Dust in buds??


Well-Known Member
When I'm trimming my last 2 plants, I noticed that sometimes of puff of dust (small cloud of possible dust??) might be in the buds when I pull them apart?? The dust or whatever has no color. Can you get dust if you're scrubber has no room left?? I have been letting these last couple plants hang in my dry room for like 3 weeks. Could the plants be accumulating dust bc they were drying for too long?? Help...
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When I'm trimming my last 2 plants, I noticed that sometimes of puff of dust (small cloud of possible dust??) might be in the buds when I pull them apart?? The dust or whatever has no color. Can you get dust if you're scrubber has no room left?? I have been letting these last couple plants hang in my dry room for like 3 weeks. Could the plants be accumulating dust bc they were drying for too long?? Help...
Could it be powder mold exploding as you make cuts with your scissors?
I really doubt it's dust. I would think that it's probably mold spores. How does it smell?

Smells fine... Is this bad to smoke??? Never really had this before.. Could carbon scrubbers be getting filled?? Could my dry area be pushing around mold or dust into the drying plants??
It's mildew powder. You saw the white powder on the leaves of your plants while growing and just ignored it, didn't you?
When I'm trimming my last 2 plants, I noticed that sometimes of puff of dust (small cloud of possible dust??) might be in the buds when I pull them apart?? The dust or whatever has no color. Can you get dust if you're scrubber has no room left?? I have been letting these last couple plants hang in my dry room for like 3 weeks. Could the plants be accumulating dust bc they were drying for too long?? Help...
Most likely pm. Don't smoke it.

Is it from my basement or the plant itself?? Like I prev said I had these plants hanging in my basement 80 degrees 75%RH for up to 4 weeks. Could mold have just have gotten into the plant from hanging for so long?? The mold is not on the outside of the bud, but more on the inside... Its pretty funny though, never had a problem with mold before I let my plants hang and dry for the 4 weeks...Could it just be my mold in my basement?? Would an air purifier help??
I really doubt it's dust. I would think that it's probably mold spores. How does it smell?

Could mold spores have worked its way into the bud while drying for so long?? My tents are very brezzy so the mold ain't happening in there most likely.. I have an air scrubber turned on full blast in my tents.
might be the fact you hung them for a MONTH, lol.. Did you grow in a tent in the basement? any basement grow, should have fresh air pulled from outside, or filtered with every kind of filter you can hook to it. and always keep a positive pressure. Meaning, more air pushing thru then forced air being pulled out of the tent. So, means, if there are any leaks, the air is always pushing out of them and not being sucked into the tent.


doesnt the air scrubber just clean air of odor and not so much spores? IDK, im asking. My grows arent good enough to have a smell problem, BAHAHAHAHA
Is it from my basement or the plant itself?? Like I prev said I had these plants hanging in my basement 80 degrees 75%RH for up to 4 weeks. Could mold have just have gotten into the plant from hanging for so long?? The mold is not on the outside of the bud, but more on the inside... Its pretty funny though, never had a problem with mold before I let my plants hang and dry for the 4 weeks...Could it just be my mold in my basement?? Would an air purifier help??

I dont have a pic, I dont know which type of mold you have. I know your drying conditions are the best for growing fungi on weed though. Or your mold could have begun while you were growing and continued on after harvest.
there are very specific instructions for avoiding mold, all covered in most grow bibles and growweedeasycom too.
you'll need a dehumidifier, air movement, a carbon air scrubber, dry heat source, possibly ac also- to keep the correct parameters.
I use all of the above in my grow rooms and in my dedicated drying space, never seen moldy buds. I use a grow tent with those controls, hanging baskets, work space, storage, meters.

Its possible and likely you have had moldy bud when using the same conditions and didnt notice it that time. its not the time that you left them hang its the rh and temperature you allowed them to hang in.
My basement gets hot like 80 degress and has a high humidity of 75% and I grow in a tent will lots of air movement.. Not really much fresh air gets into the basement.. Ive never got mold or anything before, I'm guessing I just let them hang in the humid environment for 4 weeks got the mold on them.. I never seen mold on them when there growing or on the leaves... I think I Just dried them too long in a moldy enclosed environment.
I feel for you. When I first started growing, I had about 5lbs of bud go moldy. It's heartbreaking. I run a dehumidifier when I'm drying now.
My basement gets hot like 80 degress and has a high humidity of 75% and I grow in a tent will lots of air movement.. Not really much fresh air gets into the basement.. Ive never got mold or anything before, I'm guessing I just let them hang in the humid environment for 4 weeks got the mold on them.. I never seen mold on them when there growing or on the leaves... I think I Just dried them too long in a moldy enclosed environment.

mold is everywhere. your job is to make an environment thats not conducive to mold flourishing.
if mold is growing in your space then its already ripe and waiting for food, like fresh cut plants.
an air purifier will not rid your space of fungus even as well as bleach, but controlled temp/rh/air flow and good grow habits will
better luck next time