If you Voted for Bernie Sanders or wrote him in or

this one? I get the feeling you're a microman if you equate the word tough to scary. I bet you liked making fun of trumps hands on the internet but it also kind of made you feel bad. nor was that about race. microman racebaiter.

yep, i'm the racebaiter for reading your comments.
@ttystikk @schuylaar @Padawanbater2 @st0wandgrow @TacoMac
listen to these bernie babies.

All repeating right wing fake shit. Now, their conduit for right wing propaganda is defending Trump's collusion with Russia. Should give one pause but nope, they are now calling the investigation a "distraction".

These Sandernistas are have been saying for months that black and brown voters are unable decide for themselves what is in their self interests. Now they defend Putin's interference in the US elections.
You call us babies, yet here you are crying your eyes out.
Take credit for Trumps victory. You and your ilk should be proud.
You were told what would happen and you persisted
You and your kind fucked the entire country
No, the shitty candidate the DNC and their major donors shoved down the throats of the voters fucked the country.

But blame everyone else, do you don't have to take responsibility for the mess you've made of our democracy.
How has the country been fucked? lowest unemployment rate in 16 years. the stock market is at its highest point. and our nations debt is consistently dropping. gasoline prices are stable precious metal prices are dropping. milk isn't 5 dollars a gallon anymore. all the evidence says the country isn't being fucked but it's getting better. Even with the whole established government against the president. I don't understand why you are wishing for this to fail.
Exactly none of which has anything to do with anything the Cheeto Fuhrer has done himself.

Everything you listed is the direct result of policies fought for and enacted by the Obama administration.

If you knew fuck all about economics, you would know this.

Do you even have an education?
didn't you vote for bernie and claim the entire process was rigged?
And I was right then.

I was also right about calling out the lie of the Syrian 'chemical attack', another one you got dead wrong.

I understand you have a point of view, but lying to support it does your cause a disservice.