Yea I guess logically I look at it like something has to give. I've shown you my buddy's he also can pull in 16oz off his plant. But he could obviously improve at least the quality with some TLC. I don't spend gobs of money on nutrient and boosters like some do, but as far as basic nutrient I'm sure there are a decent amount that can give you pretty damn decent results with minimal effort. Unfortunately my brain dosnt work that way and I have to question what's left on the table. That method would hands down be better then a newbie trying to guess what a plant needs more or less of and give them a complete grow in a satisfactory level of nutrient, but I want to try to learn as much as I can to give them the perfect treatment which will also be low maintenance once I get more experience and get more in touch with my plants. I'm not trying to poo on your parade, if your looking for lower maintenance and less hassle that will be the obvious method to go with, and you probably won't hurt your yield. I'm just hoping to get to a point where I look at my plants and know exactly what they need to give them optimum chance for optimum results. Remember I'm nooby and fresh fires up and ready to go where as I think you have been doing it for some years and this probably isn't as fun and exciting as it is for me.