If you Voted for Bernie Sanders or wrote him in or

Preconceived attitudes. He gains the support of even the most conservative audiences who listen to his speeches in places like West Virginia, Kentucky and other Republican Party strongholds.

This is another reason why the existing political establishment sees him as such a threat; he has the potential to unite voters across the aisle, making him tough to beat in an objective contest. Therefore, operatives on both sides work hard not to give him one.
If he's so good at uniting people, why don't black people and women support him?
You've done nothing of the kind. Instead of any kind of intelligent discourse, you just wail and flail. I've asked you to discuss whatever issues you have with me, but there's no sign of any ability to do so.

You've proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that you can't discuss a subject rationally and that somehow you think that acting like an eight year old throwing a temper tantrum does anything but make you look bad.

At this point, you make the gorilla throwing himself against the walls of his enclosure look smart by comparison.

"intelligent discourse" GTFOH you bloated ass, lame brained, gum flapping, mother superior wannabe.
Take ownership of what you and your berniebros accomplished. You fucked up. And even with all these months to see what you have done you still won't admit you were part of the reason Trump got elected.
I seem to recall you and shuylaar even saying if Sanders doesn't get in we deserve Trump.
Own it motherfucker.
Tell it to the DNC.

They fielded a shitty and unpopular candidate, then cheated repeatedly to force her down American's throats.

The question isn't why she didn't win, it's why it was ever even close in the first place.

The answer is that she simply wasn't the candidate the People wanted, and they knew they'd been had.

Bernie would have won in a fucking landslide of historic proportions and you fools would have spent the last six month trying to take credit for it.
Post it a 12th time then agree some more wit the racist jew hating sock puppet, mr. Progressive
You don't watch them anyway, so you wouldn't know I've been posting several clips.

Complain to those who made the posts, Mr Got Nothing So He Has To Make It Up
Again...what is it about Sanders you all dont like???
They'll ignore you. They've been constantly called out on their bullshit so now they avoid answering altogether.

The best objection they've managed has to do with the notion that he would be ineffective because he'd have no allies on either side of the aisle. What that argument fails to account for is the massive support he'd have in the STREETS- and that's the real reason he couldn't be allowed to win.
you idiot fuck, your imbecile musings merit the dismissive, derisive responses they elicit. you use the english language like an idiots idea of what an articulate person sounds like. it's very much like how trump is an idiots idea of a person with class and elan.
I'll put my 'imbecile musings' (sic) up against yours in front of either experienced debaters or English professors anytime you're feeling froggy, goat boy.

All this wasted time and spittle and you still haven't made one coherent point about why voting for the candidate of my choice is somehow to blame for the failings of yours.
I like a lot about sanders except his lack of a plan to win

shitstick gets my goat.
What was his plan or lack thereof to win? I thought he gave it a hell of a try myself...considering the Clinton juggernaut machine he was up against. He certainly packed the seats during his run for the nomination. The DNC didnt like the fight he put up. They were shocked at the amount of people he garnered up to support him. What lack of plan??
Let me ask you all this...If Sanders would of somehow beat the system and miraculously got the super delegates and won the Democratic nomination...do you think he could of beat Trump in the general election?
Maybe if he would of took big donor money instead of relying on the money from regular people donating he might of got the nomination?
That's the conventional wisdom, but even massively outspending her opponent didn't win Hillary the election.

The idea that only by taking corporate campaign donations can we install politicians who will outlaw campaign contributions is utterly bankrupt, logically, ethically and morally.

Such thinking is exactly how we got into this mess. It is neurotic at best to think that doing the same while expecting different results is the only way out.