College of Physicians & Big Pharma's "Cannabis Authorizing Guidelines"


Well-Known Member
Hey Friends,

This document came out in 2014 from the College of Family Physicians of Canada, about so called Cannabis " Authorizing " guidelines but I had not read it until now. Cannabis for Chronic Pain or Anxiety.pdf

It will make your blood boil, and would be great evidence in court of Big Pharma, whom funded the paper I am sure and just found this National Post article to prove it, of how they have created a very misleading paper. .

The College of Physicians is "creating a constitutional barrier to access", by putting out a document that is so false, it reeks of reefer madness. We should sue them over this !! Doctors CLEARLY do not understand their role that they are simply " authorizing your use " not prescribing, because their own College that grants their licenses to practice are purposely misleading them badly with such a paper. So why do they use all the scare tactics and ridiculous dosing amounts, ( with no representation for edibles, extracts or juicing ) and recommend that they exclude anyone with past anxiety or depression issues and many other conditions ? Then the College is so bold as to say very few studies exist ( true for Canada) but the rest of the world including the CIA ( Criminals In Action ) have done plenty of studies to choose from and some very good ones, just type cannabis into pub med. So this document represents clearly in my mind " prescribing guidelines " more in line with the recently released new " opioids prescribing guidelines " which clearly crosses the line from simply authorizing use, to prescribing and that is clearly not their role.. I theorize Big Pharma is feeling threatened by this old medicine. In addition in the new ACMPR, there is a clause that allows Health Canada to forward all your " authorized use " , dosage etc. to the College of Physicians. That to me is another breach of privacy, Health Canada has no right to send my medical information to the college nor report on my doctor. This is insane.

With legalization around the corner, a person can walk in and buy an ounce a day or 5 ounces if you went to 5 shops, ( everyday in theory ) with no medical gate keepers, no mental questionnaires or, tracking sheets to fill out, no 1-3 gram recommendations, WTF ??

I am I wrong or do we have a serious piece of paper here to launch a class action lawsuit once and for all to knock these fucking doctors out as gate keepers??

Ps. Anyone wanting to help put a legal action together drop me a line at,

[email protected]


people just don't know how to go about it
Make your GP WORK FOR YOU that's their job after all
If tthey wont sign...TELL THEM TO FIND SOMEONE WHO WILL ...and....for OHIP pricing.

the ones who pay ..fall into another category...:roll:
I am I wrong or do we have a serious piece of paper here to launch a class action lawsuit once and for all to knock these fucking doctors out as gate keepers??
I agree we have the ammunition, what we don't have is the resources to go after doctors and big pharma. I would like nothing better than to hurt both groups financially and professionally, but I don't think we'd get far on our own. If you have some ideas, I'm all ears.
I am mmar covered by the injunction, so I have no need to seek a doctors permission at the moment, but if that ever changes, this paper will help prove my case for the right to autonomy over my health. I haven't seen a doctor or taken a pill in about 6 years and I will fight to retain the right to treat myself.
I agree we have the ammunition, what we don't have is the resources to go after doctors and big pharma. I would like nothing better than to hurt both groups financially and professionally, but I don't think we'd get far on our own. If you have some ideas, I'm all ears.
I am mmar covered by the injunction, so I have no need to seek a doctors permission at the moment, but if that ever changes, this paper will help prove my case for the right to autonomy over my health. I haven't seen a doctor or taken a pill in about 6 years and I will fight to retain the right to treat myself.
don't ever stop telling the ones who don't get it!(:
I just went through this headache with my wife our doctor and the College of family physicians of Canada. So my wife goes to see our family doctor like 6 months ago, gets a recommendation signed for 5g per day. So we fill out the rest of the paperwork and send it off, HC denies our initial application because of an error on the paperwork. So back to the doctor we go, explain that HC denied the original application and since it's only good for a year and we are already 4 months In, we need a new recommendation with a current date etc...

She agrees and says it'll be a day or two and we'd be able to come pick up the paperwork at her office. So we get a phone call a few days later, paperwork is ready. We go pick it up and I immediately notice her reccomendation had gone from 5g/day to 0.7g/day.

So I tell the receptionist there must have been a mistake, we just needed the date change. She looks confused and goes back to talk to the Doctor. Come back out 5 mins later and says "Sorry, due to the colleges guidelines we can't recommend more than 0.7 grams per day". We are both sitting there looking at her with our jaws on the floor. "What are you talking about, that makes absolutely zero sense", I said. "How does someone who's developed a tolerance, or someone with a debilitating disease get by on 0.7g per day?" All I got was a "sorry, but that's the new guidelines we have to follow."

I got pissed off and called the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC, and started going off on them about their bullshit rules, only to find out they dont have any guidlines or limits for doctors. This set me off even more because now I felt I was being lied to. So I hang up the phone and tell the receptionist that someone is lying to me and Im going to get to the bottom of this.

Eventually after causing a scene, and demanding to talk to the Doctor ourselves, we find out there is ANOTHER college (college of family physicians of canada) and they are the ones with the bullshit guidelines doctors are supposed to follow...woops.

We explained to her how ridiculous it was to limit my wife to 0.7g per day when she's been using cannabis already for years, she's not some new patient who needs to slowly build up her tolerance. The doctor apologized and explained that she should have told us about the new guidelines that she is supposed to follow ahead of time before just filling out the paperwork and giving it to us.

I ultimately got her to admit that regardless of the guidelines set out by the College she has discretion as a physician. She fixed the paperwork and went back to the 5g per day.

I think what the College of family physicians is doing is absolute bullshit. It's insane to watch these people, who know nothing of the drug first hand, try and "protect" us from the "harms" of a safe and natural medicine.
I just went through this headache with my wife our doctor and the College of family physicians of Canada. So my wife goes to see our family doctor like 6 months ago, gets a recommendation signed for 5g per day. So we fill out the rest of the paperwork and send it off, HC denies our initial application because of an error on the paperwork. So back to the doctor we go, explain that HC denied the original application and since it's only good for a year and we are already 4 months In, we need a new recommendation with a current date etc...

She agrees and says it'll be a day or two and we'd be able to come pick up the paperwork at her office. So we get a phone call a few days later, paperwork is ready. We go pick it up and I immediately notice her reccomendation had gone from 5g/day to 0.7g/day.

So I tell the receptionist there must have been a mistake, we just needed the date change. She looks confused and goes back to talk to the Doctor. Come back out 5 mins later and says "Sorry, due to the colleges guidelines we can't recommend more than 0.7 grams per day". We are both sitting there looking at her with our jaws on the floor. "What are you talking about, that makes absolutely zero sense", I said. "How does someone who's developed a tolerance, or someone with a debilitating disease get by on 0.7g per day?" All I got was a "sorry, but that's the new guidelines we have to follow."

I got pissed off and called the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC, and started going off on them about their bullshit rules, only to find out they dont have any guidlines or limits for doctors. This set me off even more because now I felt I was being lied to. So I hang up the phone and tell the receptionist that someone is lying to me and Im going to get to the bottom of this.

Eventually after causing a scene, and demanding to talk to the Doctor ourselves, we find out there is ANOTHER college (college of family physicians of canada) and they are the ones with the bullshit guidelines doctors are supposed to follow...woops.

We explained to her how ridiculous it was to limit my wife to 0.7g per day when she's been using cannabis already for years, she's not some new patient who needs to slowly build up her tolerance. The doctor apologized and explained that she should have told us about the new guidelines that she is supposed to follow ahead of time before just filling out the paperwork and giving it to us.

I ultimately got her to admit that regardless of the guidelines set out by the College she has discretion as a physician. She fixed the paperwork and went back to the 5g per day.

I think what the College of family physicians is doing is absolute bullshit. It's insane to watch these people, who know nothing of the drug first hand, try and "protect" us from the "harms" of a safe and natural medicine.
know your rights and stand your ground
been saying it instead of PAYING FOR it from day one!
14 grams a day is a proper amount for dosing 1 to 2 grams of oils per at 0.7 you would need to say your meds for a whole year to make a few days worth of(Rso)meds......crazy...just crazy.....
GB 123, what a horror story and that is exactly what I am talking about. Now I know a class action law firm called Branch McMaster who I originally launched the privacy breach action against Health Canada, and then turned it over Jason. I also used them to sue a MLM scammer and we won 6 million. How about I talk to them, and if they will take the case then we have to create a " class" of affected persons like GB 123 and as many others as we can find. The second action I would like to do is to have as many file multiple complaints with the privacy commissioner about HC giving our "private health" and doctor prescribing info to the College of family phycians of Canada. They do that with no other drug that I know of. Plus, they have no jurisdiction as there is no DIN for medpot, so it's not a prescription drug and never has been. It is right in the ACMPR Regs. Plus in the new ACMPR, you as the producer cannot have a criminal record for drug possession in last 10 years, that was never in the MMAR, WTF?? In Then I also took the liberty to file this story with the National Post. This must be stopped. Now there is nothing else n this for me, as my doctor signs for 200 grams a day and has signed whatever " I " needed because he is smart enough to know the difference between authorizing and prescribing, plus he is as soon to retire specialist, psychiatrist that says they cannot bully him. So what I would be willing to do is start this action if you can all find the affected persons. Shouldn't be hard. My email is [email protected] and 250-718-8754. I have a lot of experience putting big bugs up HC ass, so help me out if you can by referring persons to me and if I can get at least ten complainants then we have enough to start a case.

Thanks for all your input. That's kick some HELLTH CANADA ASS !
Canadan, Your formula could be correct, but does it take into plant loss, cloning loss, paying a DG 50% of your meds to grow for you etc etc. So that is why I have a 200 gram license to cover all these factors. You know who told me to up my plant count, to whatever I need to cover all this " RONALD DENAULT a former MMAR DIRECTOR". No shit! There are no dosage limits, and never have been I proved that 9 years ago when people had only 1-3 gram licenses and told me I would NEVER get it approved. I said there is no such thing as a dosage limit applied for and with lawyer pressure received the first 56 gram license, only for Sam Mellace to come along and beat me at 60 grams 9 years ago, LOL.
Sorry to GB 123, I meant PK Hydros horror story. My apologies haven't had my first coffee yet, lol. Anyways we need to put a stop to this. A class action by the way does not cost any of us money. The law firm if they take the case will cover all the costs. They love to sue big institutions that they know have the funds, and as the College now admits in the National Post article that their secret funding comes from , you guessed it Big Pharma, I think it is quite possible to interest a firm to sue BIG PHARMA AND THE COLLEGE.

know your rights and stand your ground
been saying it instead of PAYING FOR it from day one!

You are 100% right GB123 ! Unfortunately to the uneducated doctor getting guidelines from their College that are clearly not in our best interests as patients, makes the doctors think we are pulling one over on them, or they are mostly intimidated saying I could lose my license if I don't follow the guidelines. BULLSHIT . Tell your doctor he could lose his license for not authorizing the amount YOU need, by suing him for malpractice and not following the law, as to " authorizing your use".
It's criminal, actually.

The COURTS did not give HC the right to send our personal medical information to the College. They only deemed the whole MMPR to be unconstitutional and struck the whole thing in Allard et al. When they combined the MMPR with the MMAR, they came up with a modified version called the ACMPR, which has the clause in the Regs. that they can pass on your personal health info. So this clause and the no criminal record clause are NOT court authorized, but have yet to be challenged by a court action. I say we fight the bastards. In fact no has yet challenged the ACMPR as there are new barriers to access, once again. Which would make it an easy win, again. fit right in here (:

cheers tell em all ears!

Thanks for the kind words! Now let's kick HC butt. I will make the calls and file with privacy commissioner on Monday and report back to you all. But I will need help, not financially, but just rounding up enough persons 10 or more for a class action. That's the forums and your personal help you could all perform to help us make a case. Thx.
What pisses me off the most is that we have received ZERO apology from the government for all the sins perpetuated on us in the past 50 years and in the present still. Disgusting bastards just ran to the money. I see this and resent it beyond words. I intend to make em pay somehow.
Some type of "sorry we were wrong" would have helped my resentment somewhat. In stead they created an enemy who won't roll over. fuckin bet I am. Pricks just see us as cash machines now.
They're gonna get some surprise come legalization as I believe the enemies they've created are substantial.