Cute but ineffective as you still can't post any proof.
Buckold forgets I'm not the proven
rat snitch here, he is and the search function will prove admittance in his own posts (but I have better things to due than sift through 117+K of posts for them. Already read 'em).
Crustin tries maligning that which he doesn't understand with conjecture.
Both prove they are still full of nothing but themselves as they caper like dervishes trying to distract from a well answered reply to the fiscal dick measuring challenge from the Buckold.
(Let's do some math here.

$1080 X 52 weeks = $56160/yr. is what Buckold
says he makes.
~$4K X 52 weeks = $208K/yr. is what I
proved to make in cash.)
Got proof?
Mine was sufficiently telling, yet anonymous. Do the same thing, unless you CAN'T.
Can't you even represent your screen name initials in cash?
I'll take any other reply to that content from me to be admission that the poster can't and suggest that the silent minority, viewing this thread but not posting to it, do the same.