Sour Patch Seed Bank Sucks..... allegedly

I'm not even going to get into my story here. But let's just say I read a few posts on page 1 and a few posts on page 19. He's still playing the same games! My advise would be don't be as dumb as me and order from this bozo! I've heard more excuses and BS from him to last me a lifetime. Make your own seeds before using this guy!

I think you should post your story here. If it helps keep one person from getting ripped off, it's worth it.
Ok here goes! Everything I say is chronicled on the top dawg thread. On June 7 I posted that I ordered 2 packs guava D and underdawg D. All I do know is that when I made that post the order was complete already. It might have actually been place a day or 2 earlier but I can't remember at this point with all the BS! First off his website SUCKS! Second there was talk of new TD drop after a cup. So when I saw 2 items I wanted on his site I assumed that they were from this new drop. So time I thought was important. His website wouldn't take my CC so I choose the cash option to make sure the packs were removed from stock and they would be mine. Then I immediately starting trying to contact him on Instagram email and phone. It was very early in the morning. I'm a night owl. Around 5 am I was just about to go to bed when I got an email reply about changing my payment to CC. At this point all seemed good. We exchanged MANY emails. Around 9 am I had received and returned CC payment info and filled them out and returned them. In his emails he states in his signature to inquire about PRIORITY shipping. Of course I want this. So I asked. And his reply was @ 200 times 4 packs my order automatically qualified. So my last email to him before I finally went to bed said so I can expect this to go out today and be in box 2-3 days later. I also asked for tracking and he agreed to send it. Quick reply it will be in the mail today. All good now.

When I got up later that day there was an email waiting. It said he needed me to resend payment info. So I did and I commented so I guess my order didn't go out today. Now he said it would be in my box on Saturday. Originally it was Friday. Still not so bad.

After the amount of time passed where it should have arrived I started asking for tracking. That's when I was informed that he didn't have 2 packs of underdawg D just one. And the order should be arriving the next day or so. When the order came there was a hand written note explaining there was a pack missing he sent some of his own strains to me for free to cover the confusion. It also said I could pick any replacement of TD I wanted. But there wasn't any or I would have ordered them. So he thought notifying me by note in the package was supposed to be his way of letting me know! Why he didn't contact me before shipping an incomplete order is beyond me!

After a few days turned in to a week or 2. He offered to refund my money. I should have taken that offer. But as luck would have it another cup was ending and more TD stock was going to drop. So like a moron I choose to hold out for the new drop. Since Jay told me he had already sent in payment for the order. Besides that getting my money back seemed anti climatic. The option to get in on the newest releases was to great for me. He expected to have the new drop within 2 weeks. So I watched the clock. After 2 weeks plus and no word from Jay. I called him and he said he called emailed and instagramed JJ but he wasn't replying and he could not understand why.

So at this point he offered me 300 credit for my 200 pack of underdawg D. I said ok and told him I'd check the site and get back to him shortly. 20 minutes later I called back and said I'd take 2 C99 that equaled 300 bucks. He said it would go out that afternoon July 11 All good?!

Then after that night on Instagram he DM me saying it was going out the next day July 12. On the 18th I asked him what was going on still received nothing.

July 20th I tried again since I got no reply the last time. I also told him that even though it won't help me he should know his competition is killing him in service and speed. At this point he asks me if it hasn't arrived yet? Hell no it hasn't and STILL hasn't arrived. So he said he's out of town but he was going to check his book. Didn't say I'll check my book when I get home. It sure seemed like his book was with him. But it's now 4 days later and I still have no idea what notes are in his book!

7 weeks and this isn't over yet!

I'm not exaggerating when I say I've placed about 15 orders and spent thousands during this time stocking up!

I ordered from dr greenthumb as old school as it gets. I downloaded order form and sent cash via registered mail with signature. I was told at the post office that this was the slowest way to get it there. But it also let me know when my money was picked up. It took 10 days for my payment to arrive. It took a total of 19 days to receive my order. That's with snail mail and ZERO contact!

At sour patch I had plenty of contact. I paid with CC. I was told my order would be shipped with priority shipping. 7 weeks later I'm still not even sure my REPLACEMENT choice has even shipped yet!

This obviously isn't the first time this has been done. Unfortunately I didn't do my homework. Sour patch seeds was mentioned in the TD thread by 1 guy who had a good experience chemphlegm. I believe he's the last guy to make a good post about this A@@clown. Since my order has been chronicled on the TD thread many others have now replied with their horrible experiences. I haven't asked but I'd be willing to bet chemphlegm wouldn't order here again!

After what I know now I might actually be lucky I got 3 of the 4 packs I wanted!

For years I ordered from Europe. Those orders spend days in customs. I've never ever had an order from anywhere take more than 3 weeks! This is at 7 weeks now and still incomplete.

Thinking about this makes me :spew::spew::spew::spew::wall::wall:
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I know you said you were hesitant about filing a charge back in the other thread but what this seller is doing is complete bullshit. File that shit, get your money back and let him deal with the consequences.
And I've lost more than a few to customs and wouldn't dream of blaming the sender but your situation is different.
Like Vato said, its a complete Ponzi scheme and I'll bet you're not alone. I'm sure there are countless folks owed cash or packs getting fed the same old tired excuses.
I know you said you were hesitant about filing a charge back in the other thread but what this seller is doing is complete bullshit. File that shit, get your money back and let him deal with the consequences.
And I've lost more than a few to customs and wouldn't dream of blaming the sender but your situation is different.
Like Vato said, its a complete Ponzi scheme and I'll bet you're not alone. I'm sure there are countless folks owed cash or packs getting fed the same old tired excuses.
I'm not worried about him. He's sure as hell not worried about me. But I am. The last thing I want is someone looking in to my records. Or having to call to authorize purchases. I had my account hacked years ago and the papers I had to fill out police reports etc. Then I had to call them from the register a few times. But that joker got me for thousands. Although returned it was a pain in the ass. I hate to say it because it's no excuse and should be done. Im just to fucking busy. But I'll sure try and prevent this from happening to someone else.

As unbelievable as it is I do still think these will arrive at some point. Otherwise he would have just said he sent me equal value of other strains and he considers it good. Adding to his lies and giving me more ammo to attack him is not smart. As mentioned I could call the CC company and they might turn his access to it off! I'm sure he's aware of that. I guess if this reaches week 8 I might have to reconsider that though.
That's how he planned on telling me he was a pack short. But I got him on the phone the day before and he had to break it to me. He had all my info from CC email phone #. You'd think he would have used one of them the MOMENT he went to pack the other 3. Or at least that's what I would have done.
It just dawned on me. If I flipped a new batch at the time of this order they'd be looking sweet by now. Instead I'm just left with just a frown.
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That's how he planned on telling me he was a pack short. But I got him on the phone the day before and he had to break it to me. He had all my info from CC email phone #. You'd think he would have used one of them the MOMENT he went to pack the other 3. Or at least that's what I would have done.
I think he was counting on you not raising a fuss and just accepting those two packs of his personal chucks...even though he "says" they weren't meant to be a replacement. That last sentence says it all. Its more or less a passive aggressive "fuck you, I've got your $ now take what I offer".

An honest seller would've refunded the price of the missing pack immediately rather than jerk ya around with bullshit seeds and bullshit excuses.
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View attachment 3983799
That's how he planned on telling me he was a pack short. But I got him on the phone the day before and he had to break it to me. He had all my info from CC email phone #. You'd think he would have used one of them the MOMENT he went to pack the other 3. Or at least that's what I would have done.

Not only is that letter rife with misspellings, the letters are slanted to the left, suggesting that he knows more than he's letting on. If he was honest, he would have contacted you before shipping the package out to let you know the situation.

Thanks for sharing... I'm definitely going to avoid dealing with SPS, and hope that you can get your situation resolved in a satisfactory manner.
just contact your bank.
they'll give you the money back. done.

sorry sour patch, you
have a nice selection of breeders, but your customer service is despicable. pure trash. maybe learn how to run a business....? 100% not worth the trouble to deal w/ jay.
He just got me on Instagram nothing about the book! Asked if they showed. I said no he says packages have been going the wrong way lately with usps before getting turned around and in the right direction. I guess it's just him. Because I've gotten plenty of orders elsewhere during this process. So many times I've lost track all went off seamlessly!

So he's sending out 2 more packs he says. I doubt the first set ever got mailed. I begged for tracking so I don't blame him. But more so to know something has actually shipped. Says he misplaced last tracking number huge orders and packing for his trip. Confirming low priority.

However. He did just send me a picture with the 2 packs sitting on a postal envelope with my address on it. So I think it might really finally be on the way tomorrow. If he can get it in the box. The reminding me of the 2 free packs was odd! I didn't need or want them. Even if they are fire with all I've ordered it might be 10 years before I think about popping them.
Long chat with Jay. Woooh can he type. My guess is they're coming now. He says all the right things about understanding. But comes off like its not his fault. It was weird it was like understanding but still wanting to arguing. I think he's traveled twice since I placed my order. Then repeats he's a one man operation. Doesn't it make sense if you travel so much you can't be sending out orders in short order? Even if what it shows in stock is in stock. He can't send it out until he gets home right??? So advertising priority shipping is setting your customers up for disappointment. Especially when everyone else is getting it done in 5 days or less!!!???? Maybe play the surfer role. Hey dude I got those beans you want. When the waves settle down and the rip dies I'll get them right out to you. After I take a shower and eat a good meal. Oh and I've got to get a good nights rest before hand as well. Then I'll package them right up for ya!

I'm just glad this will be over shortly. I wanted to try C99 anyway but never pulled the trigger.
That's right chatted/argued/talked for almost 1.5 hours! I might be a paid operative from the competition like the other posts I see online. lol he actually told me that. And in most cases with amazon ect I'd believe it. But they can't have imagined an almost exact situation like I'm experiencing now. And if it never happened it wouldn't matter if they made up complaints. To many people would be raving about the service.
nice man.
just get your seeds and be done w/ jay. i mean, does he really think people want to use his service after dealing w/ all his bullshit. lol. i don't give a fuck if you HAD to move, for whatever reason. i'm paying you several hundred dollars, get my product out in one, maybe two days. dude needs to learn how to run a business. i don't give a fuck about your personal life. at all.

he has top breeders and top variety, but i'm never waiting 2 months for seeds from him again. hahahaha. 2 months. that's funny. i purchase seeds to grow them, waiting two months fucks up my garden plans.
I can't see for the life Of me why people still spending money with this dude and why breeders constantly giving him gear to see. He's a walking Ponzi scheme in the weed game.

Don't get why people are sending dude thousands. I ordered one time last year, got my gear but heard nothing but bad news ever since. Not to mention I can't trust his seed stock that he keep in his car lol! If I was spending stacks on seeds I would be fucking with the most reputable venders or direct from breeder only no excuses!!
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