what kind of weed was around in the 80's?

I cant recommend the dealer as Ive never used them, but thats the strain you want right there. Got a Bunch of seeds from a store in Edmonton, came home and grew me some, you get your "head in the clouds" high without the lethargic body stone and "brain confusion" no paranoia not horrible memories or thoughts drug up. Just a nice relaxing, mellow contemplative high, myself personally I always find the giggles is dependent on who I smoke with or what im reading or watching while high.


The dude who you answered his questions hasn't been seen since 7-4-07 I think your late .
BAHAHA, Im not even sure what year it is now, well its a great weed for anybody looking for the same thing. I was actually just googleing, looking for some more seeds and clicked on the thread.
BAHAHA, Im not even sure what year it is now, well its a great weed for anybody looking for the same thing. I was actually just googleing, looking for some more seeds and clicked on the thread.


Hey, I am probably a little bit older than several on this forum. I used to have a blast lighting up with the friends back in like 1985. I used to get a great buzz that was mellow, gave me the massive munchies, made me laugh my ass off at the stupidist stuff, etc. I would share like 1 joint with a friend and get very pleasently fried.

Well that was then and this is now. Now the weed is soooooo incredibly potent compared to the 80's weed that it is rediculous. The high is completely different also!!!!!! The last time I smoked was almost 10 years ago now. I only had like 4 or 5 bong hits and got way too wasted! I got home and puked. Felt like total crap from being way too stoned. I just layed on the bed trying to go to sleep (not because I was sleepy, just wanted to come down). This experience was very similar to the experiences I had the previous couple of years. The weed all came from different sources even in different states. The stuff has just changed in the last 20 years!

So, now that I stated the above.... Here is my question: I want the high that I used to get back in the 80's. The weed was alot less potenet and the high was alot more enjoyable (in my oppinion). Are there still any strains around that would probably give me the high that I used to get? I think I smoked some skunk back in the 80's the rest was probably made up names like "Jamaican Red Hair Sense" and not really strains. Now I see that there are several different kinds of skunk out there. Any suggestions on which seeds I should buy of which strain to get as close to the same weed as I used to have? Also, I live in the USA so any supplier that has the strain would need to be able to ship to the US. Thanks if anyone knows what I am looking for.

Ok if you want the high you got back in the 80's you first need to turn 22 again, get your hormones to peak. Have little responsibilities, then grow some Acapulco gold or Maui. I have breed an auto strain that is my favorite, it does not knock me to dementia, mellow, chilled...but it does not make me streak with my friends like i did in the 80's.
Hey, I am probably a little bit older than several on this forum. I used to have a blast lighting up with the friends back in like 1985. I used to get a great buzz that was mellow, gave me the massive munchies, made me laugh my ass off at the stupidist stuff, etc. I would share like 1 joint with a friend and get very pleasently fried.

Well that was then and this is now. Now the weed is soooooo incredibly potent compared to the 80's weed that it is rediculous. The high is completely different also!!!!!! The last time I smoked was almost 10 years ago now. I only had like 4 or 5 bong hits and got way too wasted! I got home and puked. Felt like total crap from being way too stoned. I just layed on the bed trying to go to sleep (not because I was sleepy, just wanted to come down). This experience was very similar to the experiences I had the previous couple of years. The weed all came from different sources even in different states. The stuff has just change in the last 20 years!

So, now that I stated the above.... Here is my question: I want the high that I used to get back in the 80's. The weed was alot less potenet and the high was alot more enjoyable (in my oppinion). Are there still any strains around that would probably give me the high that I used to get? I think I smoked some skunk back in the 80's the rest was probably made up names like "Jamaican Red Hair Sense" and not really strains. Now I see that there are several different kinds of skunk out there. Any suggestions on which seeds I should buy of which strain to get as close to the same weed as I used to have? Also, I live in the USA so any supplier that has the strain would need to be able to ship to the US. Thanks if anyone knows what I am looking for.

Actually I think the weed in the 80s was more potent. Most new high thc designer strains are shit and the buzz is missing something.

You are probably looking for red hair or road kill skunk. Lot of northern lights going around back then.

I don't know on the east coast it was all skunk. Good skunk. Triple bag and still smell it skunk.
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I cant recommend the dealer as Ive never used them, but thats the strain you want right there. Got a Bunch of seeds from a store in Edmonton, came home and grew me some, you get your "head in the clouds" high without the lethargic body stone and "brain confusion" no paranoia not horrible memories or thoughts drug up. Just a nice relaxing, mellow contemplative high, myself personally I always find the giggles is dependent on who I smoke with or what im reading or watching while high.

Damnit. Did you look at the date of this thread? It was started in 2007.

Another old thread got me.

In Va. back in the 80s this would be disguised as a joint and sold to you as is, seeds, stems and all.
whoa dude!..no way the Mexicans or columbians would pack all those stems to smuggle. Yes the 70's and 80's had seeds...but that was because of all the Double Albums bands put out so we could deseed.
In the 80 my father grew a few inbetween the corn we get ripped on a few occasions my older bother and his friends jowness an assian dude and pops a big fat black dude that looked like fat albert.. perhapps as they enjoyed Atari and by the looks of how they ate.. Ok ya some time lime green most time brown stemy always seedy some in brick????Screenshot_2017-08-26-13-00-31.png one finger in a bagy was a dime 2 finger was a dub 20$ on so on.. if not grown by people brick compressed roll the seeds out on a Thrasher magazin Screenshot_2017-08-26-12-59-11.png the hundreds or a peachy folder or what everScreenshot_2017-08-26-13-01-23.png dmv registration. Most times brown every once in a while red hair skunk or some bud grown by mexicans in back yard that grew like apple trees.. i have seen a raid at a house but the cops walked right passed it me being a nabor the tree was trimmed to look like a big bush round on top like a tree well sinse no one was there i took it found out the leaves wont get you high it was the colas me and my friends smoked the hole freeking thing never got high lolz i should have payed atention to the corn situation... I liked it then but some time you would hear a friend yell out hey does anyone want to smoke a roach Screenshot_2017-08-26-13-10-22.png and actually pull out a real roach the big black kind dead and driedScreenshot_2017-08-26-13-10-44.png . Or like some of todays trim id find a pocket knife ,markers clips, hair, a finger.. Jk about the finger. By the way some of those seeds if grown were prity frosty just grown in the back yard just as much as today no lie not all but a big percentage i grew alot in the back yard some die but a few grew out of alot of them it was a thing to go piss on the fuckers i didnt undetstand it but ya for realz probly killed half that way lolz
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I think building up tolerance is what makes weed hit less hard. When i don't smoke for three weeks, the same strain i use on a daily base will knock me out. Same goes for smoking a pure blunt, it makes me literally reside on the moon.
I think building up tolerance is what makes weed hit less hard. When i don't smoke for three weeks, the same strain i use on a daily base will knock me out. Same goes for smoking a pure blunt, it makes me literally reside on the moon.
In the 80 my father grew a few inbetween the corn we get ripped on a few occasions my older bother and his friends jowness and pops perhapps as they enjoyed Atari and by the looks of how they ate.. Ok ya some time lime green most time brown stemy always seedy some in brick????View attachment 4000643 one finger in a bagy was a dime 2 finger was a dub 20$ on so on.. if not grown by people brick compressed roll the seeds out on a Thrasher magazin View attachment 4000647 the hundreds or a peachy folder or what everView attachment 4000649 dmv registration. Most times brown every once in a while red hair skunk or some bud grown by mexicans in back yard that grew like apple trees.. i have seen a raid at a house but the cops walked right passed it me being a nabor the tree was trimmed to look like a big bush round on top like a tree well sinse no one was there i took it found out the leaves wont get you high it was the colas me and my friends smoked the hole freeking thing never got high lolz i should have payed atention to the corn situation... I liked it then but some time you would hear a friend yell out hey does anyone want to smoke a roach View attachment 4000655 and actually pull out a real roach the big black kind dead and driedView attachment 4000656 . Or like some of todays trim id find a pocket knife ,markers clips, hair, a finger.. Jk about the finger. By the way some of those seeds if grown were prity frosty just grown in the back yard just as much as today no lie not all but a big percentage i grew alot in the back yard some die but a few grew out of alot of them it was a thing to go piss on the fuckers i didnt undetstand it but ya for realz probly killed half that way lolz
Bobby pins.. those metal clip things the wife uses in her hair, it even has different sized holes
I still smoke 80's weed most days. My Jack Carlos Cross strain was made in 1988 from what the growers {Jack and Carlos} called "Northern Lights" and "Afghani" but were both sativa heavy crosses. It is tall and lanky, and doesn't get ripe until November, but it sure smells sweet. And it doesn't cause me to puke when I try to smoke a big joint.
Dafuq?! That's more stem and seed than it is usable weed!

I've heard of smoking trim. But that shit looks like floor sweepings.
not that i was around but a buddy who was in early 1970's Sydney the average lb consisted of approx 40%-50% stems once all the buds were stripped off...prices were $300-$500lb
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