Attention, Republicunts:

wow, you have a life savings of 4k and a carpet that looks to be older than my truck! covered in cat piss no doubt.
so where's all that prolific propaganda, closeted homo?
You work in the trades and still can't tell concrete from carpet?
I think you just outed yourself in that lie Buckold.
Now let's see some on-hand cash from you in the same amount of time it took me to eviscerate your "I'm so much more well off than you" attack.
It's the poster boy!

In answer to your first query, I ask anyone to click the Members link in the top menu and note your 117K+ post count being almost double what the next poster has posted (when ordered by post count which seems to be the default).
That covering the prolific part, propaganda is in the eye of the beholder as you have proved many times by the looks of that link.
Then, your employment seems a bit oxymoronic as I don't know how an independent contractor can get paid for and function like an employee.

You're independent, or you aren't. You do know the meaning of the word, correct? The way you use it seems synonymous w/ "a little bit pregnant".
I've always thought it to mean "without dependence" and simple word etymology points to it being something OTHER than being dependent on other (things/people), ergo the "in" prefix.
Ask Leroy for help even though english is a second language to him.

Oh....that $56K+/yr. is scary, especially since it amounts to hearsay without something to back it up such as this testament to part of the cash side of my last weeks income:
View attachment 3983279

Things seem to be OK for me. Not so much for you, unless you want to back up your bold words in the next few hours with something that proves them like this does, but I suspect it will be much like your claims that certain posters are "closeted neo-nazis living in trailers", etc. and amount to the same "nothing burger".

Getting pizza tonight? ;)

Tldr, I get it though. You clean bathroom stalls\glory hole at a truck stop in Nebraska, grow ditch weed in "Chambers" and have saved about three grand, lmao!
Calling in the cavalry Buckold?
Put up or shut up boys....if you can't prove your shit as I have done you are much like TV news (a waste of time), but as entertaining in your transparently false conclusions and insight.
Calling in the cavalry Buckold?
Put up or shut up boys....if you can't prove your shit as I have done you are much like TV news (a waste of time), but as entertaining in your transparently false conclusions and insight.

I gave all my money to Mike pence's election\legal fees fund. I think I've got enough quarters to spell beta cuc... Damn, not enough for a "k". Looks like it's take and bake tonight boys.
Cringe, your garbled posts are riddled with the stench of imbecile
Did the manager not take her weekly bath and you're out of sorts due to the extra pungent effluvia you had to endure and still wear?
Bring it (proof) and sling it......or just keep proving your inadequacy by not being able to counter with anything but baseless slurs.

Got proof?

Did the manager not take her weekly bath and you're out of sorts due to the extra pungent effluvia you had to endure and still wear?
Bring it (proof) and sling it......or just keep proving your inadequacy by not being able to counter with anything but baseless slurs.

Got proof?

Suggestion: why not just post "whose stupid now" every time? Saves wear and tear on your sphincter.
The only thing you're all proving is your idiocy.
I already knew that.
I don't come to politics for the intellectual stimulation, but for the entertaining buffoonery of the "holier than thou" socialists.

I take it since you can't post proof of any monetary worth of ANY type you are jealous losers as I suggested before.

But keep posting! It only helps prove my assumptions as fact.
The only thing you're all proving is your idiocy.
I already knew that.
I don't come to politics for the intellectual stimulation, but for the entertaining buffoonery of the "holier than thou" socialists.

I take it since you can't post proof of any monetary worth of ANY type you are jealous losers as I suggested before.

But keep posting! It only helps prove my assumptions as fact.
<-- still waiting

Hey, I didn't bring up income dick measuring, Buckold did.
He could @ least post a pic of his "old truck". :lol:
I just substantially proved that he talks out of his ass with nothing to back it up.

Can any of you post proof instead of slurs?

Just remember it has to be something that proves YOU have the cash and do more than troll for images on photobucket.

Until then you have nothing but your words false as they are. :D

^^^^the cop is really hounding for evidence of assets that can be forfeited
<-- still waiting

Hey, I didn't bring up income dick measuring, Buckold did.
He could @ least post a pic of his "old truck". :lol:
I just substantially proved that he talks out of his ass with nothing to back it up.

Can any of you post proof instead of slurs?

Just remember it has to be something that proves YOU have the cash and do more than troll for images on photobucket.

Until then you have nothing but your words false as they are. :D

No one is arguing with that. You're probably the richest kid in Nebraska. Now post a pic of your ditch weed and grow Chambers (heehehe)o
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