Yellowing Leaves and Bugs When Flowering Started


New Member
I've been growing my auto-flowering plant for about 6-7 weeks indoors. It just started flowering, but I'm having issues with leaves starting to turn yellow, curl, die, and fall off. It seems like it's mostly just the bottom leaves that aren't producing anything, but I'm worried it'll spread to the rest of the leaves. I also just started getting little black bugs. They don't look like aphids and I don't catch them much on the leaves, mostly just flying around. They look more like fruit flies than anything (pic attached)

Should I be worried about the dying leaves?
Should I take off or leave the yellowing leaves on?
What can I do to get rid of the bugs?

Growing Conditions
-Inside a repurposed cabinet (pic attached)
-2 CFL Lights on 24 hrs
-I haven't used any nutrients until recently. I just put in a 1-2-2 ratio to see if it would help
-Nature's Care Organic Soul
-Planted in a 5 Gal cloth pot
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Active Member
Fungus gnats
I read somewhere they are attracted to yellow color, I followed the advice and place yellow sticky cards that I did with yellow scotch tape and caught two, the fly itself is not dangerous from what I read but the eggs when they hatch will create leaf miners and those will cause some damage and are tougher to get rid of since they hide inside the leaf, so if you have leaf miners all you can do is wait for them to mature and catch them as flies. I might be wrong since I am still on my first grow but this was what I read.


Well-Known Member
Your upper leaves are clawing so you have plenty of nitrogen. The lower leaves fading tells you it is a mobile nutrient issue. Magnesium is the most common thing to run short on if you did not add some lime. But not sure what you started with.


Well-Known Member
I've been growing my auto-flowering plant for about 6-7 weeks indoors. It just started flowering, but I'm having issues with leaves starting to turn yellow, curl, die, and fall off. It seems like it's mostly just the bottom leaves that aren't producing anything, but I'm worried it'll spread to the rest of the leaves. I also just started getting little black bugs. They don't look like aphids and I don't catch them much on the leaves, mostly just flying around. They look more like fruit flies than anything (pic attached)

Should I be worried about the dying leaves?
Should I take off or leave the yellowing leaves on?
What can I do to get rid of the bugs?

Growing Conditions
-Inside a repurposed cabinet (pic attached)
-2 CFL Lights on 24 hrs
-I haven't used any nutrients until recently. I just put in a 1-2-2 ratio to see if it would help
-Nature's Care Organic Soul
-Planted in a 5 Gal cloth pot
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Get some apple Sider Vinegar, pour some in a clear dish, add 5 drops of dishwashing liquid, stir it up a little bit and set it by your plants, when it has a bunch of dead gnats in it change it out. Repeat till they're gone. Also mix some white vinegar with soup n water n spray your plants. The gnats lay eggs in the root of the plants, when they hatch they'll screw up the roots. Next time you water mix a cup of white vinegar in your water and that'll kill the magots. You may need to do this every other time you water to get rid of them.


New Member
Thanks. I've been spraying with soap, water, and cayenne pepper but hasn't been working yet. Probably because I'm still watering too much. I'll space out my watering and wait until it dries out more.

Would the bugs be the reason for my leaves yellowing? Also should my plant be flowering more? What I have now doesn't seem like a lot.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I've been spraying with soap, water, and cayenne pepper but hasn't been working yet. Probably because I'm still watering too much. I'll space out my watering and wait until it dries out more.
I also have no expierence flowering with cfls and auto flowers but I would suggest more light the better.
Sorry I am not more help I just know that those look like fungus gnats and would suggest googling "fungus gnats cannabis" to point u in the right direction.
Good luck!
Would the bugs be the reason for my leaves yellowing? Also should my plant be flowering more? What I have now doesn't seem like a lot.
I'm no pro when it comes to fungus gnats as I've never gotten them that's why I haven't recommended advice. The guy at the grow store told me he puts a layer of sand on top of his soil and treats with neem. But again I've never tried it.


New Member
Should I be removing the yellowing leaves or leaving them on? Doesn't seem like they're flowering anyways. The rest still look good. Hope I can change the watering schedule and keep them alive


Well-Known Member
remove dead non functioning leaves now.
fungus gnats eat fungus. you have fungus on your topsoil because you water too much/often. water when container is light, 1/4 the pot volume of water and dont do it again until light again.
keep your topsoil stirred up, use yellow sticky cards to trap and count, use any cooking oil/soap on the topsoil. soak mosquito dunk in water till dissolved and pour some in each pot.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I've been spraying with soap, water, and cayenne pepper but hasn't been working yet. Probably because I'm still watering too much. I'll space out my watering and wait until it dries out more.

Would the bugs be the reason for my leaves yellowing? Also should my plant be flowering more? What I have now doesn't seem like a lot.
The gnats are attracted to dead n rotting foliage. I used potting soil n dropped my clippings in the flower pot to compost, they loved that. Lol