered during the primary?

You have no solutions - that's why you can't come up with anything when pressed on it. The solutions to fixing the problems you 3 say you care the most about fixing reside in raising the minimum wage to a living wage, giving disenfranchised people who can't afford it the opportunity to go to school and earn a degree since it's a fact that higher education is the best resource to climbing the economic ladder. Giving paid time off by law, access to affordable healthcare.

ignoring it, like bernie did, is not a solution, bringing the problem into the spotlight, as hillary did, creates a public discourse and leads to addressing the problem, whether by legislation, or just by private businesses and people doing so on their own.

telling black people they can get free college just so that they can still earn 80% of what a white earns is not addressing their overriding concerns as far as i can tell.
crybaby padaraper is still going to say "addressing the problem head on is not specific enough!", so here's just one small way of many, many ways hillary would have addressed it:

set up a task force, let's say through the DOJ civil rights division, to study and report on pay discrimination across companies and make the report public.

i could name 70 more things she would have done but padaraper is just gonna cry about how he wants single payer yesterday and duct taped open assholes.
ignoring it, like bernie did, is not a solution, bringing the problem into the spotlight, as hillary did, creates a public discourse and leads to addressing the problem, whether by legislation, or just by private businesses and people doing so on their own.

telling black people they can get free college just so that they can still earn 80% of what a white earns is not addressing their overriding concerns as far as i can tell.
What does "bringing it into the spotlight" mean?

That sounds like some purposefully vague language

How did Clinton "bring it into the spotlight", while Sanders didn't? List 2 examples
What was Hillary Clinton's solution to closing the earning gap?

I've asked 3 people that same question multiple times only to be met with unsatisfactory responses, like this;

What does that mean in practice? What policy solutions can you offer that you support that you believe would help minorities more than what Senator Sanders offered during the primary?

You have no solutions - that's why you can't come up with anything when pressed on it. The solutions to fixing the problems you 3 say you care the most about fixing reside in raising the minimum wage to a living wage, giving disenfranchised people who can't afford it the opportunity to go to school and earn a degree since it's a fact that higher education is the best resource to climbing the economic ladder. Giving paid time off by law, access to affordable healthcare.

She talked about it. That's what matters. She had no plan to do anything about it, but she payed it lip service.

Problem solved
If it's racist to suggest that African Americans voted against their own self interests, what is it when the same thing is said to a white person who voted for someone like Trump? I've said exactly that to Trump voters, and I know damn well pretty much every liberal on this board has said similar.

Why is it racist? Can we not have a conversation about a certain demographic? Is it off limits for me as a white person to discuss anything related to the black community? How else would I learn about what issues are important to them without asking questions and having my preconceived notions challenged?

I'd say the same thing about the gay community, elderly voters, etc if the circumstances were the same. Would that be met with such anger?
@Padawanbater2 I'm directing this post to you and St0.

You are correct in the fallacy of my logic. We did talk about Trump supporters and I do say that they voted in their own best interests. And that only they decide what factors in to their decision. Perhaps you aren't just suffering from a curable bout of racism. I'll expand the population that berners dismiss. Is it fair to say for anybody who didn't vote for Sanders, you dismiss their ability to decide what is in their own best interest?

If so, I'd say you are suffering from a monstrous case of self importance. Especially given that Sanders garnered 30% fewer votes than Clinton did in the primary. So you are much worse than just racists. Would it be accurate to call you zealots? Bigots? Delusional?
Who says that? I have said plenty of times that a poor person who voted for trump voted against their own interests.
You had a good point too. People like festeringpie who managed to come up with convoluted arguments and pretzel logic to rationalize their stupidity at least believed they were voting in their own best interests. It's not the same as saying everyone of a certain skin tone is incapable of knowing what is in their interests because they are too bigoted or homophobic or they hate Jews or have a herd mentality.

It's also because Trump supporters watch Faux Noos.