Aluminum foil on walls?


Well-Known Member
I can't afford mylar right now so I was thinking about putting up some aluminum foil with the dull side facing the plant. Will the plant actually benefit from this? Is the dull side relfective? Help please


Well-Known Member
I can't afford mylar right now so I was thinking about putting up some aluminum foil with the dull side facing the plant. Will the plant actually benefit from this? Is the dull side relfective? Help please
No foil can create heat spots and burn plants. Go to target or walmart and get some of those cheap emergency blanket's that you find in a roadside kit. They are like mylar and will work good. or just paint it flat white.


Active Member
The cupboard i'm using to grow in had cream coloured walls and a dark wooden door, i'd not heard about the problems using foil at the time so i went ahead and covered it with the stuff shiny side inwards, and it's made a big difference in the amount of light reflected, it's not caused any problems in creating hot spots etc simply because the lights i'm using are not powerful enough, and the plant is kept moving all the time anyway.


Well-Known Member
The cupboard i'm using to grow in had cream coloured walls and a dark wooden door, i'd not heard about the problems using foil at the time so i went ahead and covered it with the stuff shiny side inwards, and it's made a big difference in the amount of light reflected, it's not caused any problems in creating hot spots etc simply because the lights i'm using are not powerful enough, and the plant is kept moving all the time anyway.
Word, what kinda of light's you using? I would be better safe than sorry and use something else. Eliminate any possibility.


Active Member
I'm just using a bunch of 20w CFLs hanging above the plant on pendants, it's my first ever plant and i was only growing it as a £0 budget for fun after a friend planted a seed and left it on my TV (already messed that up by buying a timer and fertilizer :-P ). I will be painting the walls white in there when this plant is finished though as i will be adding a few more lights for the next plant.


Well-Known Member
I can't afford mylar right now so I was thinking about putting up some aluminum foil with the dull side facing the plant. Will the plant actually benefit from this? Is the dull side relfective? Help please
Yo....just go to the dollar store and buy the cheap wrapping paper, use the reverse side.....TADA mylar for $1 :)