If you Voted for Bernie Sanders or wrote him in or

How has the country been fucked? lowest unemployment rate in 16 years. the stock market is at its highest point. and our nations debt is consistently dropping. gasoline prices are stable precious metal prices are dropping. milk isn't 5 dollars a gallon anymore. all the evidence says the country isn't being fucked but it's getting better. Even with the whole established government against the president. I don't understand why you are wishing for this to fail.

thanks, obama.

check back in a year or so to see the effects of trump.
I think the real problem is Bernie was cheated and admittedly so. I also think that people voted for Hilary for the wrong reasons in the primaries and after. Hilary rides band wagons, the same woman who wanted to keep segregation alive. Don't believe me do the research. Some people voted for Hilary just because they wanted a female as president and her popularity. Jill stein and Bernie sanders were the best candidates to run IMO. Instead we got 2 crooks who cheated to win like crabs in a barrel. Either way these elections are rigged , I don't believe in electoral votes, too easily bought.

I think the real problem is fake news and the idiots who consume it.
Wow the same data and indicators were called false during Obama's administration are now being touted as success.
well yeah during obamas presidency the economy was on the shoulders of bush. so whatever happens during trumps presidency is because of obama. that's how simplistic all this really is.
well yeah during obamas presidency the economy was on the shoulders of bush. so whatever happens during trumps presidency is because of obama. that's how simplistic all this really is.
You are the virtuoso when it comes to simpleness. Duller than fuck, your mastery of the idiotic is irreproachable.

did you regale the canine with your conspiracy theories about pizzagate and clinton murders to set the mood?
Funny you have never made a post about fucking women. It's always guys, kids, or animals. I think that alone says a lot about you.
lmfao anger troll is real mad today. like buck is coherent with his bullshit but when I read your posts I LOL everytime because it's like the crazy guy at the end of the trailer park.
bro, no surprise your reference point is trailer park. Dear struggleville shit ball, your musings and concerns, your logic and beliefs are those of the common fucking idiot. Imagining that the idiot shit you parrot somehow deserves anything other than derision and mockery is delusional.