Strains that do not give the munchies?


Well-Known Member
Can anyone suggest strains that do not give the munchies?
Im looking for a night time strain to help with sleep but without the the craving for food.

Is this even possible ?
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yes it is possible. but effects are all over the map depending on the person using, their health, rx, other drugs.
many accept that more indica is for relax and more sativa is for more energy. We find them interchangeable though.
effects can be altered with drying techniques, harvest times, growing habits, fertilizers, etc. we try as many as we can then we
we dont trust growers and grow our own and keep going collecting favs along the way
good luck.
Pretty sure the munchies are unavoidable, but more pronounced in Indica and Indica-dominant strains.
That is for real, why I stick to sativa.. I don't mind munches sometime, but lawd have mercy don't want to raid the cabinets n fridge all the time.The indica is so good for helping my daughters appetite n grow this( am try'in to anyways) for her:hug::hump:
That is for real, why I stick to sativa.. I don't mind munches sometime, but lawd have mercy don't want to raid the cabinets n fridge all the time.The indica is so good for helping my daughters appetite n grow this( am try'in to anyways) for her:hug::hump:
I feel you. Personally, with all these kids killing themselves and cutting themselves and shit, I think I'd rather encourage my daughter to smoke cannabis at 16 than take antidepressants. Kids deal with a lot of pressure and shit, and I don't buy into cannabis causing schizophrenia to manifest in still growing adolescents. If they're going to express themselves or do something cathartic, it should be most effective, least self-destructive, and safe. More over, I think coming to an understanding of a kid's autonomy and need to make mistakes would be better done safely with proper guidance, and if a kid can't trust you to be understanding, they just aren't going to tell you shit.
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Therapy is important, too, and it should help them become more functional, not get in the way of their necessities. She'd probably get A's in arts, social studies, and literature/language arts.
I feel you. Personally, with all these kids killing themselves and cutting themselves and shit, I think I'd rather encourage my daughter to smoke cannabis at 16 than take antidepressants. Kids deal with a lot of pressure and shit, and I don't buy into cannabis causing schizophrenia to manifest in still growing adolescents. If they're going to express themselves or do something cathartic, it should be most effective, least self-destructive, and safe. More over, I think coming to an understanding of a kid's autonomy and need to make mistakes would be better done safely with proper guidance, and if a kid can't trust you to be understanding, they just aren't going to tell you shit.
That is the truth. My daughter is 45, but I am very open with my teenage grand-kids,about as much as I know they can handle anyways. They already know way more than I did at their age and they teach me the new lingo for kids
That is the truth. My daughter is 45, but I am very open with my teenage grand-kids,about as much as I know they can handle anyways. They already know way more than I did at their age and they teach me the new lingo for kids
My daughter is due in October, I'm speaking mostly hypothetically. But I think 14-16 as a starting age for occasional small-amount anxiolytic and creative use of weed isn't inappropriate, and trust is important, especially in family.
Munchies were present and famous before we even saw an Indica in America and Sativas can give you a hell of a case of the munchies. Corporations even had products made just for the munchies like "Sreeaming Yellow Zonkers"!
One must have the mental fortitude even while stoned to identify the false hunger, and suppress the craving to fill your belly. Practice it only a few times, it will become habit and you'll have the munchies licked (pardon the pun)