My ball valve leaks

cookie master

Well-Known Member
Under vacuum its leaking when i turn the 1.5 inch valve from on/off. Is it faulty or is that normal? It doesnt hold vacuum in the intermediate position.
I think its always been this way, isnt it supposed to seal throughout its motion? I think so, or else people runing closed loops would have oil leaking everywhere. ive had the valve for awhile but mostly used it as a base since it didnt seal. Now im finally building a closed loop and It seems important hat it seals.
22 for a rebuild kit. or 140 for a higher end 316 valve. I with you- replace. I was just curious if they are all this way since mine was bad from the start.
Under vacuum its leaking when i turn the 1.5 inch valve from on/off. Is it faulty or is that normal? It doesnt hold vacuum in the intermediate position.
I would first take off the handle and tighten the packing gland nut. If that doesn't fix the leak, I would replace the valve.

Stem seal leaks is typically the first thing to fail on a ball valve.
Does the glacier tank economy valve usually work? Or should I upgrade to the 140 dolar 316 model? Both are rated for 1000 psi
Most ball vales are not designed to stand up to vacuum (some are)

Look into the specks of the valve, if its not designed for a vacuum a rebuild will only be a temporary solution at best

but first Tighten the packing They loosen up and leak thats normal even for a valve thats rarely used, one thats used frequetenly will eventually need to be tightened.
Just dont crank down tightly on it, turn it about 1/16 of a turn or less and test. tighten more if necessary. Overtighting will pre-matchurely wear it out and make it harder to turn.
its 1 1/4 on ebay my old valve was already 1.5 but Its saving me almost half to get a smaller one. Im gonna keep looking for a bit and maybe find a triclamp style to avoid all the extra connections.
I used to use grow shop valves then I got smart and subed in normal brass plumbing valves, seem to work under vacuum and or pressure... unless you are talking a bout relay valves, that is a horse of a different color