Amy Vilela for Nevada's 4th

Stone lost me with his Kennedy documentary. It was well written and a good movie. I just can't buy the theory. His history of the united states is on Neflix. I've been meaning to have a look. You are the second to rate him well.

JFK wasn't a documentary, it was a filmed novel. Jim Garrison wasn't a hero, he was a publicity seeker who didn't like gays like Clay Shaw.

The Untold History of the US was a documentary and one of the best you'll ever watch. 10 hrs. long covering 1929-2011. Could be Stone's finest work.
You're the one deflecting. That is exactly what the fuck you said when you were trying to explain away why black people rejected your holy saint Bernard. Now you want to keep asking if black people can be prejudiced. It's all in writing on this thread for all to read ya mouthbreathing fuckwit.

You either can't read, or you're intentionally mischaracterising what I said. I'll bust the crayons out for you one last time, but that's it. I'm not wasting another keystroke on your sniveling. I said....

"That's a good question. I DON'T KNOW THE ANSWER, BUT IF I HAD TO GUESS..." and then went on to surmise several possibilities. The one that seems to bunch your panties up the most was in reference to Bernie being Jewish. You reject that, and seem to reject wholesale the idea that a black person could possibly be prejudiced. In response to your ridiculous position I gave you an example of A LOT of black people showing prejudice when 80% of them voted to BAN GAY MARRIAGE in California, and yet you continue on with your sniveling.

That leads me to believe that you're either stupid and can't grasp what I'm saying, or you're intentionally ignoring what I'm saying because it destroys your entire premise and your ego can't handle that, or you put far too much value in the cyber reach-arounds you get from your fellow buck fanclub members, or all of the above. I suspect it's all of the above.

Either way, I'm done responding to you. If I want to argue with a petulant child I have 3 of my own here that are always up to the task.
You either can't read, or you're intentionally mischaractetizing what I said. I'll bust the crayons out for you one last time, but that's it. I'm not wasting another keystroke on your sniveling. I said....

"That's a good question. I DON'T KNOW THE ANSWER, BUT IF I HAD TO GUESS..."
Your guess belies your bigotry and ignorance, ya racist pos.
You either can't read, or you're intentionally mischaracterising what I said. I'll bust the crayons out for you one last time, but that's it. I'm not wasting another keystroke on your sniveling. I said....

"That's a good question. I DON'T KNOW THE ANSWER, BUT IF I HAD TO GUESS..." and then went on to surmise several possibilities. The one that seems to bunch your panties up the most was in reference to Bernie being Jewish. You reject that, and seem to reject wholesale the idea that a black person could possibly be prejudiced. In response to your ridiculous position I gave you an example of A LOT of black people showing prejudice when 80% of them voted to BAN GAY MARRIAGE in California, and yet you continue on with your sniveling.

That leads me to believe that you're either stupid and can't grasp what I'm saying, or you're intentionally ignoring what I'm saying because it destroys your entire premise and your ego can't handle that, or you put far too much value in the cyber reach-arounds you get from your fellow buck fanclub members, or all of the above. I suspect it's all of the above.

Either way, I'm done responding to you. If I want to argue with a petulant child I have 3 of my own here that are always up to the task.
Dude, that post was obnoxiously ignorant whether you are contaminated with bigotry or racism or not.

I don't want to continue with this line of dialogue.
Dude, that post was obnoxiously ignorant whether you are contaminated with bigotry or racism or not.

I don't want to continue with this line of dialogue.

I'm not concerned with how you choose to label me. Ignorant, bigot, racist, whatever. Those labels are tossed around pretty casually here.

What I am interested in is having you poke holes in the points that I have made in this thread:

African Americans that are not financially affluent voted against their own economic interests by voting for Hillary over Bernie in the primaries.


African Americans are capable of being prejudiced towards other people.

These are yes or no questions.

I am open to being proven wrong, and open to changing my opinion. So far all I have seen is deflection and name calling.

I'm all ears....
I'm not concerned with how you choose to label me. Ignorant, bigot, racist, whatever. Those labels are tossed around pretty casually here.

What I am interested in is having you poke holes in the points that I have made in this thread:

African Americans that are not financially affluent voted against their own economic interests by voting for Hillary over Bernie in the primaries.


African Americans are capable of being prejudiced towards other people.

These are yes or no questions.

I am open to being proven wrong, and open to changing my opinion. So far all I have seen is deflection and name calling.

I'm all ears....
not interested
We've discussed this enough. I think I understand what you were saying. You are entrenched or probably more fairly said, convinced that a rising tide floats all boats and can't see how this isn't an answer.

That's not at all what I'm trying to say. If by taxing the ultra rich to provide economic benefits and opportunity for less affluent people is "a rising tide floats all boats" then I'm on board with that. Not really my point in all of this, but ok.

I've given you something to think about, I hope. That's enough for me. I'll think about what you said.

We are done on this subject. Or at least I am.

Fair enough
You've had this explained multiple times. Bernard's campaigned omitted stops in areas where poor minorities could attend, utterly failed to engage their social plight and offered an untenable one-size-fits-all economic plan instead, insisting it was a replacement for their actual concerns.

No wonder most minorities rejected him. It's compounded by your bigoted remarks. This has been thoroughly explained in several threads where you were the one seeking dialogue, but rejected it in favor of your racist bigotry and insisting that the very people who have spent decades (centuries even) fighting for voting (and all other types of) equality somehow are incapable of knowing what is in their best interests. Even @londonfog calmly pointed it out to you though I'm sure you didn't appreciate his effort.
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You either can't read, or you're intentionally mischaracterising what I said. I'll bust the crayons out for you one last time, but that's it. I'm not wasting another keystroke on your sniveling. I said....

"That's a good question. I DON'T KNOW THE ANSWER, BUT IF I HAD TO GUESS..." and then went on to surmise several possibilities. The one that seems to bunch your panties up the most was in reference to Bernie being Jewish. You reject that, and seem to reject wholesale the idea that a black person could possibly be prejudiced. In response to your ridiculous position I gave you an example of A LOT of black people showing prejudice when 80% of them voted to BAN GAY MARRIAGE in California, and yet you continue on with your sniveling.

That leads me to believe that you're either stupid and can't grasp what I'm saying, or you're intentionally ignoring what I'm saying because it destroys your entire premise and your ego can't handle that, or you put far too much value in the cyber reach-arounds you get from your fellow buck fanclub members, or all of the above. I suspect it's all of the above.

Either way, I'm done responding to you. If I want to argue with a petulant child I have 3 of my own here that are always up to the task.
Black people could care less about Bernard being a Jew. When you look for the accomplishment of Bernie prior to running for POTUS, he comes up empty. His only claim to fame is naming a fucking post office.
Black people could care less about Bernard being a Jew. When you look for the accomplishment of Bernie prior to running for POTUS, he comes up empty. His only claim to fame is naming a fucking post office.
Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2013
Emergency Senior Citizens Relief Act of 2010
Warm in Winter and Cool in Summer Act
Older Americans Act Reauthorization Act of 2014
Veterans Health and Benefits Improvement Act of 2013
Veterans Health Care Eligibility Expansion and Enhancement Act of 2013
Survivors of Military Sexual Assault and Domestic Abuse Act of 2013
Enhanced Dental Care for Veterans Act of 2013
Improved Compensation for Hearing Loss Act of 2013
Corporate Responsibility Act of 1995
Jobs and Investment Act of 1994
Black people could care less about Bernard being a Jew. When you look for the accomplishment of Bernie prior to running for POTUS, he comes up empty. His only claim to fame is naming a fucking post office.

a fucking post office? That's something I might want to see. :hump:

To be fair Sanders did good for the Democratic Party a few months back in Nebraska. The election didn't go well for Mello of whom Sanders said: Can’t exclude people who disagree with us. Woooo, now if that doesn't motivate, what will?. And so, Democrats don't have a mayor in Nebraska who supports repeal of roe v wade.
Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2013
Emergency Senior Citizens Relief Act of 2010
Warm in Winter and Cool in Summer Act
Older Americans Act Reauthorization Act of 2014
Veterans Health and Benefits Improvement Act of 2013
Veterans Health Care Eligibility Expansion and Enhancement Act of 2013
Survivors of Military Sexual Assault and Domestic Abuse Act of 2013
Enhanced Dental Care for Veterans Act of 2013
Improved Compensation for Hearing Loss Act of 2013
Corporate Responsibility Act of 1995
Jobs and Investment Act of 1994
I believe london used the word "fame"

Not dissing the list. Just that it's mundane.
Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2013
Emergency Senior Citizens Relief Act of 2010
Warm in Winter and Cool in Summer Act
Older Americans Act Reauthorization Act of 2014
Veterans Health and Benefits Improvement Act of 2013
Veterans Health Care Eligibility Expansion and Enhancement Act of 2013
Survivors of Military Sexual Assault and Domestic Abuse Act of 2013
Enhanced Dental Care for Veterans Act of 2013
Improved Compensation for Hearing Loss Act of 2013
Corporate Responsibility Act of 1995
Jobs and Investment Act of 1994
Did you really just list a bunch of failed bills, but he did get the Veterans one done. Good job Bernie.
Think he will pay more in taxes now that he is in the 1% ?