If you Voted for Bernie Sanders or wrote him in or


Well-Known Member
Hillary should have chosen Bernie as her VP, maybe it would have brought the Bernie or nothings back in. I think Bernie was put at a greater disadvantage (besides being an outsider/recent convert) by the tactics of the DNC and Clinton campaign, as well as a lack of media coverage, but Hillary likely would have won the primaries without it.

The biggest mistake was losing many of the Bernie voters. The emails leaks/DNC scandal might have been the deal breaker, and those measures weren't even necessary for Clinton's primary win. Nevertheless, it was a chalenge for Hillary to win over anti-establishment types that liked Bernie. So it still might not have mattered, without Bernie they might have still voted anti-Clinton. Republican districts are just fucked with idiots.


Well-Known Member
You're the one supporting the party taking donor cash from Wall Street.

You can't represent average Americans as long as you take money from big banks, hypocrite.

Nice attempt at redirection, though. No one is fooled. You're getting increasingly irrational, preachy and dogmatic.

Meanwhile, your party has deserted you long ago, hypocrite.
50% of americans have 401k accounts that provide for their retirement thanks to...wait for it...those evil wall street goons.

but yeah, parrot trump's most hitler-y rhetoric. free nation.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
50% of americans have 401k accounts that provide for their retirement thanks to...wait for it...those evil wall street goons.

but yeah, parrot trump's most hitler-y rhetoric. free nation.
Buck I'd love to see that broken down for age groups. I wonder if my generation invested as much as yours? I have certain assumptions but I bet they are wrong LOL


Well-Known Member
Hillary should have chosen Bernie as her VP, maybe it would have brought the Bernie or nothings back in. I think Bernie was put at a greater disadvantage (besides being an outsider/recent convert) by the tactics of the DNC and Clinton campaign, as well as a lack of media coverage, but Hillary likely would have won the primaries without it.

The biggest mistake was losing many of the Bernie voters. The emails leaks/DNC scandal might have been the deal breaker, and those measures weren't even necessary for Clinton's primary win. Nevertheless, it was a chalenge for Hillary to win over anti-establishment types that liked Bernie. So it still might not have mattered, without Bernie they might have still voted anti-Clinton. Republican districts are just fucked with idiots.
It wasn't about Bernie, it was about the fact that the Democratic party sold out.


Well-Known Member
To anti-establishment hard liners, Democrats have always been sell outs, and establishment Democrats going after their vote was/is futile. They had a chance with Bernie but it mostly backfired.
That's what I've been saying here for quite some time. You'll notice it makes me unpopular with the 'Democrats will save us!' sychophants.


Well-Known Member
Not one of these fools would last 5 minutes on the ice with you and they know it.
For the record; I wouldn't either, probably because I never played hockey, lol
That's absolutely certain. Of course, skating isn't what I do for a living. Made my bones with my brain. No regrets. Also no knee, hip, shoulder, or CTE issues to worry about.

@Padawanbater2 @st0wandgrow
Not to mention that Kyle Kulinski, the thought guide propaganda guy is a Russia apologist.

To paraphrase: "russian talk is becoming a distraction from real issues"
Maybe because there are other issues which need attention. Did THAT ever occur to you? Or do you like the distraction, so you never have to address anything that actually matters to the daily lives of average Americans?
Did you really just object to the firing of Flynn and the attention given to the Russia investigation in your earlier post? That's what Kyle Kulinski the thought guide propagandist did in a video he made not long ago. Did you defend that? What a piece of shit you guys suck on.

In the link below your thought guide guy is defending Donald Trump jr's meeting.

It contains about 2 minutes of relaying the contents of the NY Times article. After that he mocks Democrats for saying this is equal to Watergate (they aren't saying that about this meeting), then spends the entire 10 remaining minutes trying to equate Donald Trump Jr's attempt at Russia collusion with Democratic Party campaigns. Also totally ignores Trump and his campaign such as the tweets against media that brought menacing people out of the woodwork to make their lives miserable and fear for their lives and those close to them. I mean, a meeting to collude with a hostile foreign government to affect the election, this was what Jr said he thought meeting was all about. Kulinske says that was the same as DWS calling a MSNBC manager about campaign coverage. Kulinski is equating these. This is skilled propaganda. False equivalency is played out on that video.

You guys aren't very critical of where you get your propaganda. Like all good propaganda, there are moments of truth and insight. But there are clear distortions of fact and to equate Trump campaign meetings (I'm sure there were many) including this one with anything that went on in the US is propaganda. He's manipulating you guys. I fully expect that you will defend it. I've listened. It's indefensible..

There are plenty of other examples where Kulinski defends Russian involvement in our campaign.
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Well-Known Member
Only a fool would play professional hockey. Don't fool yourself, fool
I wouldn't criticize a person for their chosen profession. I wouldn't criticize a person for being a dry wall installer or hockey player. How a person makes their bones doesn't mean the people are better in one or the other either. Except ones where deceit is part of the profession, such as corporate lawyer or lobbyist or Kyle Kulinski. Those I'll gladly shit on. Hockey player is just giving up his body for money. Also short lived profession.


Well-Known Member
I love that these hipster leftists wanna insult all the people who voted for bernie instead of running a candidate that more people would vote for . Pretty good tactic for getting more votes in the next election. They think they are intellectually superior than everyone else and luckily for them this earth shattering election that happened nearly 10 months ago has brought them all together while excluding more because they are right and anyone who doesn't think the exact way as them is wrong. They are so into minority rights you have decided to play white privilege and fabricated a reality where they are being ostracized. How can it be power to the people when you literally question the intelligence of the vast majority of the country?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't criticize a person for their chosen profession. I wouldn't criticize a person for being a dry wall installer or hockey player. How a person makes their bones doesn't mean the people are better in one or the other either. Except ones where deceit is part of the profession, such as corporate lawyer or lobbyist or Kyle Kulinski. Those I'll gladly shit on. Hockey player is just giving up his body for money. Also short lived profession.

I wouldn't criticize a normal person for it either.


Well-Known Member
I love that these hipster leftists wanna insult all the people who voted for bernie instead of running a candidate that more people would vote for . Pretty good tactic for getting more votes in the next election. They think they are intellectually superior than everyone else and luckily for them this earth shattering election that happened nearly 10 months ago has brought them all together while excluding more because they are right and anyone who doesn't think the exact way as them is wrong. They are so into minority rights you have decided to play white privilege and fabricated a reality where they are being ostracized. How can it be power to the people when you literally question the intelligence of the vast majority of the country?


Well-Known Member
I love that these hipster leftists wanna insult all the people who voted for bernie instead of running a candidate that more people would vote for . Pretty good tactic for getting more votes in the next election. They think they are intellectually superior than everyone else and luckily for them this earth shattering election that happened nearly 10 months ago has brought them all together while excluding more because they are right and anyone who doesn't think the exact way as them is wrong. They are so into minority rights you have decided to play white privilege and fabricated a reality where they are being ostracized. How can it be power to the people when you literally question the intelligence of the vast majority of the country?
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Well-Known Member
hipster leftists wanna insult all the people who voted for bernie instead of running a candidate that more people would vote for .
in case you missed it, the only person to ever get more votes than hillary was obama in 2008.

They are so into minority rights

you have decided to play white privilege and fabricated a reality
please point out how white privilege is a "fabricated reality", mr. mediocre white guy.


Well-Known Member
I love that these hipster leftists wanna insult all the people who voted for bernie instead of running a candidate that more people would vote for . Pretty good tactic for getting more votes in the next election. They think they are intellectually superior than everyone else and luckily for them this earth shattering election that happened nearly 10 months ago has brought them all together while excluding more because they are right and anyone who doesn't think the exact way as them is wrong. They are so into minority rights you have decided to play white privilege and fabricated a reality where they are being ostracized. How can it be power to the people when you literally question the intelligence of the vast majority of the country?
Yeah, pretty much. I don't agree with everything you say, but this is pretty much on the money.

The least politically tolerant people in America today are Democrats.