Black dog led vs kind led

That depends on who you ask, i don't trust them or consider them good growers, if you look at their grow they got problem with nutrients, problem with lighting, problem with hvac, and totally unimpressive plants. I would seriously take anything said by those two with a few grains of salt, they are just trying to peddle their wares to unsuspecting growers that don't know better.

If you didn't notice when i suggest DE lights because this guys area is huge and the price is the best they immediately troll my posts.
STFU Yoda your nothing but a troll you constantly troll led threads. Some of us can afford led just cuz u can't afford it doesn't mean it sucks.
STFU Yoda your nothing but a troll you constantly troll led threads. Some of us can afford led just cuz u can't afford it doesn't mean it sucks.
Just cause you waste money doesn't mean you got more of it than someone else, ever heard the saying....

A fool and his money are soon parted.
Just cause you waste money doesn't mean you got more of it than someone else, ever heard the saying....

A fool and his money are soon parted.
It's not like I go into hps threads an tell them to buy led....this is the led section he asked about led! If you dont like led don't respond. Not everyone is as stupid as you think no one needs your basic ass point out the obvious "advice"
And I don't disagree with that. But. ARE they the best lighting solution for the sq footage the op has to cover? Let's not make this a led vs hps thread. Lets find the op what he is looking for. the best lighting solution for HIS application.
You made it led vs. Hps... We simply redirected him from shitty led to good leds. And my cobs paid for themselves, the entire room, AND bought me a nice car... all in one run, my very first run at that. Soooo there is that lol
do you have a budget? or do you want the best no matter the cost? for that size room, seal it up, supplement with CO2, and slap about 3 to 4 Gavita DE HIDs. in there.
No budget just looking for best lights honestly I'm an out door grower new to lights and wanted to have the best I could for my room 13x15 8 foot ceilings
You made it led vs. Hps... We simply redirected him from shitty led to good leds. And my cobs paid for themselves, the entire room, AND bought me a nice car... all in one run, my very first run at that. Soooo there is that lol
funny, i never mentioned any lights. only LED guys who attacked me for telling op to be careful who he takes his info from.
My gavitas have paid for themselves hundred of times over, so,there is that too!!!
You made it led vs. Hps... We simply redirected him from shitty led to good leds. And my cobs paid for themselves, the entire room, AND bought me a nice car... all in one run, my very first run at that. Soooo there is that lol
Been looking at the cobs.. so would you recommend them? And did you DIY or buy a "kit" sorry for all the questions new to indoor trying to get it right first try lol
need more info from op to really get a good idea of what he is working with. money wise, skill wise,etc....
Op working with no Budget but space limited to 13 feet wide by 15 long by 7.5 tall skill wise only does organic super soil in fabric pots but have experience in DWC not much but few grows... so many nutes on the market id waste to much money without good advice that's why I created this account lol.... I enjoy the idea of having super soil that can be used for many years living soil is cool
do you have a budget? or do you want the best no matter the cost? for that size room, seal it up, supplement with CO2, and slap about 3 to 4 Gavita DE HIDs. in there.
No Budget Herr trying to get best possible room going and get it right the first tI'm lol thanks for the advice definitely going to look into gavitas tonight when I can sit down and research
Op working with no Budget but space limited to 13 feet wide by 15 long by 7.5 tall skill wise only does organic super soil in fabric pots but have experience in DWC not much but few grows... so many nutes on the market id waste to much money without good advice that's why I created this account lol.... I enjoy the idea of having super soil that can be used for many years living soil is cool
If I had no budget I would go with chilled on the website they tell you how many lights you need for your space
Dr.Nick implied StephenJ's advice was suspect because StephenJ is an advertiser here that sells LED grow lights, but his advice was spot on and didn't in any way push (or even mention) his own product..
There are MUCH better options for the money. Kind and Black Dog both suck. They're expensive and inefficient (meaning lots of the energy they use is wasted as heat instead of usable light).

ONE of those better options is Horticulture Lighting Group and their quantum board based lights and DIY kits, but there are many other equally good and affordable (pre-built and DIY) options as well from Timber Grow Lights, Rapid LED, Tasty LED, Cob Kits and several others..

Great info bro really apreciate it getting into researching those later tonight