Do you have people over?


I do not invite anyone to my crib.

Sometimes my wife's kids come over but they all smoke and the grandkids are old
enough to keep their mouth shut.
How many of you guys that grow weed have people over every once in a while?

More specifically for people that hide the fact that they grow/smoke cannabis.

i did this for 5 years with a state trooper with in 30 ft of my house ......and he has teenagers a boy and girl

it is simple as hell if u think things out .......but the stress is still killer i have many grey hairs only 37
I don't really know any straight people, now that I think about it. They're boring anyway.

Every single friend I have smokes weed, and I got several friends started with growing. My one daughter doesn't get high, but she is a health freak which is great. My other daughter grows bigger plants than me.

And unless somebody comes downstairs to the man cave, there's nothing to see anyway.

It smells like a fresh bag of charcoal in the garage. The only suspicious thing is a running inline fan in the garage, but it's kind of hidden. You just hear it running but nobody ever said anything about it. I turn a radio on to cover it if I'm worried about it.

I have had gas company and cable company guys have to come inside a few times. It was stressful, but they never noticed anything.
i did this for 5 years with a state trooper with in 30 ft of my house ......and he has teenagers a boy and girl

it is simple as hell if u think things out .......but the stress is still killer i have many grey hairs only 37
You must have some sort of really supportive jock to help you with yur HUGE balls
You must have some sort of really supportive jock to help you with yur HUGE balls
thanks for that .....size of saturn and made of steel

no i just knew what i was doing.....and was at a point where i said fuck it i need the money jail or millionaire (plus i have a ace in the hole card end up in mental ward not prison)
carbon filter on the exhaust under negative pressure .....outer room the door opens into a ozone gen to kill the smell

then the rest was just matter of cooking soil in trash cans and recycling the leaves and stems from plants into the soil so nothing got throw out
dump the used soil in the flower beds about 1or2 am/ or when i knew was not home
then the feed bottles and all that used stuff is collected in a special trash bag that gets throw out once every 6 months ( random dumpsters)
then u just make sure u use prepaid credit cards for any orders of seeds or feeds .....make sure u burn all the shipping labels
I have no trespassing signs and a gate. No uninvited people welcome. As much as I would love to show my girls off ( 8 ft high and starting to flower.. Oh boy!!!) I must remain firm on my own policies. That is also why I live 15 miles from town... Keeps drop in guest away.. My best of friends don't even know. Just my brother knows.... It's only a secret if you don't tell anyone. Once you tell someone it is no longer a secret. Tell no one and offer no information to anyone.