
Well-Known Member
yo! lights off at the mo, should be ok though, cheers dude. how are yours?
Yo! Yeah mine are coming along nicely. Start of week 2 12/12 and they are looking healthy and seem to be developing the way they should. All good so far! :)


Well-Known Member
Pulled another fucking hermie and im officially raging. life eh? it couldnt have been a light leak as i cropped the GTH in there previously, environment has been pretty perfect too - Im not hopeful for the rest and im thinking about chopping the lot to hash.

@lukio did I miss your last yield report?
nah man, i havent weighed anything yet. it sat in buckets while ive been away - its at 72, i'll weight it 65 RH
how you getting on?


Well-Known Member
Pulled another fucking hermie and im officially raging. life eh? it couldnt have been a light leak as i cropped the GTH in there previously, environment has been pretty perfect too - Im not hopeful for the rest and im thinking about chopping the lot to hash.

nah man, i havent weighed anything yet. it sat in buckets while ive been away - its at 72, i'll weight it 65 RH
how you getting on?
Just finished 2 days of trimming, looks really good but seems to smell way less than last time even tho they're the same clones.


Well-Known Member
Pulled another fucking hermie and im officially raging. life eh? it couldnt have been a light leak as i cropped the GTH in there previously
Different strain or same strain as successfully harvested previously? Some don't take much to trigger and others can take light leaks all day long..

Day off today. Off trimming. Not expecting a massive haul this run. The first QB run. I should of listened to @zypheruk about the distance from canopy. They loved it at 200w close, they didn't like it so much when I cranked it up to 11. :( Live and learn. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Interesting info, cheers man.

Enjoy your day off man. There are worse things to have to do on a day off :)

Smoke and coffee break.. 1 down 3 to go... Oh my back.. my back and my neck!
Things are looking better than expected. The colours on the buds are nicer under the QBs too. Like a blue hue to the green if that makes sense :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Smoke and coffee break.. 1 down 3 to go... Oh my back.. my back and my neck!
Things are looking better than expected. The colours on the buds are nicer under the QBs too. Like a blue hue to the green if that makes sense :bigjoint:
I'm having to buy street weed atm and I just picked up for the 1st time in 10 days. A Q of (allegedly) OG Kush. I'm liking it better for a day time smoke than the usual Ami or SSH that the guy has. I'm realising the hazes have a bit of a come-down effect on me and I usually end up crashing out for an hour after 3-4 hrs smoking. It's good 'cos I need something that'll help me to relax and practice bass guitar, not knock me out later on :) 1st smoke for 10 days though and it cost me £60 :( Still, mine are just starting wk 2 of 12/12 so it won't be toooooo long before I can nick a bud or 2 for a cheeky sampler ;)

Hope the back recovers might need medicating for the pain after :D
Look forward to some pics of the buds, man. Glad things are better than expected :)
I've ordered some Bio Bizz Bloom cos I was on my last you rate that stuff?


Well-Known Member
No cmh on this run and put evoponic rocksoff in the tanks at 5 weeks, that and shogun dragon force for the last 5 days, other than that the buds are HUGE and solid but a little light on smell.
Could that be a pheno difference or?


Well-Known Member
seems to smell way less
could it be a faster dry thats done it?

i just had a sneaky pre weigh and im sitting around the 1350g mark - that will drop a touch but pretty happy considering the issues, lack of time and canopy control. ive been topping the next lot with a hedge cutter (: (joke) so they should fill the tent a bit better.

@coreywebster i found the trim bin was good for posture.

what temp boards ya got? you can roughly work out light height with your phone or flux meter.

twas was a different strain to the last time in that really not sure why its happened.


Well-Known Member
could it be a faster dry thats done it?

i just had a sneaky pre weigh and im sitting around the 1350g mark - that will drop a touch but pretty happy considering the issues, lack of time and canopy control. ive been topping the next lot with a hedge cutter (: (joke) so they should fill the tent a bit better.

@coreywebster i found the trim bin was good for posture.

what temp boards ya got? you can roughly work out light height with your phone or flux meter.

twas was a different strain to the last time in that really not sure why its happened.
1350g for what size of grow space? Sorry I don't remember seeing it.


Well-Known Member
@coreywebster i found the trim bin was good for posture.

what temp boards ya got? you can roughly work out light height with your phone or flux meter.

twas was a different strain to the last time in that really not sure why its happened.
Cheers man. I seem to have less room for movement each run of the cobs and QBs. Which is great for yield, not so much for the old back.
Running 2 of the 260w kits (288 diodes ones) 3000k 80cri I think. I believe set at 11 they are 285w each.
Trimmed one full plant earlier, usually do that to get an idea on how they have done from wet to dry weight conversion ( I wet trim)and then went back for the main tops on the other 3 leaving the lower stuff for a few more days.

Nice one on the weigh in btw. I will post some bud porn when done drying. :bigjoint:

@StonerCol I cant say much on the biobizz mate, have always been a Canna guy. I did recently pick up some ionic 1 part grow because it was cheap but never ran biobizz. Funny how all these nutrients have such different NPKs but all work great. I see BB is high in P. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
1350g for what size of grow space? Sorry I don't remember seeing it.
4x8 mate under 4 260w kits that might be dimmed, theyre unwired and down at the mo cant check em. i did use the god panel on half power occasionally but not often as temps were sky high. i think its lookin like 1.25gpw ishhhh - not that i like that metric.

its 16 ounces or 448g less than last time in the same space because of heat stress, watering issues and a gappy canopy that just didnt have anywhere near the same amount of tops.

I will post some bud porn when done drying
look forward to it (:
download a flux meter on your phone and then divide by 69 for a rough ppf. ive been told that works and im sticking to it! between 700 to 900 is probs best for flower, more if you run Co2.

@StonerCol mungos were clones mate.

@Madmungo might spice up a bit pal, tis early days. what about that evoponic? will ya use it again?


Active Member
yo! imo the plants love it but ive never done a side by side - ive always felt it probably helps yield. Its also great for air circulation and makes trim jail easier (:
It scares my to take lots of leaves off, I've heard the stress can turn turn hermy. I had to start taking some off my one as it's too bushy. fingers crossed this doesn't turn into a defoliating shit war like the thousand other threads on here :S :D


Well-Known Member
Man wonder what I can get when my QBs come.
I got a 5x5 and preordered 3 260w kits.
My current grow I did 4 manifolds each has 8 main colas.
Still new to growing so I'll have to figure out which grow method works best for me.
I went away for a week and my ladies got overwatered and sat in too much run off.
One got nitro tox pretty bad, one got it a little and the other looks fine.