What's your all time favourite movie?


Well-Known Member
Godfather 1 & 2. Those movies have been turned into 'The Godfather Epic', I believe it's called, with another hour and a half off the cutting room floor. Runs 7 hrs.

Goodfellows and Forest Gump are great.

Independence Day just for Will Smith's line, 'welcome to earth'

There's really so many. I liked Pearl Harbor just for the special effects through the sound bar. Sounded like it was right outside.
Another good one I really, really liked was A History of Violence with Viggo Mortensen. It's another mafia movie but you don't realize it for a long time.
I watched history of violence last week and I was so stoned I don't remember a single thing except for the title .:wall:


Well-Known Member
There are so many good ones. I'm a big fan of tom hamks. My friends even give me shit about it, but he is a great actor. The last few minutes of captain Phillips actually put a knot in my throat. It felt so real to me. And then I found out that scene wasn't scripted! I was like holy shit that was moving.

Denzel Washington is another great actor. John Q was the same way to me. I love and hate that movie.

I just watched "The Hurricane" the other day. That's a good Denzel movie too. I would watch again and I would recommend to friends and family.
So you must love classics like BIG and The Money Pit. 2 awesome movies!