What's your least favorite movie ?

just went through my watch history, let's see what i didn't like.. started to watch all good things, and turned it off.. found it super slow moving, and i didn't gaf about any of the main characters .. umm, what else, rebirth, i stuck that one out.. wasn't horrible, but what a crappy ending.. nothing i hate more than wasting an hour or two on a movie to have the ending suck so hard.
mercury plains was another that i stuck through, idk why, another one with a horrible ending..

and one more.. memento.. i kept saying to myself the whole time i was watching how i should just turn it off now and not waste anymore of my time, but i kept thinking it had to get better, yet some how it didn't.. another crap ending..
What Tha What lol
Why didn't you just go all out and say
" I hated ET "
et was awesome... i bet he can make a woman very happy
The zombie diaries. How the fuck that thing got a DVD release I'll never know. I bought it used at a resale shop for $3 back when I saw it new at wally world for $13 so I bought it. The very first part of the movie actually makes it look like it might be ok, or at least not total shit. The costumes are ok and the prop guns looked like actual guns and I think the zombies looked like that had actual makeup on if I remember correctly. All that goes out the window about 20 min in.

The next part of the movie (it's in like 4 parts which are all different) looks like some shitty zombie movie some high school students made on their spring break or some shit.

The guns are just pellet guns with gun noises played over them, the zombies looked like shit, the acting was shit. Most of it takes place in broad daylight and the zombies basically just stand still the entire time, so you feel zero threat or urgency from them. I didn't even finish watching this pos and was lucky enough to sell it to my friend for what I paid for it but I still can't get back the time I wasted on it.
and one more.. memento.. i kept saying to myself the whole time i was watching how i should just turn it off now and not waste anymore of my time, but i kept thinking it had to get better, yet some how it didn't.. another crap ending..

Seriously? I LOVED Memento, one of my favorite movies. Genius on so many levels. I love most of Nolan's movies. When you say you hated the ending, do you mean the beginning since the story was told in reverse? My all-time least fav movie was Chappie. I love Die Antwoord, but that movie managed to offend me on so many levels. I was cheering when each person died, and cheered more when it was over. Crappie...