Riu convention


Junior Creatologist

I dont know if this has already been discussed or not, and i wanna know what you guys think about this shit....

Michigan has the anne arbor hash bash, and there are other types of conventions and competitions in the united states for growers to get together and compare buds, grow tips, seeds, ect....

RIU should have a convention. We could set it up in neutral territory, where its not too hard for the majority to make it there, and we could do a similar thing to what anne arbor does. I mean, RIU has well ovr a couple thousand members, we could do it up real big if we wanted to!!! I think thats a BOMB ass idea, and it would give us all the oppurtunity to get to know each other, share strains, have rolling comps, bud comps, taste testings, the whole shebang!! an RIU Cannabis Cup would be the fuckin bomb - n we could do it annually...Just a thought im throwin out there. Im gonna post this is other sections of the forum, just so everyone can see it and voice their opinions.

I mean, everyone talks about how they wish they could shoot down to one of their fellow growers pads n burn one with them, well this would be a prime oppurtunity for us to do that shit, but on a grander scale, u know?? Lemme know what you guys think, and if everyone thinks its a good idea, we should definitely make it happen.

I actually have the perfect place for us to make it happen. Its an old hippie commune turned into a camping grounds with festivals every single weekend. Darkstar, phish, akoostik hookah, tommy chong, the other ones, rusted root, and a whole shitload of other famous groups, bands, and stoner celebrities go there annually for a place to kickit, smoke up, trip, n just fuckin party without havin to worry about the cops at all. Ill let people know what it is n where it is once i get a concensus on wether its a good idea, and let yall check out the website.

But seriously, think about it - i think it would be fuckin awesome, and the place we would be meeting is cop free, meaning we could bring as much bud as we wanted to bring, to sell, smoke, and just fuckin party on for an entire weekend.

get back to me guys - any admins or hosts message me and ill let you check out the place im talkin bout, and we could organize somethin for either this year or the beginning of next year(first fest of next year is on 420, but the campgrounds is open year round).

hit me back



Well-Known Member
to many members, not enough organization, thats the problem....but yeah i'd be up for shaking fdd's hand and taste testing all these crazy strains i keep hearing about!


Junior Creatologist
look man, i know that shit aint organized at all, but the seasoned members and those of us who are serious about doing this as a lifetime hobby, or even as a perpetual source of income, and want to trade secrets with each other, would be serious about meeting up could just hook up man. Im tellin u it would work. all i need to do is post the location where we can meet up, and people will see that it would be the shit, and would be willing to go. IT wouldnt be like soem lame ass camping trip, it would be a fuckin festival. There would be like 300 people there besides all of us, and it would be awesome. I go camping at this place like 15 times a year, and its fuckin awesome

went to GRATEFUL FEST this year, met mickey hart n shook his fuckin hand at this place man. How fuckin cool is THAT?!


Well-Known Member
Marijuana is also illegal to ALOT of the members here, and gathering this via internet probably isn't the best thing.


Junior Creatologist
lemme put it this way - IF you are around a shitload of RIU members, and your suspect that theres a DEA agent in the group, n everyone is smokin, it dont matter really, cuz A: chances are if theres DEA there, they are undercover, and not investigating YOU, they are checkin out whats really happenin in the campgrounds, n B: in all my years of going to the campgrounds, ive NEVER seen anyone arrested that the owners haven't called the cops n had removed themselves for disorderly bullshit. That shit dont happen at this place. like i said, you aint never been to a place like this before. gotta see it to believe it.

Thats it yall. Just a thought i was puttin out there. Like i keep sayin, its the perfect place to do somethin like that, and if there aint enough people in here that trust that there are actually some people around RIU that wouldn't put their fellow members at risk, and wouldn't suggest somethin like this unless they knew what they were talkin bout, then its all good man, no worries at all. Maybe some other time eh?



i am down for it.... but i dont believe we could have anything (safely) such as what you are talking about.... i mean a RIU cup??? in america?? come on... i think that it would be more pheasible to have a RIU bbq or something; just a gathering of members so we could meet each other... maybe bring a few joints if you're comfortable with it.... but that is as far as i would take it... also think that instead of having ONE meeting place that is public, why not have members with the available resourses (secluded property) host individual gatherings (like one per state) so that more people would be able to make it.... after a few of those, then maybe we could start discussing a conglomerated meeting....


Well-Known Member
Dude the Ontarioan RIU members couldn't even meet up at the GMM in toronto in may, and most of them were in attendance just didn't put any effort into looking for one another. So I highly doubt people from all over NA and the world are going to get together.


Dude the Ontarioan RIU members couldn't even meet up at the GMM in toronto in may, and most of them were in attendance just didn't put any effort into looking for one another. So I highly doubt people from all over NA and the world are going to get together.

thats public.... im talking about private get-togethers on private property... if there was a riu bbq in your area on a member's property, you wouldnt go????


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about this when we got our house. House warming/Toke-a-thon. But I haven't really made any friends here. So it would be a toss up.


Well-Known Member
it might just be you and me...more weed for us.

id totally be down to do something like this...i especially like the bbq idea i love bbq.

i just dont know when i would have the chance, but it would be fun


Well-Known Member
Marijuana is also illegal to ALOT of the members here, and gathering this via internet probably isn't the best thing.
Well as an agent of the DEA I can tell you we aren't looking for you the small grower. Nope, not at all. So please write down your names and addresses so we can not come raid your houses.

Thank you,

Mr. Undercover DEA Agent


Well as an agent of the DEA I can tell you we aren't looking for you the small grower. Nope, not at all. So please write down your names and addresses so we can not come raid your houses.

Thank you,

Mr. Undercover DEA Agent

you are officially not invited..... wouldnt be smart to host at your own house now would it??? we've got a huge family camp.... not my address..:finger::finger: Mr. DEA.... you would have to be invited/approved to get directions anyway... all up to personal discretion.... and there will be no "pot growing".... just food, beer, and a little bit of smoke.. fuck off


Well as an agent of the DEA I can tell you we aren't looking for you the small grower. Nope, not at all. So please write down your names and addresses so we can not come raid your houses.

Thank you,

Mr. Undercover DEA Agent

congrats... you get my first negative rep:clap::clap: