Well-Known Member
Tyler I don't really have the answer your looking for, but I do have a few things to think about.
1 . My uncle has a logging co. and he doesn't trust banks with all his money for a variety of reasons. So he keeps a large cash savings and on day back in the '90s he was going to buy some equipment at auction and had 90,000.00 in the trunk . Well out of nowhere he's pulled over by unmarked car ( Marshalls ) and they said where you going with all that money , he said I don't know what your talking about , and they said you've got 90,000.00 in the trunk we seen it when you drove by.
Turns out that the magnetic strips are detectable .
2 I'm in construction and I have built several storage units , if someone had a reason to think you have something worth stealing they can break into the unit next to yours , no matter what lock you get.
3 if you do get busted someone has to keep up the rent or it'll be auction off .
Just trying to help .
Maybe a money laundering is in order.
Holy shit! Great info. I had no idea they had devices to read magnetic strips on cash. That has to be because they're US Marshals, right? Local leo wouldn't have that equipment, would they??? He would bring the cash in amounts less than 10k to limit risk. What did those Marshals do to your uncle's money? Breaking into his unit via a neighboring unit is something I haven't thought of, but again, security by obscurity since we are assuming no one knows about the cash. Also, they'd have a hard time with the safe. If he got busted, the unit would be paid for a year in advance. He'd surely be able to access it at some point before going in, maybe even take the option of relocating to sunny Mexico. His Spanish is getting pretty good via rosetta stone