What did you accomplish today?

Caught 3 hermies, just about to pop. somebitches.
Check the bottom of your flowers regularly.
Should have placed these plants to one side as they were part of the high-stress group.
Hopefully, no harm was done. I have nothing in flower apart from some Swazi I don't mind getting some seeds off, as they seem to not mind the outdoors in winter.
Not unless unless protekt was mixed with it.

The bottle says something about if it gets hot what to do. Something about adding water and something else. I don't have the bottle in front of me.

I haven't seen that though.
I tried 50/50 dilution with hot water, which was recommended on the bottle (for freezing?).
Some of the solids did go back into solution, and some did not. I'll let it sit & "cook", but I doubt if all of the solids will dissolve.
That's so sad.
We've put down three dogs over the last 15 years and it never gets easier. :cry:

I hate to have any of my animals die. She was my garden partner and always watching my back for snakes,people whatever the case. I'm sure you know the feeling of having a pup with you daily, following you around. I still have my other dog, but she seems super down and out now without Ruby around. They were partners in crime when dad wasn't home. I've lost lots of pets over the years ...But she's the worst loss yet ...she was my 4 legged family member.....She was old and has had health issues for a long time....but I wasn't expecting this..... I know it's not a person and it could always be worse....But when you spend that much time with an animal each day ...it sucks to lose them .....even just the security aspect of losing her sucks....she'll be missed for a long time....pulling into the driveway at the greenhouses will be tough for a good while now.

Sorry about your dogs that does suck.

Had to put 3 cats all over 16 years old, down the past year. Condolences.

Thank you .....sorry to hear that.
Sucky morning guys, had to put my number one side kick to sleep.
View attachment 3989413
She was always rite by me...Guna take some getting use to for sure. It's weird how animals become part of your day much like people IMO...Already miss the fuck out of her.
I'm so sorry to hear that brother. My sidekick is 15 and I got her when she was a pup. I know she probably doesn't have much longer. :(

We're here for you if you need anything. Hugs homie.
I hate to have any of my animals die. She was my garden partner and always watching my back for snakes,people whatever the case. I'm sure you know the feeling of having a pup with you daily, following you around. I still have my other dog, but she seems super down and out now without Ruby around. They were partners in crime when dad wasn't home. I've lost lots of pets over the years ...But she's the worst loss yet ...she was my 4 legged family member.....She was old and has had health issues for a long time....but I wasn't expecting this..... I know it's not a person and it could always be worse....But when you spend that much time with an animal each day ...it sucks to lose them .....even just the security aspect of losing her sucks....she'll be missed for a long time....pulling into the driveway at the greenhouses will be tough for a good while now.

Sorry about your dogs that does suck.

Thank you .....sorry to hear that.
Sorry about your pup man
Sucky morning guys, had to put my number one side kick to sleep.
View attachment 3989413
She was always rite by me...Guna take some getting use to for sure. It's weird how animals become part of your day much like people IMO...Already miss the fuck out of her.

My sincere condolences.
We've lost two in the last year & it was horrible both times.